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boiling Caapi vine in water

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
There are some earlier threads about this subject. But sometimes people get off topic in such threads or these threads are quite old, so I start a new one. And sometimes the more you read the more you get confused. If I understand all information correct, the harmala’s are easily soluble in water and not in alcohol etc.

My question is simple. If you have 50 gram Caapi leaves you can use the water boil method to extract the harmala’s. It is said you should boil for about three hours. Then separate the Caapi leaves from the water and boil the water down. When a small portion is left you can use this to infuse 5 gram new Caapi leaves.

But what about Caapi vine ? If you have 50 gram Caapi vine, does vine need a longer period of boiling ? Is it advisable to add some vinegar ?

And does this boiling method only extract harmine and harmaline ? Or also the THH ?

In the end I will infuse the vine extraction into Caapi leaves as they are better to smoke.
Why not just turn the leaves and vine into an extract that can be vaporized..or used oraly?

This way you dont have to inhale combusted material? ?
Why not just turn the leaves and vine into an extract that can be vaporized..or used oraly?

This way you dont have to inhale combusted material? ?
When the time is right I am going to extract harmala’s using gibran2 Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide.

Until then I will try out another method of preparing changa. A few days ago I dissolved 0,65 gram free base DMT in pure alcohol. Subsequently I pulverized 0,35 gram of Caapi leaves. The leaves were submerged in the solution and left alone to dry. This process is still taking place.

As soon as the leaves are bone dry I will smoke some of it in my bong. I can’t wait to find out if the CaapI leaves really make a difference compared to free base DMT. If not, my next step will be to make some 10 x Caapi.
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