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Brain Paint - biofeedback sweetness

Migrated topic.
Oh yes that would be cool to check out in person!!

The video shows it working in real time & the "pictures" that are created are extreemly similar to somethings going on in the DMT-space.
Surprisingly similar!!

The still pictures are beautiful, but the real time response is amazing!!
I saw a number of "human face" shapes & even a couple of insect-like shapes too!

Very cool! Thanks!

Is it just using brain wavers to trigger changes in pieces of fractile artwork that already exist?
(which is what that last one looks more like):?

Or is it truely monitoring brainwave changes & creating totally new & unique images based on representing the various brainwave values with colors & movement?

If it's just moving an already existing picture around, that's not quite as impressive to me. Although none the less beautiful!!
That last link looked more like modification of a existing images to me.

The first ones however did look like unique patterns made by representing changes in brain waves with color/movement & that is amazing!!
...but then again, maybe they just got better pictures to move around?.?.?.😉

from what I can tell from looking at the fractals is that a program called apophysis is used to generate the images. The are classified as cosmic recursive fractal flames and have been in development since 1992. apophysis can generate these fractals and the math behind it all was developed by an individual called Scott Draves. It very much seems like this system is using an implementation of this technology, It has very unique rendering style that is unmistakable. The link that Dimitrius posted uses a particular 3d bubble hack for the standard aphophysis program. I have been following the software for generating these type of fractals for quite a while.

It is far from realtime and can take a very long time to render.

From the limited info that is posted on the website in regards to how the brainpaintings are generated I am doubtfull of the credibility of the claims...

However if there are EEG readings that can be used to generate the fractals it is still an interesting project.

please check out:


lots of opensource goodness with full source code available to genreate these type of fractals

update: after spending some more time reading the pages from brainpaint it states that apophysis and scott draves are the original source of the generated fractals.
If we go back to our earlier analogy, Scott Draves took a snapshot of the ocean and then Bill added the wind, gravity, currents and forces that move the tide. The nature of complex systems is that they are infinitely sensitive to influence, and this is what Bill needed to capture. It is this life force that makes up the power of our brain, and Bill married these neurological influences to a mathematical universe.

although I am somewhat doubtfull as there seems to be very limited information and transparency on how these EEG recording actually manipulate the fractals.
if these fractal animation were generated in realtime with direct corellation to brainwave EEG readings this would be very impressive... however I think the true nature of brainpaint may be a little misleading...
timeloop said:
if these fractal animation were generated in realtime with direct corellation to brainwave EEG readings this would be very impressive... however I think the true nature of brainpaint may be a little misleading...

The more I look at it & read about it on that website, the more I doubt that this is a true depiction of actual brainwaves being represented by color & movement.

Instead, I'm leaning towards the idea that these are just variations of pre-existing fractile patterns that are being triggered to moved about by electrical impulses.:cry:

Which means pretty much any electrical impulse could provide the movement.
But in this case, they are using the impulses happening within the brain to trigger which variation of the fractile pattern is going to be used, Where it is going to be located, when to use it & how to moved it around.

Still quite beautiful & kind of cool, but like Timeloop said,
"the true nature of brainpaint may be a little misleading..."

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