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Breaking Convention --London, England--July 12-14

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Just had an email from David Luke which included this paragraph...

Finally, having now recovered from all the effort involved in putting on the first event, myself and the rest of the Breaking Convention team are beginning to make plans and discuss options for the next event, and editing is underway of both an edited anthology of papers from last year (to be published by Strange Attractor Press) and an online archive of the filmed presentations. More news on those to follow.

So, exciting about a possible "Breaking Convention 2" in the future, and great news that the videos (and book) of the last event's lectures will soon be available online (at last).
Awesome! Seeing as my trip to the last convention was cancelled at the last minute, it would be nice to listen to some of the lectures that were given.

Do you where the next convention is likely to be, Limeni? If not in Canterbury, I am hoping it will be in the UK at least.
Afraid I have no information on that, Kermit.


- University of Kent is very psychedelic-friendly

- The last one went well there

- Someone told me at the last one that other universities had tried to organise similar events, but they were always prevented from happening by the powers that be.

...so I should imagine they will try and do it at UKC again.

Hope we can meet up this time, if it happens! 8)
Latest from David Luke:

"Dear Breakeros,

Good news. It's just been confirmed today that the next Breaking Convention conference will go ahead at the University of Greenwich about this time next summer. More details about dates, etc., for BC 13 as they emerge."

Quote from the BC site:

Breaking Convention’s second conference will be held in July, 2013 at the University of Greenwich. We are presently drafting a schedule and inviting our keynote speakers. Watch this space for more details and our call for papers, coming soon!'

I'm planning to go :)
Great news! Sadly i've been absent from these realms for a while but had to come back once I saw details of Breaking Convention returning this year.

2011 in Canterbury was inspiring and informative and I may or may not have met some excellent Nexians too.

Very excited to see more on this as the programme comes together over the coming months.

I'm definitely gonna be at this one and it would be great to cross paths with a few Nexians, I really enjoyed last time but didn't get to see enough of the conference or meet as many people as I wanted as my plans with friends at the time kinda clashed with the conference.

I'm giving a talk there on 'Harnessing neurogenesis: Psychedelics and beyond' I was surprised to be given the opportunity to do so and assumed I'd get a ten minute slot to talk but it seems instead I have a half hour slot for a the talk and a Q & A session! Would be cool to meet a few peeps there, I figure being in London it may be a bit more central and accessible for some.

There is quite a few interesting people lined up to give talks, I really like the interdisciplinary nature of this field...medical doctors, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, anthropologists, writers, musicians and others, a really interesting mix of people.

Maybe see a few of you guys there. :d
I have just been contacted by ICEERS confirming they will have a booth at Breaking Convention and will be giving a few presentations.

This is shaping up to be a great conference, especially as I missed ICPR.

Breaking Convention July 12-14 2013, University of Greenwich, London.
Hi All,

I thought the European members of the nexus may be interested in this:

Breaking Convention

Breaking Convention is a biennial conference on psychedelic consciousness, the only one of its kind operating in Britain, convened by a non-profit organization of the same name. Breaking Convention 2013 will be held at the University of Greenwich on July 12-14 and will feature ten symposia of invited speakers and a track dedicated to talks from submitted abstracts, as well as galleries, exhibitions, films and evening entertainments.

Have any Nexus members been to this before?

I just got my ticket today so I'll see you all there, Yay!

Friday/Saturday Accommodation in Student Halls, very limited.
Two nights accommodation in a single room in the University of Greenwich student halls - the same accommodation offered to our invited speakers.

I'll be wearing my standard black Erowid/or white DMT shirt, can't wait to see you wonderful folks again.

Your crackhead,
..was a real nice conference..great to see the Traveler, Vodsel and Macre there!:)
from the dreamtime to the (greenwich) meantime..
i think there'll be a few new nexians after the talk..

was just saddened my hectic schedule hasn't allowed more catch up time..

so to the northern hemisphere i surely must return..

the Traveler is absolutely lovely in real life btw..;)
nen888 said:
the Traveler is absolutely lovely in real life btw..;)

And this is absolutely right :)

I want to mention that nen came out on top in BC. Easily one of the most interesting presentations they hosted, and this is not nexian love speaking.
nen888 said:
the Traveler is absolutely lovely in real life btw..;)
And I felt so bad that we could not talk more due to time constraints.

You should come back soon to the Northern Hemisphere or I should go to that South one one day of course (including backpack ;)).

It was great to meet all you people at the Breaking Convention, it is always nice to see the person behind the nick.

I enjoyed the talks from both nen888 and Bancopuma and I hope that for the next conference I will see more people around.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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