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Breaking the matrix

Migrated topic.


So in my trips I began to notice. A over whelping idea this is bullshit. Everything I see or hear is bullshit. While blinking fast on a micro dose the objects change the widows outside are different but if I give my mind has enough time to process the info from my eyes they correct to the original image. Is my mine glitch or is the world glitching and by getting flashes of it my mind does change it to make since of it. Any thoughts
My hand replicated itself infinite times into the distance. That doesn't necessarily mean that the ultimate truth is that I have infinite hands beneath the matrix.

Although maybe.

The matrix has be used to describe the way we see reality for some years now. As if we are being punished, manipulated or deprived somehow? But in the name of all the gods I sincerely declare; the code allowing us to decipher reality into sunshine, grassy fields, mountain ranges, tropical beaches and everything else we perceive here
Is one of the most miraculous gifts ever imagined.
Not sure what happened to my 1st post here.

Sorry you are suffering over this. Difficult to say what's going on for sure but I would recommend taking about a one month break from all psychedelics.

Is it all a sim? You are not the 1st person to wonder this as evidenced by The Matrix and myriad other works within science fiction.

Is it a simulation? If it is it has very high fidelity/detailing.

One strong argument against it all being a simulation is that death is real. That dead do not respawn.

Regardless, I do not let these things worry me. I just try to live the best, most moral, most growth filled and most helpful to others life I possibly can.
The matrix of lies and suffering. My thoughts are that we are probably in the jail world because of our bad behaviour during the previous life. Or maybe just because. But some reason exists why we are incarnated in this world full of suffering, lies, pain, unjustice and horrible things. I'd like to know mysteries of this world, why we are here and who we are, but I afraid I will never know these things in this life. I know that I know nothing.
Have you looked into gnosticism? It's especially trendy among internet paranoiacs these days for some inexplicable reason.

But - one could argue it's the foundation of a lot of the prison planet-think you seem to be invoking.
Reasons are more than explicable. You see what happening in the world and where it goes.
Hence because of observing the world situation some people start to wake up and begin to think, evaluate, study.
Yes, I've looked into this. Someone's lack of information does not make thinking and dedicated people paranoiacs. If I was you, I would be more careful with your statements.
The pain is there to accentuate the comfort. Suffering to accentuate the joy. This planet is as good as it gets. Simulation or not, makes no difference.

I'm happy to go into more detail on what I am about to say but perhaps I can explain it simply enough here: No matter how good or bad the baseline (5) experience is, the worst (0) still feels like a minus 5 and the best (10) still feels like a plus 5.

There is literally no way to have a better experience than what we have now.

A true hell would be mandatory numerical value from 0-10 experience eternally without variance.

But so long as we have a scale that has the potential to improve or decline by 5 either way we have paradise.

Simulation theory? We've had that for tens of thousands of years at least. It's called intelligent design or creationism or any other description of a deity-creator theory. The physicists pursuing simulation theory are reinventing religion under the guise of theoretical science.
fink said:
The pain is there to accentuate the comfort. Suffering to accentuate the joy. This planet is as good as it gets. Simulation or not, makes no difference.

Yes. And íf this would turn out to be a simulation, then, as long as you're in it, you better treat it as real.
I would even say that it is in a way real in itself, in the sense that it is real, independant from what may or may not exist outside of it.

And when you're reading a book, watching a movie or playing a videogame. You're not realy engaged in any of those activities if you're not treating it as at least somewhat real, at those moments themselves.
We assume there has to be a reason for existence... that's actually not necessary, sufficient, or mandatory. It's just what we think, and we could be wrong...

However, this is an age-old question, with a myriad of other questions and implications depending on the direction one takes to explore it.

There's Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

There's Descarte's "evil demon"

By extension, there's Brain in a Vat theory,

By further extension, string theory and simulation theory.


What's funny though, is we may never know because we don't have the means to actually find out, only the faculty to speculate. We don't have a way to break away from the system (this existence) in order to assess this system completely and absolutely.

Our senses our limited, our faculties and interpretations from our faculties are limited, our instruments are limited, so we never get the full picture of "reality."

So what then, if we cannot know? Live your best life (whatever that means to you).

And when we are able to break certain modes of conditioning, we can see the world as we wish. It still is what it is despite what we think or know about it.


One love
dragonrider said:
Yes. And íf this would turn out to be a simulation, then, as long as you're in it, you better treat it as real.
I would even say that it is in a way real in itself, in the sense that it is real, independant from what may or may not exist outside of it.

And when you're reading a book, watching a movie or playing a videogame. You're not realy engaged in any of those activities if you're not treating it as at least somewhat real, at those moments themselves.

I agree completely. Children show us how. When they play a game they are creating a believable alternate reality and truly believing in it.

I love exurb1a wholeheartedly.

I believe slightly differently. I do not believe that we can never know what it's all about. I think we all are exactly what it is all about. Once we accept the eternal nothing, once we experience it, then we can begin to create a universe. We are the product of the endless boredom and frustration of a single consciousness.

When I die I'm going to suffer the void of eternity until I learn to create. Then I will paint a universe. Like a child I will believe it is completely real. To the extent that what I create will be aware of itself even when it is no longer aware of me.
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