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Brew with hcl?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
is anyone have expirience with hcl as acid for the brew?
the thought behind it is the brew will get less acidic cause the exsess hcl will evaporate and the brew will get the right amount of acid its needed.

if ones brew with hcl till ph ~4 can one cook in stainless steel pot or it will damage the pot?
Hi Fractalus, this is Google:

...Stainless steel is stainless because there is a micrometer thin layer of oxides of chromium and nickel on the surface. ... The hydrochloric acid dissolves the oxides and begins to eat away the steel as well...
... The 300 series stainless steels are attacked by even dilute hydrochloric acid. Pitting and stress corrosion cracking can occur in dilute hydrochloric acid below the concentrations required for general attack...
...The common stainless steel types, 304 and 316 should be considered non-resistant to hydrochloric acid at any concentration and temperature...

Things that come to mind:

It's best to avoid hcl fumes all together.

Vinegar also evaporates under cooking/reducing volume.

Phosphoric acid is smell-less but does not evaporate, it concentrates while reducing volume (!), but it's cool for non reduced brewing like for micro-dosing: make a 1 liter bottle in which is like 5-10 gr of caapi representative and sip it over the day.
It's your lifestyle herbal tea if anyone asks 😉 .
With a pH at 4 it's benign, it should help to prevent mold if you make a bigger batch.
Flush mouth with some water after a sip to protect teeth enamel (same goes for regular lemonade).

It's extremely rare that a tap water would not work due excessive minerals. If you like to be über confident use de-mineralized or distilled water. Normally the plant matter will take the pH somewhat down on its own.

Happy trials.
Not necessary to brew with any acids at all, no hcl, no phosphoric acid, no citric acid, etc. Acid is just not needed, have brewed over 60 brews in dreams, all super strong in dreams, never used any acid ever. It's just not necessary, just make sure you have good materials. If you do use an acid, yes, make sure you only use stainless steel or pyrex, no aluminum.
Thanks for your comments guys!

Jees i know from expirience that hcl and stainless not goes togather :) but i tought maybe diluete hcl will work..apperently i was wrong.
vinegar smells alot when cooking for ceramony in large amounts, and vitamin c will concentrate so any other suggestion for the brew?

tregar from the expirmination here on nexus i saw extracting with and without acid and the acid extract more harmalas so acid is prefferd here to maximaize the cappi and maybe even the chackruna(dont see any extractions that check both option on chackruna).
i know that the tribes of the amazon dont use acid but they dont really have ways to get it in the forest and they defenetly dont analize sampels of cappi :)

i do preffere the sweet taste of the brew on acid taste but thees are expansive plants and its good to get what you can out of the brew.
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