Rising Star
Hello Nexians!
(EDIT: Brugmansia and Datura contain tropane alkaloids which can be extremely dangerous. The toxicity of these plants is very close to the active (deliriant) dosage, meaning there is no safe way to feel the effects without risking your health. Accurate dosage can be impossible due to the varying concentration of alkaloids from plant to plant, or even within the same plant. There are a HUGE amount of reports of people being seriously injured after ingesting these plants. Please read the following disclaimer)
I am a long time lurker, I had an account but forgot my pw and user name so it's back to the Nursery for me. Anyway, great forum, great people, I hope some will stumble across this thread in the future and enjoy the story I am about to tell. It's about an experience I had after consuming a tea made of Brugmansia flowers and leaves. The experience is particular in that I am not sure how much of it was a hallucination and how much was real, a fairly common aspect of delirium inducing "trips", heh. However, I'm cool with not ever being able to know which parts were real and which parts were imagined. I like to entertain the idea that the impossible is possible when there is no way for any observer to ascertain what happened. Whether it's real or imagined it's all the same if there is no way for me or anyone else to prove it. This is the only "magic" I consider to be plausible, and perhaps why some mystical events, happen more often while "tripping". It's because no one will ever know if the rules of reality were bypassed, if the experience was real or imagined. If nothing can prove it, then the impossible becomes possible. If someone ever does find out then the "reality" will retroactively fix itself according only to what is possible. Crazy thought, like I said, I merely entertain the idea. Now on to the experience.
Miami, some time in 2001, freshman year in college. I become close friends with a guy, great dude, I love ya man, who shares a passion for mind altering substances for the purpose of exploring hidden aspects of this world, as well as for the purpose of entertainment tbh. He tells me about Datura, Devils Trumpets, Angels Trumpets, sounds very menacing yet passionately tempting. He's grown a plant in the past and had some wicked bad experience first hand. Apparently he had fun with it once, and kept trying to replicate the effects. Eventually, according to him, he overdosed because he did not take into account the fact that repeated use over short periods of time was building up in his body. Presently, I would amend the description and add that any delirium inducing dose of Datura is an overdose, although we are no longer in touch I am sure he would agree. After hearing his stories and doing some research of my own I forget about the plant, as I am in no rush to kill myself... Until one day, months later, while walking back to campus I stumble upon a tree that looks suspiciously familiar. Literally one block away from the main entrance of our campus, as I was walking on the other side of the street I see a branch with some beautiful white trumpet shaped flowers reaching over a tall fence of someone's backyard. I decide to take a few flowers, pods and leaves for identification purposes. As I picked the first flower, a pit-bull or some other kind of badass dog jumps out of nowhere and starts barking at me ferociously. He was scary and pissed I was picking stuff from his yard, but the fence made sure he was all bark. Still he startled me and definitely knocked the nonchalance out of me, putting me in that awkward "i am doing something bad let's hurry" state. Back home, the tree is confirmed to be some variety of Brugmansia, tree Datura. I don't remember precisely but the flowers might have been a bit purplish tinged near the edges.
Night time, it's decided that I will try the tea, I won't bore you with details about my internal state at the time. My friend will prepare the brew, I am in the hands of an experienced urban shaman, not really but he was a great friend and as experienced as I had known. Recipe: 2 flowers (maybe 5-6in each, i don't remember really), a few leaves for "good luck", maybe one immature flower pod to err on the side of danger. Simmered for a bit, not long at all, 10-15min tops. (Edit: forgot to mention the following details) Drank half of the tea, only half, put the rest somewhere I wouldn't be able to get to should I forget I drank some already while in the delirious state. According to the preparer, the point of using two flowers and drinking only half is that by mixing up the stock of material you even out the strength.
Setting, 2 bedroom dorm room, bunch of heads chilling, I decide to put on Princess Mononoke DVD. I fall asleep during Princess Mononoke DVD, I wake up under the effects of the Brug ~2hrs later. Status, very wobbly, like drunk but my mind is clear, also no mind fuck in the Psychedelic sense, muscle reaction time is extremely slow, walking is a bit difficult at first, no slurred speech but difficulty forming complete and coherent sentences, requires much concentration. Bathroom, check pupils. Status, where is my Iris? My friend tells me I am in for a ride. Huge appetite at this point, a lot of pot will do that to you. I decide to order a shit-ton of Chinese food, about $30 worth, someone else has to count my money because my pupils are too dilated and I cannot tell the difference between bills, they are too blurry up close (pupil dilation was experienced for roughly 24-48hrs total). China food arrives, I go for a nugget of sweet and sour chicken, put in my mouth, chew, chew, and then almost choke sending it down. My throat and tongue feel like sandpaper and burning like the desert. Unlike your average cottonmouth, no amount of water alleviates the dryness. I am REALLY hungry but I can't eat without risking choking to death, so I give up on the food and all the other high bastards tear through the feast like a pack of hyenas.
Adventure time, it's decided that we change setting and go outside for a few blunts. We go to the "jungle", a woody, swampy area on campus that appears to have been well protected from Human development. Many stoners have been here before us, I hope many will be there after us. To give you some perspective, there are "bodies", like people bodies, made out of random scrap, on some industrial type of art, littered throughout the jungle. Four of us enter the jungle, making our way to a nice chill spot within it. One of the guys has to take a piss, he doesn't know the way as well as the rest so I volunteer to wait for him while the rest go ahead. They ask me if I'm sure, and I tell them I am sure, It'll be a lil adventure. Piss guy is behind a bend, outside my field of vision, it's pretty dark, the wind blows and the leaves rustle. A lemon grass looking plant continues to rustle after the wind stops, it's rustilng with an abnormal amount of conviction, like it's shaking itself up. The plant then begins to use its long leaves like the legs of an octopus, pulling itself out of the ground and making its way towards me. I still remember I am tripping, I have no mind fuck, I know this plant is not really doing this, piss guy has not returned yet, should I wait and see what the plant will do next? At this point the plant picks up it's pace quite a bit, and I decide to abandon piss guy and run off to the rest of the group, he doesn't have to worry about octopus plants chasing him anyway, he should be ok.
I make it to the spot safely, as does piss man. The spot is ideal for chilling as it has more breathing room than the narrow paths of the "jungle". The trees open up here leaving a good circular floor space with some nice branches reaching overhead providing a loose and leafy ceiling. There are two overturned logs, long and wide in diameter, parallel to each other providing excellent seating for stoners to chill and face each other in eco friendly conversation. I put on some tunes at low volume, Underground hip hop, I remember playing Aesop Rock's "Big Bang" and Atom's Family's "Small Violins". I always carried some cheap portable speakers and a clunky Nomad Creative mp3 Player with me.
Smoking begins. There is a little toy soldier looking dude with a mini cigar in his mouth driving a little tank around my feet. He looks very real and very creepy, whenever I take a glance at him he stops his tank and seems to turn his head towards me. Pretty cool, but I try avoiding looking at him if I can. Next, the music stops so I try checking out what happened. The speakers are on, the mp3 player is on but the screen looks blank though lit up. Unfortunately my vision is too bad to really tell what's on the display anyway, so I give up. The speakers are making a staticky noise with the occasional crackling and popping noise. My friend, the brew master, tells me its pretty common during electrical storms, he's had it happpen often and seems surprised I've never experienced it. We are in Miami after all, where the weather can change in a matter of minutes, so I guess an electrical storm is not uncommon.
The fun really begins when I notice a spider web. We are all pretty stoned, and I am tripping, it's completely silent, either everyone is in the stoner meditative state and not talking or I am oblivious to their convos. I take in my surroundings and begin contemplating various things. I notice another spider web, and I am surprised that I can see it in such darkness. Of course, my pupils are extremely dilated giving me super night vision, I tell myself. Then, I notice the spiderwebs are seemingly floating in mid air, I cannot see what they are attached to. The trees are pretty far off, and the brush is beneath the webs, so whats holding them? Nevermind, spiders are known to do some amazing things, and their webs are always mysterious in their meticulous craftsmanship. But wait, the webs are uniformly lit, it doesn't look like light is shining on one part of the web, its all equally bright. On top of that, on closer inspection, the pattern is most definitely not your average spiderweb pattern. It looks more like a hexagonal grid (I am not sure of the geometrical shape, but just to give you an idea).
I begin to see tiny dots of faint light floating randomly about near the edges of the webs. The particles appearance and motion are nearly identical to the blue field entopic phenomenon (wiki link if you don't know). The amount and intensity of motion and luminosity of the particles begins to increase, and then in a flash, faster than the eye can see, the web is gone, in its place I see an orange disc of light. It's a doughnut shaped disc. It looks like a disc because it is uniformly lit and perfectly circular, so I can't tell if it's spherical or not. It appears to be spiraling at a high speed. The whole thing is about the size of soccer ball, the center "hole" is the size of a baseball maybe a bit larger. It's not really a hole, its a dark spot, really weird I have never seen darkness like this. The whole thing is not translucent, I cant see the trees through it, it is also very bright but does not illuminate the surroundings. Strokes or filaments of orange lightning begin to shoot from the outer, orange, ring and into the dark center with increasing intensity in an increasingly more defined V shape. Suddenly, once again faster than the eye can see the doughnut transforms into a disc. The dark center is gone, whats left is a ball of orange and black "light" spiraling in a very distinct spiral pattern. The object appears to have a perfect momentum, the spiral is so perfect it looks like its what keeps this ball of light alive. I can't draw this spiral pattern, nor can I really explain it but to this day I would be able to recognize it if I saw it again, very particular. It was like a bunch of Orange "S" shapes nesting with Black "S" shapes spiraling to a center of a single "c" shaped orange and "c" shaped black spot. Basically, it looked like a really twisted, convoluted spiral shape as you approach the edges, and a more normal looking spiral towards the center. Once again in a flash the ball is gone.
I sat there in disbelief, holy crap this Datura stuff is no joke. That ish looked super real. I didn't move an inch, I didn't speak out of fear I would disturb the experience or get side tracked. Soon enough, really soon enough, the web becomes visible again, and the process repeats itself. Another orange doughnut appears, this time I try paying more attention, mentally recording as much as I can and trying not to blink. After the second ball fulfills its cycle, it happens AGAIN, nice! This time the ball is slightly larger and it is silver and black, friggin beautiful! For this last ball I actually manage to see, or hallucinate
, the balls demise. When it dies out, it looks like an electrical discharge going towards the ground or the brush beneath it. An electrical arc of sorts, except it travelled down to the ground in a spiral motion, like what it would look like if you could flush a tiny lightning bolt down a toilet :lol:
As I recounted the amazing experience to others I came across a few people who claimed that what I saw sounded alot like some strange phenomena they had seen while sober. Supposedly Ball lightning. I was with 3 other people that night, and I am the only one who saw this. However, they were sitting on the log in fornt of me, facing me, and in stoner meditative mode. On top of that, I was 100% positive at the time it was a hallucination so I did not bother to alert them to what I was seeing, no matter how real or interesting it might have appeared. And lastly, i did not want to disrupt anything so I was as still and silent as possible. After some research on the topic, which I keep up to today, there are many of similarities with my experience and reports of BL. , including similarities with proposed models of BL formation. The doughnut shape for example... There is also research suggesting some BL phenomena are magnetically triggered hallucinations. Perhaps a combination of magnetically and entheogenically triggered hallucination with a splash of reality. I will most likely never know, but it was cool shit man, I tell ya...
Respect Datura, respect nature, don't be another cog. We are all here to help, from the plant to the pebble, keep your intentions pure.
(EDIT: Brugmansia and Datura contain tropane alkaloids which can be extremely dangerous. The toxicity of these plants is very close to the active (deliriant) dosage, meaning there is no safe way to feel the effects without risking your health. Accurate dosage can be impossible due to the varying concentration of alkaloids from plant to plant, or even within the same plant. There are a HUGE amount of reports of people being seriously injured after ingesting these plants. Please read the following disclaimer)
I am a long time lurker, I had an account but forgot my pw and user name so it's back to the Nursery for me. Anyway, great forum, great people, I hope some will stumble across this thread in the future and enjoy the story I am about to tell. It's about an experience I had after consuming a tea made of Brugmansia flowers and leaves. The experience is particular in that I am not sure how much of it was a hallucination and how much was real, a fairly common aspect of delirium inducing "trips", heh. However, I'm cool with not ever being able to know which parts were real and which parts were imagined. I like to entertain the idea that the impossible is possible when there is no way for any observer to ascertain what happened. Whether it's real or imagined it's all the same if there is no way for me or anyone else to prove it. This is the only "magic" I consider to be plausible, and perhaps why some mystical events, happen more often while "tripping". It's because no one will ever know if the rules of reality were bypassed, if the experience was real or imagined. If nothing can prove it, then the impossible becomes possible. If someone ever does find out then the "reality" will retroactively fix itself according only to what is possible. Crazy thought, like I said, I merely entertain the idea. Now on to the experience.
Miami, some time in 2001, freshman year in college. I become close friends with a guy, great dude, I love ya man, who shares a passion for mind altering substances for the purpose of exploring hidden aspects of this world, as well as for the purpose of entertainment tbh. He tells me about Datura, Devils Trumpets, Angels Trumpets, sounds very menacing yet passionately tempting. He's grown a plant in the past and had some wicked bad experience first hand. Apparently he had fun with it once, and kept trying to replicate the effects. Eventually, according to him, he overdosed because he did not take into account the fact that repeated use over short periods of time was building up in his body. Presently, I would amend the description and add that any delirium inducing dose of Datura is an overdose, although we are no longer in touch I am sure he would agree. After hearing his stories and doing some research of my own I forget about the plant, as I am in no rush to kill myself... Until one day, months later, while walking back to campus I stumble upon a tree that looks suspiciously familiar. Literally one block away from the main entrance of our campus, as I was walking on the other side of the street I see a branch with some beautiful white trumpet shaped flowers reaching over a tall fence of someone's backyard. I decide to take a few flowers, pods and leaves for identification purposes. As I picked the first flower, a pit-bull or some other kind of badass dog jumps out of nowhere and starts barking at me ferociously. He was scary and pissed I was picking stuff from his yard, but the fence made sure he was all bark. Still he startled me and definitely knocked the nonchalance out of me, putting me in that awkward "i am doing something bad let's hurry" state. Back home, the tree is confirmed to be some variety of Brugmansia, tree Datura. I don't remember precisely but the flowers might have been a bit purplish tinged near the edges.
Night time, it's decided that I will try the tea, I won't bore you with details about my internal state at the time. My friend will prepare the brew, I am in the hands of an experienced urban shaman, not really but he was a great friend and as experienced as I had known. Recipe: 2 flowers (maybe 5-6in each, i don't remember really), a few leaves for "good luck", maybe one immature flower pod to err on the side of danger. Simmered for a bit, not long at all, 10-15min tops. (Edit: forgot to mention the following details) Drank half of the tea, only half, put the rest somewhere I wouldn't be able to get to should I forget I drank some already while in the delirious state. According to the preparer, the point of using two flowers and drinking only half is that by mixing up the stock of material you even out the strength.
Setting, 2 bedroom dorm room, bunch of heads chilling, I decide to put on Princess Mononoke DVD. I fall asleep during Princess Mononoke DVD, I wake up under the effects of the Brug ~2hrs later. Status, very wobbly, like drunk but my mind is clear, also no mind fuck in the Psychedelic sense, muscle reaction time is extremely slow, walking is a bit difficult at first, no slurred speech but difficulty forming complete and coherent sentences, requires much concentration. Bathroom, check pupils. Status, where is my Iris? My friend tells me I am in for a ride. Huge appetite at this point, a lot of pot will do that to you. I decide to order a shit-ton of Chinese food, about $30 worth, someone else has to count my money because my pupils are too dilated and I cannot tell the difference between bills, they are too blurry up close (pupil dilation was experienced for roughly 24-48hrs total). China food arrives, I go for a nugget of sweet and sour chicken, put in my mouth, chew, chew, and then almost choke sending it down. My throat and tongue feel like sandpaper and burning like the desert. Unlike your average cottonmouth, no amount of water alleviates the dryness. I am REALLY hungry but I can't eat without risking choking to death, so I give up on the food and all the other high bastards tear through the feast like a pack of hyenas.
Adventure time, it's decided that we change setting and go outside for a few blunts. We go to the "jungle", a woody, swampy area on campus that appears to have been well protected from Human development. Many stoners have been here before us, I hope many will be there after us. To give you some perspective, there are "bodies", like people bodies, made out of random scrap, on some industrial type of art, littered throughout the jungle. Four of us enter the jungle, making our way to a nice chill spot within it. One of the guys has to take a piss, he doesn't know the way as well as the rest so I volunteer to wait for him while the rest go ahead. They ask me if I'm sure, and I tell them I am sure, It'll be a lil adventure. Piss guy is behind a bend, outside my field of vision, it's pretty dark, the wind blows and the leaves rustle. A lemon grass looking plant continues to rustle after the wind stops, it's rustilng with an abnormal amount of conviction, like it's shaking itself up. The plant then begins to use its long leaves like the legs of an octopus, pulling itself out of the ground and making its way towards me. I still remember I am tripping, I have no mind fuck, I know this plant is not really doing this, piss guy has not returned yet, should I wait and see what the plant will do next? At this point the plant picks up it's pace quite a bit, and I decide to abandon piss guy and run off to the rest of the group, he doesn't have to worry about octopus plants chasing him anyway, he should be ok.
I make it to the spot safely, as does piss man. The spot is ideal for chilling as it has more breathing room than the narrow paths of the "jungle". The trees open up here leaving a good circular floor space with some nice branches reaching overhead providing a loose and leafy ceiling. There are two overturned logs, long and wide in diameter, parallel to each other providing excellent seating for stoners to chill and face each other in eco friendly conversation. I put on some tunes at low volume, Underground hip hop, I remember playing Aesop Rock's "Big Bang" and Atom's Family's "Small Violins". I always carried some cheap portable speakers and a clunky Nomad Creative mp3 Player with me.
Smoking begins. There is a little toy soldier looking dude with a mini cigar in his mouth driving a little tank around my feet. He looks very real and very creepy, whenever I take a glance at him he stops his tank and seems to turn his head towards me. Pretty cool, but I try avoiding looking at him if I can. Next, the music stops so I try checking out what happened. The speakers are on, the mp3 player is on but the screen looks blank though lit up. Unfortunately my vision is too bad to really tell what's on the display anyway, so I give up. The speakers are making a staticky noise with the occasional crackling and popping noise. My friend, the brew master, tells me its pretty common during electrical storms, he's had it happpen often and seems surprised I've never experienced it. We are in Miami after all, where the weather can change in a matter of minutes, so I guess an electrical storm is not uncommon.
The fun really begins when I notice a spider web. We are all pretty stoned, and I am tripping, it's completely silent, either everyone is in the stoner meditative state and not talking or I am oblivious to their convos. I take in my surroundings and begin contemplating various things. I notice another spider web, and I am surprised that I can see it in such darkness. Of course, my pupils are extremely dilated giving me super night vision, I tell myself. Then, I notice the spiderwebs are seemingly floating in mid air, I cannot see what they are attached to. The trees are pretty far off, and the brush is beneath the webs, so whats holding them? Nevermind, spiders are known to do some amazing things, and their webs are always mysterious in their meticulous craftsmanship. But wait, the webs are uniformly lit, it doesn't look like light is shining on one part of the web, its all equally bright. On top of that, on closer inspection, the pattern is most definitely not your average spiderweb pattern. It looks more like a hexagonal grid (I am not sure of the geometrical shape, but just to give you an idea).
I begin to see tiny dots of faint light floating randomly about near the edges of the webs. The particles appearance and motion are nearly identical to the blue field entopic phenomenon (wiki link if you don't know). The amount and intensity of motion and luminosity of the particles begins to increase, and then in a flash, faster than the eye can see, the web is gone, in its place I see an orange disc of light. It's a doughnut shaped disc. It looks like a disc because it is uniformly lit and perfectly circular, so I can't tell if it's spherical or not. It appears to be spiraling at a high speed. The whole thing is about the size of soccer ball, the center "hole" is the size of a baseball maybe a bit larger. It's not really a hole, its a dark spot, really weird I have never seen darkness like this. The whole thing is not translucent, I cant see the trees through it, it is also very bright but does not illuminate the surroundings. Strokes or filaments of orange lightning begin to shoot from the outer, orange, ring and into the dark center with increasing intensity in an increasingly more defined V shape. Suddenly, once again faster than the eye can see the doughnut transforms into a disc. The dark center is gone, whats left is a ball of orange and black "light" spiraling in a very distinct spiral pattern. The object appears to have a perfect momentum, the spiral is so perfect it looks like its what keeps this ball of light alive. I can't draw this spiral pattern, nor can I really explain it but to this day I would be able to recognize it if I saw it again, very particular. It was like a bunch of Orange "S" shapes nesting with Black "S" shapes spiraling to a center of a single "c" shaped orange and "c" shaped black spot. Basically, it looked like a really twisted, convoluted spiral shape as you approach the edges, and a more normal looking spiral towards the center. Once again in a flash the ball is gone.
I sat there in disbelief, holy crap this Datura stuff is no joke. That ish looked super real. I didn't move an inch, I didn't speak out of fear I would disturb the experience or get side tracked. Soon enough, really soon enough, the web becomes visible again, and the process repeats itself. Another orange doughnut appears, this time I try paying more attention, mentally recording as much as I can and trying not to blink. After the second ball fulfills its cycle, it happens AGAIN, nice! This time the ball is slightly larger and it is silver and black, friggin beautiful! For this last ball I actually manage to see, or hallucinate

As I recounted the amazing experience to others I came across a few people who claimed that what I saw sounded alot like some strange phenomena they had seen while sober. Supposedly Ball lightning. I was with 3 other people that night, and I am the only one who saw this. However, they were sitting on the log in fornt of me, facing me, and in stoner meditative mode. On top of that, I was 100% positive at the time it was a hallucination so I did not bother to alert them to what I was seeing, no matter how real or interesting it might have appeared. And lastly, i did not want to disrupt anything so I was as still and silent as possible. After some research on the topic, which I keep up to today, there are many of similarities with my experience and reports of BL. , including similarities with proposed models of BL formation. The doughnut shape for example... There is also research suggesting some BL phenomena are magnetically triggered hallucinations. Perhaps a combination of magnetically and entheogenically triggered hallucination with a splash of reality. I will most likely never know, but it was cool shit man, I tell ya...
Respect Datura, respect nature, don't be another cog. We are all here to help, from the plant to the pebble, keep your intentions pure.