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Bufo from A.Donax

Migrated topic.


The Root
OG Pioneer
Quoting August West from here - http://forums.mycotopia.net/botanic...s/62853-arundo-donax-reliable-dmt-source.html

It seems the only 'official' extractions on A. donax were done in the late 60's and early 70's by Ghosal et al. Appearing in various papers.

Aside from DMT, they isolated:

5-MeO-DMT ; 16mg from 700 grams in the rhizomes (also isolated in the leaf and flowers and in 'dried plant in traces'.

Bufotenine; 180mg from 700 grams in the rhizome. Also found in the leaf
128mg from 200 grams of dry plant (110 in the rhizomes and 18 in the leaf).
Also found in the leaf

Bufotenidine; 2.3 grams from 700 grams in the rhizomes

Dehydrobufotenine; 440mg from 700 grams in the rhizomes

In an earlier study they also isolated Gramine, 520mg from 200 grams of bark
Here they also got 20mg of DMT

This all comes from 'Some Simple Tryptamines 2nd edition' from K. Trout (a very heady and heavy read).
Trout's own anecdotal account (along with Johnny Appleseed) is disappointing - finding DMT in only one of many specimens of A. donax gathered in central Texas.

The rest of the accounts I have are somewhat anecdotal as well. They occur in "Ayahuasca Analogues and Plant-Based Tryptamines", a compiliation from the Entheogen Review, which was kind of a Mycotopia in print in the early-mid 90's.

Anyhow, the results are, again, rather disappointing. Ranging from A. donax being a part of an ancient, particularly musical order of Sufi's, to severe allergic reaction, to no reaction.

It appears to be more trouble than it's worth. However, due to the apparent fact that it's taking over in the areas it's colonized (originally comes from 'the Middle East') it may be worth the time to see what you can do...if you're up for dealing with that much bark material. Keep us posted if you proceed. And, if you're really interested, I can send you the extraction process used by Ghosal.

As K. Trout says, 'more than you need to know'.


This plant is a super weed over here and it would be easy to collect many many many kilo's of it making extraction worth while.
I had always assumed it to be a plant useless for spice extraction and that may very well be so - but perhaps there is hope on the bufotenine front.
dehydrobufotinene and Bufotenidine - anyone tried these ?
Nice find. If only there were an easy-ish way to remove the gramine?

I read somewhere that A. donax was used (assumed by some to be in combination with Syrian Rue) by some Sufi shamans waaay back. Imagine having a brew and playing music all from the same plant :)
seeing how gramine and DMT/5meo are all soluble in naptha and bufotenine is not..might not be too hard to seperate the bufo for the most part either..
Guys, I got a ton of this stuff on my property. Look at my avatar picture. I'm no chemist, but I can do a simple STB on it or maybe a quick A/B. What do you think? Any pointers or ideas?
mydriasis: Thanks for the warnings. Could you enlighten us a bit on bufotenidine, other than that it's a toxin and sometimes found in toad skins?
I've only found one death attributed to it but it ended in cardiac arrest.

the LD50 is 1.3mg/kg to the 10^1.(0.13mg/kg)

I am assuming from the limited research I have done on this that it shuts off muscles how or what ones I don't know. I don't know if this statement is entirely true, but that's the jist of what I thought I had read about it.

If anyone has any real information on this or how to seperate it(it's prolly hydrophillic like bufotenine) would be an excellent addition to this thread.
after reading reports - i would consider iv bufo toxic - iv or even im is not the way to approach it - how were those tests done ? vaporizing ?
also grammine wont be a problem - i think i recall kemist mentioning it was easy to get past in his thread on extraction from a possible mimosa pudica.
even if there was like 0.05% it would be worthwhile as its a total weed(ud be doing ur countries plants a favour) and it grows out of hand fast - the roots are dense, and it grows damn fast.
Gramine has a melting point of 138-139 °C, while bufotenine is stable at quite high temperatures. I'd imagine you could remove it with heat. Perhaps the same goes for many of the other unwanted compounds.
A good way to get rid of most of the non-bufotenine alkaloids is to freebase it, and then wash with xylene. That will dissolve DMT, gramine, etc., but not the bufotenine. Then dissolve in boiling xylene, let cool. Bufotenine precipitates out. Then heat the precipitates in an oven at about 350 F for 30-60 minutes. That will destroy most freebase alkaloids that might remain, but not bufotenine.

Be careful. There’s no telling what other unknown toxins might be present.
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