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Bufo Threads need to migrate?


Cool idea to make a Bufotenin-only sub-forum. But it looks like the threads still need to migrate, they are directly merged at the *old* 5-MeO-combination-sub. Will take some patience and time from a moderator to decide what is 5-Meo/Bufo and what not :LOL::LOL:


I just see in the old Forum I have 823 posts and in this one I have 806 (805 + 1 in new forum). So did something get lost on the way through?

Edit 2:

I see that I can make Edits here obviously :D But I can only do it for recently posted stuff.

If I check on my older posts then I can not make any edits. That is actually the more *normal way* as other forums just allow to modify for like 1 h or 24 h or similar.

But actually it was pretty cool that you always can edit your Nexus posts ... not just for convenience, but I would often go back and edit a post from X years ago, as I need to attach some more stuff. Now I cant do it.

Any way that this can be changed back to old forum policy?
Last edited:
Good questions!


Cool idea to make a Bufotenin-only sub-forum. But it looks like the threads still need to migrate, they are directly merged at the *old* 5-MeO-combination-sub. Will take some patience and time from a moderator to decide what is 5-Meo/Bufo and what not :LOL::LOL:
Yes, it will take some time to transfer all relevant topics to these new subfora. I'll beg you to please have a little patience with our poor sods having to do this in our own free time. 😇


I just see in the old Forum I have 823 posts and in this one I have 806 (805 + 1 in new forum). So did something get lost on the way through?
The new forum has recalculated all actual migrated topics, so deleted topics were not moved to this new forum.

Edit 2:

I see that I can make Edits here obviously :D But I can only do it for recently posted stuff.

If I check on my older posts then I can not make any edits. That is actually the more *normal way* as other forums just allow to modify for like 1 h or 24 h or similar.

But actually it was pretty cool that you always can edit your Nexus posts ... not just for convenience, but I would often go back and edit a post from X years ago, as I need to attach some more stuff. Now I cant do it.

Any way that this can be changed back to old forum policy?
I'll put it back to unlimited for Seniors and other special groups.

Thank you for your input!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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