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Bufotenine extraction/experience report.

Migrated topic.


So I finally got down to extracting some Bufotenine from Cebil seeds. Heres how I done it...

I read that toasting the seeds at 450* F would help to evaporate some of those toxins and possibly convert bufotenine n-oxide into bufotenine, therefore potinating the mix as well.

I dont have a hot plate, so I used a non stick frying pan for the 1st toast. In my eyes these bufo teks need a lot more work. None of them go into enought details for my liking. For example.. none of them stated that toasting at these temps cause the seeds to pop and fly all over the kitchen lol. I spent the next 10 mins on my hands and knees picking them up from all over the place. I think toasting at 450* F for 20-30mins is far too long as well, unless all you want is ash... and the smell of these things, fuck me! No one mentioned that part either.

..anyway, I done the 1st toast after finding 73 of the 80 seeds I started with and ground them up into a nice powder, then added some sodium carbonate (about 4-5g) some water and mixed into a paste.
I left it time to react (1 hour) and went back to find a lump of freebased cebil seeds as hard as stone. It took a while to break up btw.

I toasted this mix for only 5mins and my frying pan (even though it was non stick) was encrusted in solid mixture. It took longer to scrape it back up and put into a small jar.

I decided to use IPN instead of IPA as a solvent, but only because I have loads of it and dont really like having it around in the house.
60ml was poured over the rough freebased bufo and the solvent started to boil off straight away. The lid was sealed tight and the jar was shaken and placed into the fridge for an hour.

NOTE: I let the mix go totally cold before adding the IPN, also wore a face mask and worked out in the balcony with this solvent.

I filtered off the IPN into an evaporating dish and it was tinted with a brownish colour (a bit like the hue of tea) A freeze precipitation was out of the question with IPN as it would have lingered in there for weeks,, so I opted for an outdoor evaporation. It didn't take long.

I yeilded some clear/brownish crystals. Not as clean as I wanted, but I was sure they'd be active.

So 5 OH DMT you say?... More like 5 uh oh what the fuck did I just do to myself DMT!

I've blasted pretty large amounts of n,n I thought, so Im not going to get much from 1 or 2mg of bufotenine, am I? Big mistake! I built a brand new machine especially for the bufo and loaded an eyeballed dose in the region of 30-40mg... Way, way, WAY too much for me.

It didn't come on with the same unstopable steam roller effect that I get from DMT, it was slower and more of an uneasy feeling of waiting for something. Blobs of light where bouncing behind my eyelids and I was thinking "is this it?"

My legs, arms and chest were painfully tight, I really struggled to breath through this. My heart felt like it was trying to pump out a trapped needle or as if I somehow managed to freebase lard... it was clogging up inside my body. In my head I could hear a loud hissing and feel a warmth, of course panic set in and I was convinced that I could hear the sound of my own brain frying in its juices. (this happened to me once when I smoked too much weed) I dont think a brain could actually fry inside a skull as a result of smoking too much of something lol. Could it?

I realised that I didn't know anything about this substance and I've just overdosed on it. Cardiac arrest is imminent! I always knew I'd push it too far one day, I'm a dead man! This went on for an age, I never timed the trip or anything, but is seemed to last a hell of a lot longer than the spice. Was that just me?
When I got into DMT I researched it non stop, took hundereds of notes.. proper study! With bufo I bought the seeds, read a couple reports and extraction teks and that was it. I deserved that trip from hell there!

So I believe I had a close call, but all is well now. I defo need to do a lot more research on this one before diving in like that again. Rather foolish of me. Also time to get some mg scales I think lol.

Respeace! to you all.
Well I know none of the teks talk about the nasty smell and popping seeds but most of the threads about bufo go into those points in detail. I agree that the teks should be updated (it is a wiki, so I think any of us could do it) My beaver snaps them in two before toasting if he is doing just 20 grams worth. He also put a pyrex dish over them once to contain the popping seeds.

Sorry about the OD... always start small. But, you already knew that. I'm guessing everyone (including my beaver) ends up getting reminded of that from time to time...the hard way.

Live and learn.
30-40 is indeed a lot.
The bufo can be smoked slowly. The tolerance do not build as fast as with DMT. You can start with 5 mg, then few min later 5 mg etc... and full effects starts after 10-15 mn. That way, side effects are less hard. Bufo last way longer than DMT.
SWIM find it is quite stimulating, while DMT is more sedating. Very different beasts.
The more annoying with bufo is the nausea and it is more irritating for the lungs than DMT.
"live and learn" I seem to be using those words far too much these days. I've gotten myself in a big hurry recently and prolly just need to calm down a bit. I'm only 24 years young, so with a bit of luck I still got a whole lifetime to explore. I already decided to leave an up coming ayahuasca trip till another date when I feel is right.

The fright I gave myself from this one was more due to the fact that my knowledge on the substance is poor. I believe I'm first of my group to try it, so I couldn't even call on someone elses experience to assure myself that I'd be fine. I remained fully aware throughout the duration of the trip, but I was convinced that my internal organs were shutting down on me... hence the panic and fear.

30-40mg in one blast was a bad move for a 1st time bufotenine trip. I didn't yeild a lot from the 1st pull, so I had it in my mind that I better not waste any by messing with sub breakthrough doses.. I ripped the device for all it was worth and held it until nothing was exhaled. It probably is a good idea to work up in smaller doses like 5mg every 5 or 10mins.

For now I think I'll just take a back seat and reflect on these times for a bit.
did you experience any nausea or puking after you hit it? usually big doses like that will almost always produce nausea...ive snorted 50mg of some fairly pure bufo before..and let me tell you that was a bad idea...puking and then passed out until i woke up in the morning...its a good thing i passed out on my stomach because i think i continued to puke after i was out...

just be gentle with the bufo...take your time with it...bufo is not in a rush...it wants you to work with it over time..and get to know all of its effects...its dmt for people that have smoked a lot of dmt..and need a bit more duration and is a bit more relaxed....even though high doses of bufotenine can be anything but relaxing
Jorkest said:
did you experience any nausea or puking after you hit it? usually big doses like that will almost always produce nausea...ive snorted 50mg of some fairly pure bufo before..and let me tell you that was a bad idea...puking and then passed out until i woke up in the morning...its a good thing i passed out on my stomach because i think i continued to puke after i was out...

just be gentle with the bufo...take your time with it...bufo is not in a rush...it wants you to work with it over time..and get to know all of its effects...its dmt for people that have smoked a lot of dmt..and need a bit more duration and is a bit more relaxed....even though high doses of bufotenine can be anything but relaxing

After the initial blast I had slight dizzyness and my gag reflex kicked in when I tried to swallow, followed by some wretching, but no actual vomiting.

It wasn't always this way.. believe me!, but I do have quite a strong stomach and thats led me to do some stupid things in the past... mainly with the drink.

I remember about this time last year my good friend and fellow artist got signed up with a new record label. We were invited through to Edinburgh for a party and to get aquanted with the other artists and such. Us being from the Glasgow area and them being from the burgh, there was a friendly sort of rivalry that night with us all trying to out do each other.
One guy put £40 on the table and bet me that I couldn't down a full pint of straigh jack D and vodka... of course I put to use this indestructable gut of mine, tanked it with ease and collected my winnings.
The next morning I woke up in this guys hall, half naked and freezing with my face in a dish of cat food... and I didn't know what I done with the 40 noted I had won.

So anyway to answer your question.. I didn't really suffer from any nausia.

Its a good thing you did crash out on your belly that night man... it'd be a sore one to lose any of our fellow Nexians, especially in such a horrible way!

The bufo can wait until I do more work with the molecule, I'm not ready for it yet I dont think.

camakazi said:
One guy put £40 on the table and bet me that I couldn't down a full pint of straigh jack D and vodka... of course I put to use this indestructable gut of mine, tanked it with ease and collected my winnings.
The next morning I woke up in this guys hall, half naked and freezing with my face in a dish of cat food... and I didn't know what I done with the 40 noted I had won.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
thats a classic d-boy:wink:

but god dam, and there was me thinking bufo was all fancy lights and none of the headfuck lol

I can hear you now "just like goin to the cinema" they said lolol

but hell yeah its fair to say that was a massive dose.

glad your ok buddy

take it easy:wink:
aye man it was pretty damn scary, but the fear was from the body effects, if it hadn't been for that I could have probably decided what I wanted to have for my dinner lol. Its leaves the consiousness fairly in tact man.

btw dude... myself and a couple others are havin a wee night at my place on saturday if you're up for it?
my wee boy is havin his 2nd birthday party on the saturday:d

so there will be plenty of clowns just not dmt visually induced ones:lol: :lol:

thanks for the kind offer bro, like I said just keep pestering me anytime your having a little gathering and I will make it one day very soon:wink:

let me know how it goes my man
not a problem bud.. like I said, you're more than welcome to join us anytime man. I'll drop you a message next one we have.

All the best for your wee boy on his birthday!... an clowns are a bunch of bastard regardless of thier origins. Them and cotton wool give me the heeby jeeberys man haha "heeby jeeberys" lol, no used that one in a while. I'm bringing it back!

Soon mate.
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