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Burgeoning Psychonaut Salutations


Esteemed member
Hello Folks!

It's a pleasure to be here. I've definitely been to the Nexus several times over the years, probably from links (or Nexus mentions) on Erowid. Ah Erowid, where I spend the better part of decade researching a substance before trying it :LOL:

My path with psychedelics hasn't been the smoothest, but I'm a stubborn one. My first experience was with psilocybin in college in the mid nineties. We topped off our pizza with cut up pieces, and I spent the next six hours dry heaving after the pizza came up.

Not understanding at the time that a certain percentage of people don't have the stomach enzymes for the digestion of psilocybin (if I understand that correctly?), I gave it another go maybe 5 years later, this time in the high desert of Nevada. It was in chocolate form, so I assumed my stomach would be ok. Nope!

I didn't touch psychedelics for years after those two experiences. Then maybe around 2008 or so, I learned of others' digestion issues, and the tea method. Issue solved! For whatever reason, I didn't trip again for many more years, until maybe 2020, when I went through a series of explorations, perhaps a month or two apart from each other, for a year or two. I've since tapered off to maybe twice a year over the last two years. That set of mushroom explorations that started in 2020 was the really first time I strapped on my psychonaut helmet.

Actually, I forgot- peppered in between those efforts were a single, spectacular LSD experience, and a decent 2CB experience. Also, over the last 2 years I've experimented a bit with ketamine, but gathered enough information from research papers to realize that it would probably be best for me to keep that to once every 6mo, or even once a year. Also, last but definitely not least- I had my first DMT experience last year.

I guess one of the biggest factors in me ending up on a place like this is my love for learning and exploring. I'm constantly working on new projects, whether it's learning new computer languages, making music, electronics, etc. Once I learned that DMT can be extracted at home, I had to add it to the list of projects. I recently got around to doing my first extraction, which from what I'm reading went really well! After pairing the results with a recommended vape setup (and coming down from a state of complete awe), I knew I was going to be getting to know you all a bit. Thanks for having me, and I look forward to getting to know some of you, and being able to contribute some knowledge at some point.
Hello, @DopieOpie, and welcome to the Nexus!

You seem like a very well rounded individual, especially in your approach towards these experiences. You seem like you have respect for the medicine and the process, and I applaud that.

Think you'll fit right in here and find many like-minded people to talk with about all of this magic. Especially so in our live chat!

Glad to have you here. Enjoy the forum, and I'll see you around! Peace! ❤️
Welcome to town @DopieOpie :D

I’m glad you didn’t let a couple difficult experiences turn you away from the magic of Entheogenic experience. Your positive and optimistic attitude is pleasant to receive.

I don’t have any insight into the stomach enzyme bit you brought up, but can definitely agree that LSD is worlds easier on the gut than psilocybin, and for that reason, among others, tend to also prefer it myself. There are some techniques you can employ to soften the digestive stress of mushrooms, however.
A tea preparation (simply crush the dried mushrooms and steep them for 20 minutes) saves you from having to digest plant matter.
Alternatively, there is the lemon tek, as well: simply grind your mushrooms with a coffee grinder and then transfer them to a small glass (I like using a tall double shot glass) and add enough fresh lemon juice to completely cover and saturate the ground mushrooms. Let it sit for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, then take it down the hatch in one go. The acidic lemon juice will do the work of breaking down the psilocybin into psilocin, saving your stomach the effort and stress.

Again, welcome, and safe travels <3
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