I'll keep this as short as I can as I'm sure most of you have read many such introductions by new members.
I really like the ethos and approach the site encourages among its members, very refreshing compared to most other forums blighted by personal in-fighting and idiots trolling etc. By stating from the beginning the way this site intends to operate or at least wishes to, it puts across a message to us all that I, for one, appreciate the site developers taking the time and thought to include.
I'll be honest with my info here, what other useful way of conducting oneself is there? I've never used or attempted to consume DMT/Spice in any of its forms but I have always been fascinated by the stories I've heard of it's properties. Having said that I'm far from naive when it comes to other things within the same, large generic group of compounds.
My reason for joining this particular forum was because after a short while browsing it seemed like the place I was meant to come to, to learn more about this interesting compound that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us. I quickly got the feeling this was the place to be to learn and discuss from others about their experiences prior to taking the step into what I hope will be less so much 'the unknown' as it is for me right now.
I guss I'll do a lot of reading here first off then progress to asking questions re: the DMT experience.
I do hope that as an introductory essay, the above suffices and gets across where I'm at along this particular road.
With love,
I really like the ethos and approach the site encourages among its members, very refreshing compared to most other forums blighted by personal in-fighting and idiots trolling etc. By stating from the beginning the way this site intends to operate or at least wishes to, it puts across a message to us all that I, for one, appreciate the site developers taking the time and thought to include.
I'll be honest with my info here, what other useful way of conducting oneself is there? I've never used or attempted to consume DMT/Spice in any of its forms but I have always been fascinated by the stories I've heard of it's properties. Having said that I'm far from naive when it comes to other things within the same, large generic group of compounds.
My reason for joining this particular forum was because after a short while browsing it seemed like the place I was meant to come to, to learn more about this interesting compound that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us. I quickly got the feeling this was the place to be to learn and discuss from others about their experiences prior to taking the step into what I hope will be less so much 'the unknown' as it is for me right now.
I guss I'll do a lot of reading here first off then progress to asking questions re: the DMT experience.
I do hope that as an introductory essay, the above suffices and gets across where I'm at along this particular road.
With love,