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Caapi freshness..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all!

Im really not sure if this is the correct forum as there is no Caapi forum so forgive me if it is wrong..

I know how to store and how long spice stays fresh for... but what about Caapi leaves? How long will Caapi leaves (in full leaf form preferably or if you have experience with grounded that should be ok too) stay good and retain there MAOI?

This is before you make changa with them of course, how long can you hold onto the leaves before they lose their MAOI properties?

After the changa is made, and stored properly, I imagine it lasts just as long/longer than regular spice so..

My last question has to do with Caapi extract. If the extract is stored in a little vial in an airtight jar either in a dark cool place or in the fridge, this should stay potent for quite some time right?

Thanks in advance!
soulfood said:
I've had some yellow leaves stashed in a partially open ziplock bag that seem just as useful now as they did 1 year ago :)

thanks for the reply!

good to know because my batch came in the mail but I suddenly got very busy for a while so they had been sitting in a ziplock in a drawer for a week or two and are finally about to get used.
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