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Caapi leaf: plain vs. extract

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OG Pioneer
Can anyone with experience of both (ummm... Dorge perhaps? :twisted: ) please elaborate upon how distinct the differences are between the two?

I find straight Caapi leaf to be extremely powerful...
I have both Ayahuasca Android (Caapi leaf/Chaliponga:Spice) and Golden Temporal (Pau d'Arco/Caapi extract:Spice)

I need to use 100mg+ of the AA and I have very weird journey's on it. It's dominated by Serpents and I have only had the occasional heavenly breakthrough. They are mostly quite uncomfortable (I have rather large serpents who want to consume me :) )

The Caapi extract is 10:1 mixed at 1g Pau d'Arco:300mg Caapi Extract:1g spice

This is mind blowing. The vine-space in this is very different to that of Caapi leaf. I have to say I prefer Caapi Extract Vine space. I don't know if it's the Pau d'Arco, but the golden temporal blend is like nothing else.

The are some here who have made the same blend using Caapi leaf.

I too find the Caapi leaf very strong, I find using the extract in Changa blends much smoother and broader.

In Praise of Changa - Golden Temporal
with either vine or leaf... or rue or what ever harmala your adding to it to make it a changa, the advantage of the extract... and concentration of harmalas makes the real difference in prolonging the effects, as well as the guidance and inner voice.
Anyone have any instructions on how to enhance leaves (10x, 20x), in this case caapi? Something with measuring a ratio and alcohol maybe, I'm not sure.
I've had some caapi leaves (and some other herbs) that would be awesome if I could enhance them by myself ;)
I have used caapi vine shavings, then I went on to using 5-10g caapi extracted in iso evapped onto peppermint leaf, and my newest batch of change I used about 7 grams of caapi vine extracted in iso along with some passionflower leaf and evapped on peppermint along with some pure harmalas from rue that I got from a manske tek.

My newest batch is the best so far. When i was just using caapi shavings without an extract there wasnt much vine presence compared to what i get with an extract. I always make caapi tinctures now and use peppermint leaf, along with a bit of sage and mugwort. I never used caapi leaf before.
That sounds really good! that would work fine!
SWIM really likes adding celio caapi vine slivers to the end result of a 10x caapi leaf.
simple as that...
10x caapi leaf is the way to go. honestly... other harmalas will do though very well... rue extract, passion flower... but the leaf of the vine has thh and harmine in it and no harmaline... this makes it much less cloudy.
The more harmalas you add the less it is like smoking DMT and the more it is like ayahuasca.
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