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Caapi Overdose Report

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
It's been a while since this event occurred but I feel it may be relevant to other more sensitive individuals. Personally I have an extreme sensitivity to any and all psychoactives. Talking in the magnitude of about 10 mg DMT breakthroughs and 2 gram very intense mushroom trips, one joint turns me into a zombie.

So, onward.

Had read little reports about Caapi being used on it's own and decided to take this on myself as I had heard that Amazonian shaman suggested this as a prerequisite for Ayahuasca as the teacher is in the vine. So I looked up some dosage suggestions and having underdosed before with caapi around about 10 grams I decided to do what I initially did with Ayahuasca and make sure I got something by doing much more than I knew I would need.

So I boiled up 70 grams of hand-shredded white caapi for about an hour with a squeeze of lemon. Reduced to fit in one large mug and proceeded to sip on this syrupy, citrusy, bitter brew for about half hour until finished. Having fasted for the morning already a quick onset was expected.

Within 15 minutes of starting to sip I could feel a warm glow radiating from my torso to my extremities. After finishing I decided to lie on my couch and await the introspection I was expecting. As I lay with my eyes closed I began to have a slight sense of movement as though I were twirling around inside of my body, flipping over and over, and it started to get faster. At this point I began to feel quite nauseous and the spinning continued to gather speed. It was very similar to being very very drunk and having the world in front of your eyes do backflips out of your control. All through this part of the experience I was aware of an orange energy cloud that was still warm and glowy, present and hovering over my body. Upon opening my eyes to try and stabilize myself I only became more disoriented and nauseous. So I closed them again and braced my mind against the spinning, this eventually got to such a speed that my perception of my self actually fragmented into many distinct pieces that were all attached to my dominant awareness in the center of it all.

Every distinct entity was merely a copy of my body but spaced at different levels from my body. Some were off to the right a few inches, some to the top right a foot or two, none more than 3 feet from my actual body. I would guess that there was about 15 in all. Having multiple awarenesses spontaneously generate is VERY disorienting and confusing. My main point of awareness then began to shift around from one to another constantly moving between the different bodies. This movement caused an extreme vertigo and I thought I would throw up, yet I just noticed that I was paralyzed and could not move to the bathroom even if I did need to hurl. So I just lay there and tried to calm myself and enjoy this strange state of being. As I tried to relax I began to drift off, still aware of all the different layers yet drifting into a mental scene of sorts. Clear as a recent memory yet completely foreign and with a dreamlike surreal quality. The scene was of each body being a different person, a different life, a parallel life, I now believe. This part is a little difficult to describe as it was a blending of realities into one picture. The scene was on a bridge/cliff attached to a quiet road/forest. One body, a child, was walking along the bridge/cliff beside another body, an elderly woman. I was still aware of several other bodies in the remote distance but my main awareness was on these two figures. The woman continued to walk along the road/cliff, but the child fell of the bridge/cliff and fell a long way, at this point I also noticed another body floating above the woman and now it began to rise. Being simultaneously aware of all these bodies moving in different directions was very confusing at this point and I had to try and break out of it to move towards the bathroom.

As soon as I could muscle my eyes open and sit up I was pinned back down with the drunkest feeling I've ever had. Like 3 bottles of tequila in 5 minutes type drunk. I stumbled on to my feet but all the different bodies were stumbling and falling as well and my awareness was not quite staying in one so that I could use an independent pair of legs. I was walking on 30 pairs of legs moving in different directions at once, all with an insane nausea threatening to spill my guts on the floor. Finally I managed to make it into the bathroom and dry heave for a timeless moment. Probably about half hour in the sober world.

This cycle went on for an eternity, about 6 hours in reality. I never did manage to puke but the nausea went away eventually and I could enjoy the warmth. I never experienced any other entities other than the many me's and I felt more poisoned than strengthened. Have not attempted again since, but I do believe this was an extreme overdose for my chemically sensitive body to handle in one shot.

I've never had a bad trip, you learn something from every trip, even from a horror like this I gleaned an interesting experience that I likely will never again.

Be careful though, this was not too much fun. Anyone else have this happen before?
for some peopel 70 grams is normal I think..from what I see some people are using anyway..
10-15 grams is easily enough for me though..if I drank 70 grams I dunno where the hell that would take me nor do I wish to find out. I think some people are lower MAO phenotype than others..diet and genetics probabily both can play a role in that.
Well I think that is definitely true. I had read that a standard dose was anywhere from 50-100 grams and so I pegged 70 as a good amount for a good effect, but this was a hellish dose for me. Next time I'll do a THP with 15 I think.
Have you ever tried pure harmaloids?

It's just that I haven't ever used a straight brew of a RIMA containing plant and would like a benchmark number for pure harmaloids at which this doesn't happen for most folk.

I suppose the better safe than sorry way to go through this is to test each batch you get in at a small dose to gauge the potency of the plant you're working with.
Have only used a crude rue extract smoked, but never ingested, so I can offer no insight into that.
11:11 said:
Have not attempted again since, but I do believe this was an extreme overdose for my chemically sensitive body to handle in one shot.
I wouldn't worry about it. Your experience doesn't really sound like an overdose in my opinion, although it was a pretty strong dose. Just too bad that you couldn't manage to purge. Imho, caapi is a healer, the more you take the stronger it gets. That you felt poisoned is nothing strange. With the crap that has been shaken loose, no wonder you felt poisoned. Basically, imo it is the crap that needs to come out that makes you feel like that.

If you manage to clean yourself thourougly with the caapi, you should be able to work with that amount of caapi, without most of the 'negative' effects. But to get there, you might have to work with caapi for quite a while.
Very interesting 11:11. You said swim was fasting before ingesting but what was his diet day before. ILPT ate 250 mgs of harmine freebase after his fish and chips dinner and was pretty much fine, only felt a bit odd and in very good mood. Next time he ate the same amount after his sausage and mash dinner and felt symptoms of drunkeness vertigo dizziness etc. Seems like tyranime and harmalas always getting ILPT :( Some other members claiming they doesn't have problem to eat anything but that's not ILPT's case apparently.
caapi is definitely something you need to balance.
15g THP sounds about right.
Once you learn how caapi operates with it's guiding and spice fortifying properties, you don't even need much for it's spirit to be effective.
The spice will recognize even a sip of caapi. It's electric glow lingering in the mouth and slithering through you. Bliss...
IMO people should start low and get a feel for what you like and what works for you and what you're trying to do...
a good way to drink is a little here and there throughout the night, resting, and meditating upon waking on how it interacts with you.
IMO people should start low and get a feel for what you like and what works for you and what you're trying to do..

Yes this is excellent advice.

Its been proven that people metabolize harmaloid alkaloids differently and this could explain why some people have trouble when combing with food and why others have no problems and why some are sensitive and others are not. It also explains (i think anyway) why some people need mega doses >100mg dmt orally while others need only 20-40mg.
All good advice.

Dagger, I agree with the theory that -now that the negative is gone, one can move into the positve-

Swim feels this when spicing. The first warm up dose always seems to purge the negative from ones mind while subsequent doses(vaped, that is) are blissful. This has been the case more times than swim can count.


It sounds like you had a FULL dose of Caapi only brew.

An overdose would have you wishing you were dead for all 6 hours.

What YOU had sounded like a reasonable Caapi only experience. Sounds like a strong Caapi only brew, but a managable one at that. They do get easier to nagivate as you have more and more experience with Caapi. I feel I should warn you, if you drink Caapi frequently you will begin to have a reverse tolerance to it, meaning you will need less and less Caapi to get full effects.

May I ask about the afterglow you felt from that a day or two afterwards? have you noticed any other positives or negatives that came AFTER the experience had ended?
Well I'm glad people think this is a helpful report. This seemed to me what an overdose would feel like, and I was wishing I was dead a lot of the time but not all the time. This was pure hell, I don't feel I gained anything from this experience other than a desire to near have the same experience again. The next day I felt exhausted, tired and somewhat sick, no glow, not too good. I didn't have any appetite either. I do believe that I had eaten some cheese in too close of a time period beforehand and this may have been a part of the cause. I tried mightily to expel all the nastiness which had been knocked around, but to no avail, unfortunately.

But to acolon, if this was a full caapi experience, holy shit, that sucks! This was out of my control completely, I usually have a hold on everything and can alter it, barring DMT, but this was some angry spirit kicking my ass. I never followed my usual directive, focused technique where I state a goal for the experience and I attribute some of the reaction to that but I'm still not sure why this all happened. I will attempt caapi again but at a much lower dose.
Interesting about the SLOW metabolism as well, burnt, I would have thought the opposite, but I don't know too much about that. I'm a tall skinny guy and can't seem to gain any weight and I've always been told that I have a high metabolism, but I don't know too much about it.
Interesting about the SLOW metabolism as well, burnt, I would have thought the opposite, but I don't know too much about that. I'm a tall skinny guy and can't seem to gain any weight and I've always been told that I have a high metabolism, but I don't know too much about it.

It has to do with enzymes that break down harmaloids. They are different in people.
The 2nd time I ever drank a Caapi-only brew, I had a similar experience, though not so tough ... I felt drunk and uncoordinated and ended up purging out of both ends at the same time!!
Felt very heavy with this electric buzzing sound going, which I have also experienced since with strong ayahuasca brews.
I still got something out of that one, and I think it may have been 70 grams or more I drank that night... my first try was with about 40 grams, and that was pure bliss all night !

So dont be put off, you learnt a few things, try again with half the amount of caapi and see how that goes. It is a good way to get used to the plant, before you start adding light to your brews.

While I'm very much against working your way up with vaporized DMT, with Caapi I think it is a VERY good way to get used to working with Mama.

Maybe you did OD a bit, after hearing how you feel about the experience. When the light is added to the mix the experience turn from dysphoric to euphoric very quickly. Also that drunk feeling is gonna happen no matter what, this is why most people prefer to stay in one place during the cerimony (well expect to purge)...
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