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Caapi, then Spice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Does anyone smoke caapi leaf (or any blends not containing DMT) immediately before vaporizing DMT? Are the effects the same as smoking them together?

(I use my GVG exclusively for spice, and don’t want to vaporize herbs in it.)
no... but it has intensified ethanol vilca extract incredibly...
swims been wondering this same thing with fungi...
On the rare occasion that I do commune with the All
I do like to smoke some dried caapi leaves with mapacho in a spliff before hand
burn some prayers down send them off into the wind
As I use the ash method, but gave up smoking a few months back, to make some ash I've started clearing a couple of cones of caapi leaves beforehand and it does indeed seem to give the changa effect.
gibran2 said:
(I use my GVG exclusively for spice, and don’t want to vaporize herbs in it.)
So I'm guessing you don't smoke changa. Why do you have an aversion to putting herbs in your gvg?

I'm not sure I see the point in being so picky. Personally, I found the leaf-bed method to work a lot better than screens, and changa in the gvg works like a charm. Seriously, it's actually magical. I would suggest you at least consider maybe, possibly, putting herbs in it at some point. Freebase spice is what it is, but changa/herb-bed in the gvg is a wonderful method for smoking and having a gvg, I think you're short-changing yourself by not trying either of these methods (changa especially).

SnozzleBerry said:
So I'm guessing you don't smoke changa. Why do you have an aversion to putting herbs in your gvg?

I'm not sure I see the point in being so picky. Personally, I found the leaf-bed method to work a lot better than screens, and changa in the gvg works like a charm. Seriously, it's actually magical. I would suggest you at least consider maybe, possibly, putting herbs in it at some point. Freebase spice is what it is, but changa/herb-bed in the gvg is a wonderful method for smoking and having a gvg, I think you're short-changing yourself by not trying either of these methods (changa especially).

Why? It’s a little embarrassing actually…

I’m a bit anal regarding my GVG – I keep it spotlessly clean. After cleaning it in vinegar, it’s as clean as the day I got it. I know – not a good reason, but that’s me. :oops:

I finally got my caapi leaf, and tried some in a mini-bong. Nice.

Does changa out of a bong vaporize as nicely as in a VG? Is there any burning of spice when a bong is used? If not, I’ll reserve my GVG for straight spice, and use the bong for changa.
As long as the changa is not oversaturated there will be no burning when smoked through a bong, just get the cherry glowing and pull.

I too have a bong set aside for changa, so depending on where im smoking, il swap between the bong and the GVG.
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