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Alright, I pretty much know already how this could work, but I'm unsure of the dosage and this is why I opened this thread.

I'm pretty sure I have a very severe case of ADHD that is undiagnosed, and I have a good reason to believe so. Why you might ask?

Well let's look a bit on my reaction to stimulants...

I've been known to ingest copious amounts of caffeine with little effects. That means at a typical day of work I'd down 5 cups of coffee just to get through the shift. The effects? I suppose it did wake me up a bit and made me run to the toilet a bit more often but everybody else I know would basically be high and manic after that amount of caffeine, even the regular drinkers...

When I tried to quit I didn't feel like myself. I was too lazy to do basic chores around the house and would rather stay in bed the whole day surrounded with the mess and dirt around me rather than tidying it up just a little bit.

Even after going through the caffeine withdrawls, the reason why I jumped back to the wagon is because I just never felt normal without it, regardless of how long I've been without it.

The same goes with other stimulants...

I don't really feel nicotine at all, and I use 18mg per ml e-vape. I could forget it at home, not smoke for the whole day, and not flip out like other smokers do. So why do I vape? Habit, I guess...

Amphetamines seem to give me a bit more of what I'm looking for but they tend to make me relaxed, focused, but other than that I don't really feel them at all unless I do again a copious amount of it which would leave most people drop their jaws on how much meth I can take and still not turn into a hyperactive manic beast.

Not to mention coke... I just couldn't get enough of it. When I noticed I was running low on it the only way I could stop myself if I freebased it and smoked it. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop until I completely run out of it.

Anyways, you probably got an good idea on my overall reaction and tolerance to stimulants, so I would be interested in what dose should I put in my liquid?

Reason why I am interested is because caffeine, although I doesn't do much it does something. If I drink it too late, I will not be able to catch sleep for at least the next couple of hours. This way I would get my caffeine fix faster, more noticeable, and not to mention shorter in duration which is perfect for sneaking in a a couple of puffs at work during a smoke break. I am also getting tired of drinking so much bitter tasting liquid, be it in the form of coffee or black tea, because let's face it, the taste alone of those drinks if drank to excess is enough to make even the most hardcore caffeine addicts gag. You get used to the taste, but never grow to like it. All of you ayahuasca, kratom, kava, poppy tea, whatever vile plant drinkers know what I'm talking about.

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