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Cakes sitting for vacation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey beautiful people!

I wanted to share a recent experience I went through - some of you may already know that or find it trivial, but with my little experience with shrooms cultivation, I found it interesting.

I planned 1 week vacation and had nobody to sit my 7 PF cakes that were in their fruiting chamber. Obviously, they started to fruit like 1 day before my departure. Great.

So I put everything in my fridge (the whole fruiting chambers).

One week after, I came back, expecting to find something awful in my fridge.

Well no! Actually, the fruits appearance had not changed. So I put both fruiting chambers in fruiting condition again and waited.

The babies shrooms did not grow any further so I harvested them three days later, but the next flush started immediatly and was glorious (it is still going on...)!

So cramming your cakes in the fridge can be a solution for dealing with a 1 week absence :).

Enjoy your shroomies!
Interesting report. It makes me wonder how the potency might be affected by this cold treatment. The small, aborted ones are likely to be above average potency on a per-weight basis. But examination of potency of naturally occuring shrooms seems to indicate that fruitings at lower temperatures have a lower potency, although this is probably as much due to them being later flushes from a substrate.

Anyhow, that's just something that you might want to take into consideration when planning future exploration - and, indeed, I await with curiosity any reports on subjective or absolute potency of these particular post-refrigeration shrooms.
downwardsfromzero said:
But examination of potency of naturally occuring shrooms seems to indicate that fruitings at lower temperatures have a lower potency, although this is probably as much due to them being later flushes from a substrate.
Looking forward to the results as well. When it comes to potency, the amount of psilocybin varies randomly between mushrooms, and is not related to which flush they come from. The amount of psilocin , however, increases with each flush. The idea that later flushes are weaker is a common misconception, but has been disproven.

From the book Magic Mushrooms By Peter Stafford(2003 Edition):

" Bigwood and Beug reported psilocybin in concentrations as large as 13.3 mg./gm. (1.3 percent) and psilocin in concentrations of 1.0 mg./gm. in a batch of dried Stropharia cubensis(Ps. cube) mushrooms. In the same sample however they also found psilocybin as low as 3.2 mg./gm. and psilocin at 1.8 mg./gm.

Moreover they discovered that the same variety in the same container produced greatly varying amounts of psychoactive constituents in different flushes appearing about a week apart. For example, they recorded the following psilocybin content in mg./gm. dry weight - for one sequence of five flush's: 8.3,6.5,13.3,4.8,6.8.

The potency of the third flush was twice that of the second and nearly three times that of the fourth.

The third flush did not show the highest psychoactive concentrations in other instances however. The only consistency found was that in the first flush psilocin - and the psilocybin and psilocin analogs were either barley present or entirely absent. Their strength then increased in subsequent flushes."

Some more details: Are the shrooms in first flush stronger? - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board
Just to clarify, the study (recalled off the top of my head, thus subject to me being completely wrong) was for something other than cubensis, either Ps. cyanescens or semilanceata, IIRC, and maybe mentioned in Gartz' book. Hence, in a temperate autumn declining temperatures were correlated with declining potency. Different species might exhibit different behavior profiles, and repeated flushes at the same temperature may or may not mirror the behavior found by Beug & Bigwood.
downwardsfromzero said:
Just to clarify, the study (recalled off the top of my head, thus subject to me being completely wrong) was for something other than cubensis, either Ps. cyanescens or semilanceata, IIRC, and maybe mentioned in Gartz' book. Hence, in a temperate autumn declining temperatures were correlated with declining potency. Different species might exhibit different behavior profiles, and repeated flushes at the same temperature may or may not mirror the behavior found by Beug & Bigwood.
Yes, that's true for the results I quoted inline, but the link at the bottom is from a cubensis study and it shows similar results.
Hey travelers,

Thanks for both your very interesting insights!

The aborts I harvested once I took the cakes from the fridge (those aborts were growing on the cakes when I put them in the fridge) and confirmed that the growth had stopped are now mixed with all my other aborts from previous flushes (I am making a jar of aborts only to compare potency between full grown fruits and those). On the other hand, I will not be able to assess these specific aborts potency since they are now mixed with others.

But next time, I may experiment with this indeed.

What I can tell is the next flush gave me the largest shrooms I ever had (I don't know about the potency yet though). I don't know if it has anything to do with the 1 week in the fridge, but I will reiterate next week since I am away again :).

This time though, I will harvest everything I can see on the cakes before I put them in the fridge, since the growth would stop anyway and not restart when taken out of the fridge.
infinitynlove said:
shroombee said:
PsiLulu said:
I am making a jar of aborts only to compare potency between full grown fruits and those.
Great idea! :thumb_up:

Aborts will kick yer ass! id say 1.5x stronger if not more ...
This is so true and I always forget. Last time was at the Renaissance Festival, where I munched on a few before hand (all aborts), intending for a light weird experience... :shock: turned out to be much more of an experience than intended 😁

One love
infinitynlove said:
shroombee said:
PsiLulu said:
I am making a jar of aborts only to compare potency between full grown fruits and those.
Great idea! :thumb_up:

Aborts will kick yer ass! id say 1.5x stronger if not more ...

Agreed. My jar of aborts is always more potent. I chomped maybe 2.5-3 grams of PE aborts, and had straight up DMT visuals when I would close my eyes.
infinitynlove said:
Aborts will kick yer ass! id say 1.5x stronger if not more ...

are we talking pound for pound or per fruit body?
i have heard this a lot but never had a chance to properly experiment with aborts.
my assumption has always been that they produce most, if not all, of their psilocybin/psilocin when they are young, so pound for pound they are more potent, but not per fruit body. am i wrong about this?
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