Rising Star
we live? testing...0NE. :roll: testing 1 2 W0N 2...is this thing on? IF ne0NE 0UT THERE CAN HEAR ME...WE'RE 0NLY HERE 2 HELP.
we are those who LIVE/LOVE by the LAW 0F THE LAND and for the gr8ter goodness in the WAY 0F 0NE which is the LAW 0F 0NE.
we are 0NE and 1+1=0. we are UNITY. WE ARE THE 0NES WE'VE BEEN WAITING F0R. we are those of the LAW 0F 0NE.
we are of pure intent for the G00D 0F the WH0LE. we are SUSTAINABLE. we are REBIRTHING. we are MANIFESTING DREAMS.
lest be F0RGIVING + C0MPASSI0NATE 0F+WITH 0NE AN0THER, where it is there you will find this EXPERIENCE filled with S0LUTI0N + L0VE. we will EMPOWER those who we KN0W 0NLY AS EXTENSIONS of 0UR 0NE SELF, THE 0NE CREAT0R. SEEK WITHIN and you will KN0W, just as INTUITI0N whispers clues softly to 0UR DIVINLY GUIDED MIND WITHIN the UNIFIED FIELD of the 0NE CREAT0R WH0 KN0WS N0 0THER and there was NEVER A LESSOR CREATI0N of ALL CREAT0RS thereafter. REFLECT THE G0D Y0U SEE WITHIN, WITHOUT. we are the WAYSH0WERS from your future's past. THE GREAT AWAKENING.
maynnnnn sumbodi help me find sumthin to spice up my life in atlanta and i got you. you will be taken care of kiddo. :d
west end atlanta, ga
we are those who LIVE/LOVE by the LAW 0F THE LAND and for the gr8ter goodness in the WAY 0F 0NE which is the LAW 0F 0NE.
we are 0NE and 1+1=0. we are UNITY. WE ARE THE 0NES WE'VE BEEN WAITING F0R. we are those of the LAW 0F 0NE.
we are of pure intent for the G00D 0F the WH0LE. we are SUSTAINABLE. we are REBIRTHING. we are MANIFESTING DREAMS.
lest be F0RGIVING + C0MPASSI0NATE 0F+WITH 0NE AN0THER, where it is there you will find this EXPERIENCE filled with S0LUTI0N + L0VE. we will EMPOWER those who we KN0W 0NLY AS EXTENSIONS of 0UR 0NE SELF, THE 0NE CREAT0R. SEEK WITHIN and you will KN0W, just as INTUITI0N whispers clues softly to 0UR DIVINLY GUIDED MIND WITHIN the UNIFIED FIELD of the 0NE CREAT0R WH0 KN0WS N0 0THER and there was NEVER A LESSOR CREATI0N of ALL CREAT0RS thereafter. REFLECT THE G0D Y0U SEE WITHIN, WITHOUT. we are the WAYSH0WERS from your future's past. THE GREAT AWAKENING.
maynnnnn sumbodi help me find sumthin to spice up my life in atlanta and i got you. you will be taken care of kiddo. :d
moderator said:The Nexus does not allow for soliciting illicit substances, including DMT. Please cease and desist from making such requests. Extractions are simple and there is plenty of information (and a community of people) to help you out with extracting your own.
Nexus open forum is not for meeting others, please do not show your email and ask for people to contact you. If you want to talk to someone privately, use PMs
0NEWAYSH0WER has been suspended for two weeks as a result of multiple requests to obtain DMT from Nexus members.
west end atlanta, ga