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Can San Pedro be extracted in alcohol like other psycoactivce herbs?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I posted this at another forum but didn't receive an adequate answer.

I understand that it would require a lot of alcohol, but is it possible to make a concentrated extract of San Pedro or Peruvian Torch by soaking it in alcohol for a week and evaporating? Or even making a tincture?
well 69Ron's drytek is almost just as easy and the final product is far more desirable than a ball of miffgoo.
I wonder how well it would work to brew up some cactus tea > reduce it to 50 or 100ml > add some grain alcohol > let it sit for 24 hours, shaking periodically > put the cactus tea-alcohol mix in the freezer > let the tea freeze, and pour off the alcohol > repeat a few more times and reduce the alcohol down...
There are alcohol cactus teks that leave you having to ingest several lumps of horrible sticky tarlike junk. I wouldn't bother, use 69rons awesome limonene tek.
You lose LOADS with the IPA method Im sure , a freind told me recently it was a horrible experience the IPA is soo fumagating and although the end product didnt taste that bad the trip was very mild with no visuals,just not worth it, that was from 25g..
The mescaline in the cactus is a salt and is not very soluble in alcohol.

Mescaline HCl is completely insoluble in IPA!
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