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Can you infuse leaf using naptha?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm sure I read that you can infuse leaf with naptha, is that right?

Also Is swim understanding the procedure correctly? Fill an evapping dish with the solvent containing spice and then dump the herb in the middle of the tray, swirl it around abit and then wait for it to evap. Is that right?

Yep, but naptha takes a while to evap, so make sure its covered with tissue or something to prevent dust and insects from getting in.

Acetone dissolves very quick (like a few hours) next best would be isopropyl alcohol which takes a while.. but naptha defintiely takes the longest.
Swim always uses heptane (bestine) here's what he does:
Put your dmt into a shot glass and place shot glass into a hot water bath.
Add enough heptane to dissolve your dmt with room for your herbs.
Remove from bath, add herbs and stir for a few seconds.
Let sit about 5 feet in front of a fan until all solvent is gone.
I then stir/fluff the infused leaf inside the shot glass until it is completely dry.
I think that last step is crucial the leaf becomes much lighter in color with a nice powder coating.
hyperspacing said:
I then stir/fluff the infused leaf inside the shot glass until it is completely dry.
I think that last step is crucial the leaf becomes much lighter in color with a nice powder coating.

Hyperspacing, you say SWIY's changa is nicely coated with powder? DMT powder I take it? Does the infusion have enough time for it to do its magic and infuse, or is the leaf just being coated by the spice?

Buk, naptha is fine to use, as the members above me said, it will just take a little longer to evap:)

Swim always uses the same shot glass wich has a nice dmt film on it. When stirring it also scrapes any dmt residue from the glass off. This is what I believe makes the slight powder coating.
Thanks for the tips :) so you just use a little amount of solvent so that the herb is wet but not sitting in a pool of liquid?
buk said:
Thanks for the tips :) so you just use a little amount of solvent so that the herb is wet but not sitting in a pool of liquid?

Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf/Changa said:

Weigh the amount of leaf you wish to enhance with DMT at the desired ratio.
Using leaf that is chopped to the consistency which it will be smoked at makes
life easier later on. Pictured is a mixture containing 4 grams of Calea leaf and 3.5 grams
of Brugmansia Sanguinea flower. Weigh the amount of freebase DMT needed to enhance your leaf
to the desired ratio. Thoroughly dissolve the freebase DMT (use about 40mL of solvent per gram
of DMT) in one of the following: 100% Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone or Isopropyl Alcohol.
You want to use a dish with a width that will allow your leaf to sit between 5-10mm high.
Add the leaf to the DMT saturated solvent and swirl it around so all the leaf is spread evenly on
the bottom of your dish. If you need to, add a little more solvent so that the leaf is well
covered. Place the dish somewhere where it will stay undisturbed for several days. It took
about four days for the Acetone to completely evaporate and the leaf to dry in this example
Once dry, the leaf can be weighed. It should be heavier by the amount of freebase DMT that
it is enhanced with.

soulfood said:
I have a petri dish that I lay my leaf in after it has been processed to a suitable size. I then spread it out evenly. It's good to have the layer as thin as possible, but to completely cover the bottom of the dish so you don't have too much spice stuck to glass when you are finished.

Then I weigh out the spice and desolve it in the smallest amount of solvent I can. This is then poured onto the leaf, after which an excess of solvent is added, just to make sure all of the leaf is covered. I then leaf this for 24-48 hours or until it has dry solid.
I tried naptha once but it was not worth the effort as it takes more solvent to dissolve the spice AND much more time to evaporate. I would say just go pick up a small can of acetone if you can get it. With acetone it seems like using just enough the get it wet will dissolve everything right away. Its the way to go.

PS dont use the butane method. Its equivalent to just dusting the herbs in spice powder IMO.
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