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Can you live off hemp?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
It seems as hemp provides all or close to all essential nutrients for the body and mind to be able to function properly. Seeing as food can get expensive, and the whole preparation of it takes away time and destroys a lot of the nutrients inside it just seems easier to grow hemp and blend the leaves as much times as needed to get through the day.

That being said, I'm not really sure it is such a miracle plant as people claim it to be, but it still could be. I'm not sure where to look for information besides from someone that might have experience in using hemp as food.

What do you guys think?
Hemp is great. Food, fuel, and fiber are the big ones, but there is so much more.

I would go ahead and say that it is a miracle plant, but that no miracle stands on it's own. Although one could live by consuming only hemp products, I don't think this would be advisable. Of what I know about nutrition, diversity of diet is very important.

I will also say this; Of all the protein supplements on the market, hemp seed protein is hands down the best available for a variety of reasons. I was pretty deep into running, exercise, and nutrition for a while and many of the protein supplements like whey protein do just as much harm as good but hemp protein is pretty safe and efficient.
Only eating hemp probably will leave your body craving nutrients contained in meat. Some people might be able to do it.

Even "modern" superfood all in one stuff like Soylent green cant be sufficent for many people.
We arent like cars that just need the same fuel and the same amount of it.
We are humans and everyone has special needs.
Some people can eat full vegan diets some cant. Some can drink milk some cant. Some have better gut bacteria to deal with high plant matter diets some will just make their whole gut collapse.

Food is best eaten diversly so you never miss out on any nutriens. (also who in the world would wanna eat the same thing over and over and over)
Ulim said:
Only eating hemp probably will leave your body craving nutrients contained in meat. Some people might be able to do it.

Even "modern" superfood all in one stuff like Soylent green cant be sufficent for many people.
We arent like cars that just need the same fuel and the same amount of it.
We are humans and everyone has special needs.
Some people can eat full vegan diets some cant. Some can drink milk some cant. Some have better gut bacteria to deal with high plant matter diets some will just make their whole gut collapse.

Food is best eaten diversly so you never miss out on any nutriens. (also who in the world would wanna eat the same thing over and over and over)

Interesting for you to point that out, however I've done some re-search about what the human body actually needs and what it is "designed" for. Seems our species is made for eating fruits, vegetables and nuts otherwise we would have different teeth.

Basically we don't need meat and other animal products but we ended up using it anyways because at first it was basic survival at places we weren't meant to live, later we found a way to breed it and make it easily accessible like pretty much anything these days.

I've recently switched for to a vegan diet because I was lacking nutrients from eating junk food, and like other people said at first there was diarrhea and bloating until the digestive system got used to it.

We use variety in our diets because a lot of the foods contain either too little or too much of certain nutrients so they need to fill each others blanks like that not because we really have to. We could run like cars on a specific food if we found a food which contains all the necessary nutrients at necessary amounts which hemp and hemp seeds could be (?). Heck, if dogs can live on the same food each day and be healthy, grow up and grow old with orderly bowel movements why can't be?

The human body is amazingly adaptable, and our consciousness is also highly evolved to find a way to survive better than any other spices in the world but that doesn't mean everything we do or eat is absolutely necessary and healthy. With all those things readily available in this modern lifestyle I would tend to reach out more to the healthy side instead of foods that actually taste really good but don't really have a place in my diet health-wise.
Lots of good points made here. Nutrition can be a bit complicated but it is something that we should all be educated on since ultimately, we are all responsible for our own diet.

I agree that meat is entirely unnecessary in modern society. I am not vegetarian or vegan but have studied up on the nutrition. A daily B-complex vitamin will provide all the nutrients that might be difficult to source from plants. I have met successful body builders and even MMA fighters that are entirely vegan.

That being said, for those of us who must eat meat, small portions of lean meat and limited consumption of red meat is key to good health. I love to eat a good filet, sirloin, or new york strip on occasion, but definitely not more than a couple times a month.

Now to the concept of dog food. I will say that the vast majority of pet food on the market is absolute garbage. If you feed your dog Ol' Roy from Wally World, you should go on a similar diet yourself for a few months and see how you feel (nothing but cheerios and spam). My car broke down while moving and the subject of pets came up while I was talking to the mechanic. He went on and on about his veterinarian bills and later, I noticed an empty bag of Ol' Roy in the dumpster and it almost made me do a face palm. So, there are good pet foods out there both wet and dry, but there is a lot that goes into them. Human Kibble would be a similar beast with an ingredient list that takes up some serious real-estate on the packaging.

Yes, we are very adaptable omnivores but that doesn't mean that it is optimal. I'm pretty sure that everyone here wants to have a long and healthy life. To do so, we have to divorce ourselves from the concept that our ancient ancestors were healthy. I assure you that they were not. There are so many chemical components to food. Take any vegetable at the grocery store and there will literally be thousands of chemicals that make it up. There will be a large overlap between any two vegetables but lots of exclusions as well. For optimal health, we need as many of these nutrients and micro-nutrients as possible. Straight hemp would be seriously lacking in many of these nutrients and that is an understatement.

I would get behind the concept of human kibble, but it would need a lot of flavoring help and even then, I wouldn't want to eat it every day. I find food to be mentally invigorating and a social catalyst. Bland and unexciting food makes for a bland and unexciting life.
Again just as syberdelic said. There is a good reason why humans are nowadays taller and longer living than even just 50 or even 20 years ago. Nutrition has become better and better.

But dont forget. Meat or special replacement is needed. Just few examples. Carnosine as the name tells (Carnivore + proteine) is one protein that you simply cant find in the needed extend in plant matter.
Another example is creatine. Your body can synthesise it but not in the extend you need it. Thats why you see so many atheletes eat tons of it just to get more muscles growth. Creatine nowadays can be made easily in the lab to be vegan but still you dont see many vegans keep up on their carnosine and creatine.

Also another thing is its actually less about the food you eat. Its more about how much you eat.
Eating 5000 calories a day will make you age way faster than only 2000.

No matter what you eat. Dont eat to singular and make sure it fits your needs :)
By coincidence we found this report in the Jutt-wiki (Indo-scythian wiki), it is based on a report by Chinese pilgrim-traveller Fa-Xien:

jutt wiki said:
“This Sramana Gotama (RA) for six years continued in the practice of painful austerities, eating daily (only) a single hemp-seed :shock: , and one grain of rice, without attaining to the Path (of Wisdom); how much less will he (RA) do so now that he (RA) has entered (again) among men, and is giving the reins to (the indulgence of) his body (RA), his speech, and his thoughts!
source: here

If the Sakyamuni (RA) kept hemp-seed, he prolly kept bud as well i.e. hemp seed, perhaps the Sakyamuni (RA) was a haoma/saoma drinker who kept a haoma/saoma wand too? After all, he (RA) belonged to the solar race..... According to the floral lingo of times gone by, "a single hemp seed" usually refers to a whole kola* Try eat a single grain a day and One(1) will soon expire through the southern door. And even if One(1) eats a whole kola (only) a day, One(1) will get skinny as a skeletor soon enough....


That's a ''single hemp seed'' :lol:

But that is what the scientific minded Buddhist clerics try telling us now:.....(they omit the hemp) and call it One(1) grain of rice a day.....😉
Intezam said:
By coincidence we found this report in the Jutt-wiki (Indo-scythian wiki), it is based on a report by Chinese pilgrim-traveller Fa-Xien:

jutt wiki said:
“This Sramana Gotama (RA) for six years continued in the practice of painful austerities, eating daily (only) a single hemp-seed :shock: , and one grain of rice, without attaining to the Path (of Wisdom); how much less will he (RA) do so now that he (RA) has entered (again) among men, and is giving the reins to (the indulgence of) his body (RA), his speech, and his thoughts!
source: here

If the Sakyamuni (RA) kept hemp-seed, he prolly kept bud as well i.e. hemp seed, perhaps the Sakyamuni (RA) was a haoma/saoma drinker who kept a haoma/saoma wand too? After all, he (RA) belonged to the solar race..... According to the floral lingo of times gone by, "a single hemp seed" usually refers to a whole kola* Try eat a single grain a day and One(1) will soon expire through the southern door. And even if One(1) eats a whole kola (only) a day, One(1) will get skinny as a skeletor soon enough....


That's a ''single hemp seed'' :lol:

But that is what the scientific minded Buddhist clerics try telling us now:.....(they omit the hemp) and call it One(1) grain of rice a day.....😉

:? That's just ridiculous and offensive to the intelligence of the people here on the nexus. A single seed and one grain of rice a day is the worst diet/nutritional advice I've ever stumbled across.
Relax dude, intezam was just pointing out something interesting.

Try eat a single grain a day and One(1) will soon expire through the southern door. And even if One(1) eats a whole kola (only) a day, One(1) will get skinny as a skeletor soon enough....

Did you even read this part of the post?
While hemp seed is an amazing nutrition source and is hands down the best complete source of essential amino acids for protein synthesis, it would not be sufficient as a singular food source for a human body to function optimally.

One glaring example is vitamin D, hemp contains only a paltry 10 ui per 100 grams of seed (1), and considering 3/4 of the US population is already deficient in vitamin D (2), this is certainly not going to produce adequate amounts for maintaining good health.

It's also deficient in B-12, though it is a good source of several other B vitamins. While it is high in ALA, eating hemp seed alone would not supply adequate amounts of DHA which is necessary for proper brain function. Vegans take note, even the omnivores are lacking in these essential nutrients (3, 4), so it's very important to be supplementing these things if you want to maintain good health on any diet, but especially so on a plant based diet.

It is interesting to note that almost all the nutritional information available is on hemp seed and doesn't measure nutrients in the leaves and flowers, so it is likely eating the whole plant could provide slightly moar nutrition than just the seeds. However, it's still not going to be able to provide all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain good health.
and is hands down the best complete source of essential amino acids for protein synthesis

Actually, dreamoar, hemp seeds also have protein in them, in fact, hemp seed is by far the best source of plant-based protein out there.

Of course, it also contains all the essential amino acids like you mentioned, making a complete protein, which is almost unheard of amongst plant sources of protein.

There is no way to hemp, hemp is the way!😁
Well if were talking Hemp seeds then sure, its the most nutrient dense food on the planet next to spirulina and contains pretty much everything we need to sustain life.
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