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Canna Coconut Oil Recipe

Migrated topic.


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Hi Everyone,

I started experimenting with edibles recently and i thought i would share what has worked great in both flavor and potency, i used a slightly modified version of this technique.


I used 250 ml virgin coconut oil, You can use clarified butter or ghee instead of the oil if you don't like the taste of coconut, 1oz of decarboxylated mid grade cannabis nugs, 1 tablespoon of lecithin, a double broiler, a good old pint sized mason jar, aluminum foil a Pyrex baking dish and mesh strainer and if possible cheese cloth

So to begin you gotta decarb the weed, the purpose of decarbing is to remove CO2 from THCA so u get readily available THC.

1. Preheat the oven to 225 F°

2. Break the weed up, i leave it slightly larger than i would use for smoking

3. Put the cannabis in a Pyrex baking dish evenly spread and cover with tin foil, make sure you got a tight seal and no holes on your aluminum, put in the oven for 50 mins.

4. After its decarbed let it cool down so all the gases released during the process settle back onto the cannabis.

5. Once the dish is cool place on the freezer for 30 mins to facilitate the release of the goodies during the cooking process.

Note: The cannabis will change color after the process if your oven is not very precise i would advise using a lower temp and a thermometer.

While the weed is in the freezer set up a double broiler, since i didn't have an actual double broiler or a set of pots that could make a traditional one i came up with an alternative that worked quite well. I used the steamer that came with my rice cooker

Kinda looks like this


I used my gas stove instead of my rice cooker as a heat source for this part,

6. Fill the bottom pot with 1.5 2 liters of water

7. Place on the stove on high until you get a full boil

8. Place the oil inside a mason jar uncovered and place standing up in the center of the steamer,

9. Once melted remove the mason jar from the double broiler and add a tablespoon of lecithin and the cannabis straight from the freezer

10. Seal the mason jar, make sure it doesn't leak and lay it sideways in the steamer

11. Steam for 80-90 mins without using a lid on the steamer, keep an eye on the water level you never want it too low.

12. Carefully shake the jar every 10 mins

13. Strain with a metal mesh strainer, if you have cheese cloth add 4 layers and filter the remaining plant material

Squeeze out all the oil you can from the leftovers, i used a spoon, then if you have cheesecloth tie it up and squeeeeeze, gloves are a good idea since the plant material is rather hot.

Let it cool down and enjoy!


I'm storing it in a plastic Ziploc container inside my fridge.

I really like to make fortified coffee with this cannaoil, i used virgin coconut oil for flavor, baked goods barely taste like weed and the taste is barely noticeable on fortified coffee, i add a tea spoon of oil per 300 ml of coffee. and man i'm still baked af 6 hours after I drank it.

Another thing I like about this method is that it keeps the smell to a bare minimum, if that's an issue where you live a mason jar is your best friend, u only get weed stank from the decarb process, also since the mason jar is sealed no volatile compounds should be lost or so i theorize i didn't actually researched much on this matter and finally no smell is released during the cooking process.

Hope it helps!
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