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Cannabis and DMT, good or bad?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
Information about smoking cannabis and DMT is scattered out all over the forum. But often it is mentioned sideways.

I intend to buy a bong and start smoking cannabis.

What are your experiences if you smoke both alternately ? Do you feel that cannabis blocks or drives on DMT and vice versa? Or are there other noticeable effects?
Cannabis goes very well with Harmalas and oral DMT, or other Psychedelics, for me personally. Some people say Cannabis blocks Ayahuasca/DMT, but i call bullshit on that. For me, Cannabis potentiates/enhances/synergizes with all Psychedelics, yes it's not good to smoke too much (i stick to a few puffs here and there), and it's not good (imo) to have such high amounts of THC, so i kind of prefer the more mid/regular Cannabis over high grade medical Cannabis. At most, Cannabis can dull me down, cause some anxiety and paranoia, but that's about it, it certainly doesn't block out any effects, but it does alter some things, as any other admixture plant does as well, including Tobacco. I much prefer Cannabis over Tobacco, Tobacco is considered a very sacred plant but i don't see it, it has some amount of usefulness but Cannabis is by far more useful/beneficial/medicinal/therapeutic/Entheogenic than Tobacco could ever be imo/ime.
ShamensStamen said:
Cannabis goes very well with Harmalas and oral DMT, or other Psychedelics, for me personally. Some people say Cannabis blocks Ayahuasca/DMT, but i call bullshit on that. For me, Cannabis potentiates/enhances/synergizes with all Psychedelics, yes it's not good to smoke too much (i stick to a few puffs here and there), and it's not good (imo) to have such high amounts of THC, so i kind of prefer the more mid/regular Cannabis over high grade medical Cannabis. At most, Cannabis can dull me down, cause some anxiety and paranoia, but that's about it, it certainly doesn't block out any effects, but it does alter some things, as any other admixture plant does as well, including Tobacco. I much prefer Cannabis over Tobacco, Tobacco is considered a very sacred plant but i don't see it, it has some amount of usefulness but Cannabis is by far more useful/beneficial/medicinal/therapeutic/Entheogenic than Tobacco could ever be imo/ime.
I completely agree. It's great with almost any psychedelic. But in moderation. When you combine the two, it's the cannabis you should be most carefull with. A small amount of cannabis smoothens the whole experience. Large amounts sedate you.
I even fell asleep once, on a shroom cannabis combo, because i had taken too much oral cannabis.
Be carefully the amplification is veeery strong.
Do be carefull and go slow.
I would go for no harmalas and just smoked dmt and a little bit of canna before.
Yesterday, new years day, so I thought let’s start this brand new year the right way. Took 25 mg DMT with the GVG and had a beautiful sub break through.

An hour later I took the bong and smoked about 1 gram strong weed. Three rounds, each round three hits, an hour interval between rounds The euphoric feeling and the long lasting body buzz was great. During this my thoughts were ‘forced’ back to one of my ayahuasca trips. It was kind of processing it again and looking back on it.

This experiment showed me a synergy between DMT and cannabis. But time will tell if this is the case only now and than or more often.
i'm not sure it's so much about whether DMT and Cannabis are compatible; rather, i think it's more about whether Cannabis works in one's life or not.

for me, i just can't use Cannabis anymore. something in my brain chemistry has changed over the years and the effects of weed are not enjoyable now. i find the pot here (CA) WAY too strong now, even when i try to find low THC percentage flowers - concentrates are a big NO-NO for me - i think some of these concentrates are almost narcotic-like in their effects.

there have been times, however, i use a little cannabis...rarely, but a couple of times a year. i usually regret it later but enjoy it during the high.

personally, the only DMT related thing i can relate is when using weed and spice i have a much harder time remembering the journey. it doesn't seem to "color" it in any way - i just forget it!

Krishna said: "Enjoy all that life has to offer; be attached to nothing." moderation in all things is the key.
Too each his/her own. Personally I don't like the combo as I find it distracting entirely. I would recommend that you try it, but each individual experiences things differently and for me personally it was an irritating body load, mind scattered to the wind and a very shallow psychedelic experience which made it not worth it at all.
Psychelectric said:
Too each his/her own...
That sums it up. Then there's personal variability over time also, what one likes on one day can change later, and perhaps come back. Fixed certainties melt in the light of evolution or plain fluctuations. Badoumm.

How much cannabis are we talking about? A whiff or thoroughly backed?
How much dmt are we talking about?
Is it about oral or FB-vape or changa/enhanced leaf, and how much?
At what ratio between the two?
Time delay between the two?
I think the title "Good or bad" cannot be addressed by all these variables.

My general thoughts:
Cannabis: I go deep into my world
Deems: I go far out of my world

For that I could not really see them working together well, and expert persons like Nick Sand were really against combining.
Since there's only one way to find out: a deep pot-headed regime was established only to be draped over by a (rue)harmala-strong changa (1:1:1) until I disappeared. The experiment was conducted daily over a week to have some volume. I could not find negative effects from the combo, nor was there synergy to make something anew. None of the both got the upper hand. I think it was safe but I wonder about the why-doing-so. For fun and giggles it worked really well actually, I know this sounds not healing-woo-ish but wtf having a good time is healing I'd say. And these things work in the background anyway.

On another day the {firmly potted protagonist head} tried to assimilate a modest pharma (200 harmine + 40 Deems) and found again no negative side effects, the energies did mingle nicely. I was sure the harmalas were cutting out on the stoned-department for sure.

My aim was to look for nothing in particular, so the combo could impossibly disappoint. If you are expecting a certain format of experience, then maybe the combo might not the way you want things. About the combo I end with the feeling "Well yeah". Nothing glamorous in the way I did it, hedonistic interesting, more tests will follow but I must now de-pot my body thoroughly as it feels like saturated and starts to eat my energy 😁

My 2 cents
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