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Cannabis and Hemp Legalization in CA

Migrated topic.


For those of you who don't already know, California is another state that is revving up for passing Cannabis legislation this January 2014!

Not only will the proposed bill seek to legalize recreational cannabis, it is looking to completely Re-Legalize Cannabis and Hemp for industrial and medicinal uses 100%. This is by far the most comprehensive proposal I have seen to date. If anyone lives in California or has any connections in the state, I highly recommend you look into this and do everything in your power to make it happen!

The failure of California's previous attempt at legalization was due to a lack of signatures to get the bill on the ballot, this year I hope to see that change and I really hope people step up and do their part. Even if you don't live in California, I believe this proposal would be a pivotal turning point in the fight against prohibition. Colorado and Washington definitely stepped up the game, but there are some issues with both of those bills, especially Washington's. California's CCHI has taken those issues in to account and come up with some awesome alternatives.

Check it out! CCHI 2014!
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