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Cannabis Joints with DMT

Migrated topic.


omnia sunt communia!
OG Pioneer
SWIM has taken to sitting down with a friend or two and rolling a joint of about .75 grams of cannabis (occasionally mixed with a sprinkling of Damiana) with anywhere from 90 to 120 mg of spice sprinkled throughout. The experience has been fairly consistent and essentially creates some sort of hyperspace bubble around the smokers, there's a shared space that is entered. The cannabis tethers one, so while you don't break through you can feel whatever pulls the dmt space to you pulling you to the dmt space. Additionally, the space can be preserved through continued smoking. That is, as long as the spice is evenly distributed throughout the joint, you can prolong your time in this hyperspace bubble through additional tokes. As long as they are timed well SWIM has neither reached sub-psychedelic baseline, nor broken through for durations of ~30 to 45 minutes or so. The afterglow is essentially the same as smoking it normally.


Does anyone have any experiences with this combination they can share?
I made some spice infused cannabis a while ago..it was some really spicy strain called gypsy..I called it gypsy spice..I think I still have a bowl of it left...

I dont smoke it that way all the time though..the cannabis does really potentiate the after effects for me..and I get stronger visuals going in, like as I am holding my hit..but I think that the spice afterglow makes the cannabis high much more psychedelic..
I have only mixed spice in a joint one time.About 30 mg in a decent sized joint, to be smoked with a few spice rookies..I got a small spice buzz, but not even close to sub-break.maybe i didnt use enough spice, but it seems to me that it is a bit of a waste of my precious..8)
Yeah, in a joint it really seems a waste to me.

I've only done this once, and I got one of my sub-breakthrough unpleasant experiences.

When I frist started I would sometimes use the leaf bed method with mj, but I find that I prefer it on lotus flowers now.

There is some potentiation of the after effects, but I have noticed that being high on MJ clouds a breakthrough a bit.
I think it can be interesting smoking spice in a joint, but generally the experiences I've had have been a bit weird... I prefer to fully prepare myself and blast off with as much spice in as few hits as possible. But I think it can be a good introduction for people wanting to test the waters, and I have done it when I was too nervous for a full hit and just wanted a light dmt buzz.
But really, it is a bit of a waste of spice. I gave some spice to a friend for his birthday recently. He ended up sharing it in a few joints with friends... which I think they enjoyed, but I thought it was a bit of waste... IMO better to give fewer people a proper experience than more people a light body buzz.
IMO better to give fewer people a proper experience than more people a light body buzz

I agree with this, however the effects are far beyond "a light body buzz". There are unquestionably visuals, SWIM has seen the elves in fleeting glimpses (mostly them saying goodbye) as well as tryptamine patterns and kaleidoscopes of color. It is an excessive amount of spice, especially for the level of consciousness achieved, but it does allow you to perpetuate the space for a good little while. It is definitly easier to work yourself into more uncomfortable spaces as well, in SWIM's experience it's been almost completely enjoyable, however not nearly rewarding as full breakthrough experiences.
I wouldnt smoke spice in a joint anyway..when I made my mix I made it strong so each pipe full of cannabis contained about 25mg of spice, plus some harmalas..
on many occasions SWIM has added some dmt to joints of herbs...this actually worked very well..the herbs were passionflower, lavender, and peppermint..then add dmt into the joint as is...

this was also when some people were on some nice clean acid..very powerful experiences..this was also at a festival with light shows and loud music and rain...it was awesome...people disappearing and then reappearing...having the same thing happen over and over again for a 10 minute period...was great for dancing and was strong enough to produce great effects after a few puffs..

tasted wonderful as well...SWIM really enjoys dmt in joints of herbs...he finds it absolutely divine
When SWIM first tried spice, he used a glass vaporiser pipe with only 10mg DMT in it. The smoke was so hars SWIM tought he never possibly could get a breakthrough dose.

Few days later he measured 25mg spice and 40mg decent cannabis and rolled up a short fat one. After the first toke there was the same head/body buzz like the firs time. A few tokes later beautiful, colorful, extremely detailed visuals filled the air. Later the 2D patterns exploded into a 3D universe with moving, communicating entites that took their form from SWIM's favorite computer game (darwinia). The whole thing was simply amazing. Wow. :)

When the DMT world disappeared SWIM found himself in his room, totally amazed and nicely, lightly stoned. :)

So according to SWIM's experience the mixture of cannabis and DMT is very enjoyable and breakthrough experiences are possible with joints.

SWIM says that one must smoke the joes quickly to break through, but it is very possible.
I enjoyed the mixture well also. But instead of smoking them together. I smoked a few bowls first. Which eased the pre-trip anxiety and then I smoked the DMT. I found the cannabis smoothed out the entry to the realms and also added a nice visual aspect to the trip. I liked it :)
SWIM smokes MJ almost daily. After evaping some naptha left over from a freeze precip he was left with a yellow go that would not dry out completely. He wiped this off his razor with a bud of MJ and left it for a few days. He rolled this MJ up and found that even just a few tokes took him pretty close to hyperspace. Very enjoyable by all accounts. Since then SWIM has prepared some MJ with white fairly pure spice and was a bit let down. My guess is that he may have had allot more spice in that yellow goo than he thought...because the freebase he laced the MJ with the second time felt like a waste. It was not nearly as effective.
SWIM never tried rolling it up, but definitely thinks that spice and daminia is a magical combo. He uses the sandwich method and has never had a problem getting enough in 1-2 hits. He says the taste is divine too. He swears it is much more smooth than vaporizing the base alone. As for smoking it with pot, SWIM doesn't like it. He also doesn't like it with pedicularis densiflora.
Ive had spice in a joint once along with passion flower. Think it was about 100mg between 2 of us. It was quite strange got a body high from and everything looked the strange way it does almost like when you first come down froma good trip, but as other say it was just the tip of the iceberg. The difference between a joint and blasting rite off and breaking through is huge, so big infact it has sealed the deal for me. I really see no point in smoking it in joints. Ill save my spice for the good times :)
SWIM occasionally make joints with changa not pure spice. Its still tastes kinda funny but its not as harsh.
He finds it very enjoyable, the dmt body load with the weed seems to make it more pleasurable.
The visuals are gentle and not as oppresive as dmt alone and can make for a nice sub-break through experience.
SWIM started doin this when he was too scared to take the full plunge with his changa and this certainly is a nice way to wet the feet as you can control how deep you go. You wanna go deeper, hit it harder and more frequently.
SWIM would quite like to try this after some caapi tea. That would be a good one me thinks
SnozzleBerry said:
Is there really nobody else with any experiences involving cannabis and spice?

Spice cleared me from one heavy ,cannabis´ trip and gave me ,cannabis´ nightmare one night.

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