DMT Lexus
DMT-Lexus member
I couldn't get breakthrough anymore. DMT has ceased to act on me, that's it, now I am not allowed into the hyperspace.
Probably, I disappointed God and I was disconnected from access to hyperspace. On DMT I've fallen into a completely different world, this is not like on mushrooms. The Hyperspace... So unique thin world.
I've seen entities, rooms, spirits. Now I see nothing even on big dose of DMT.
And I do not know now, the reason is the use of harmala, which changed the functioning of my monoaminoxidase and made it more active in the usual state, or the higher forces turned me off from the hyperspace.
A few months ago, I was angry with this world, that there is so much suffering here that here everyone devours everyone, that there is so much evil and all evil spirits. I was angry with God that he would not destroy all this evil, that if he wanted to create a man with free will, but not inclined to sin, he would have done this, and so on...
So that gonna really, generously, they did good from the heart, both for people and for nature, really from a pure heart, so that everyone has it. But this is not in this world. And I was angry that there was so much torment. In one of the last trips, I was told that I went there too often. Then the most powerful trip and last I saw the devil and he said that I would behave well and would not do all nonsense. Then I seem to be disconnected from the hyperspace and no longer allowed there.
I have already evaporated 40 mg of DMT freebase several times, and nothing. Only a little brighter colors. And all!
The evaporation method is exactly the same as when I received powerful hyperspace travels. DMT is fresh, of excellent quality. The vaporizer is the same. But nothing! I was disconnected from hyperspace. I apparently disappointed the highest forces, and now I do not know what to do about it.
I also have an assumption that harmala can give a compensation effect, or rather the body after harmala compensate MAO inhibition. Harmala inhibits monoaminoxidase in normal condition, and while harmala leaves the body, as it were, compensates for the obtained inhibited monnaminoxidase and makes it even more active. And then I am afraid that I have changed forever and there is no way back.
I am a kind person, but I'm afraid to become a fallen angel, for I was really disappointed in this world, and no matter how I try to configure myself - in this world I am disappointed for the most part. I am disappointed in myself, in my weaknesses, in my stupid things, in lost opportunities. I understand that I myself am to blame for this, but apparently the demon forces were stronger and were able to play me like a puppet, making me disappointed in many things. No, this is not depression, and I am a happy person inside, this is something else, exactly the disappointment, understanding that could be better if not for my own stupidity and weakness. I am the product of the environment though, as any other live organism in this world and the enviromnent was created as is, and so...
Nevertheless, I think that I disappointed the highest forces and did not live up to their expectations. Now I feel like a fish, thrown by the waves ashore.
I also did not trip on mushrooms for about one year, perhaps they will help me. I've still haven't tripped yet.
I'll be happy to hear from you, maybe some shamans or more experienced people could chime in. Every input will be very appreciated.
Probably, I disappointed God and I was disconnected from access to hyperspace. On DMT I've fallen into a completely different world, this is not like on mushrooms. The Hyperspace... So unique thin world.
I've seen entities, rooms, spirits. Now I see nothing even on big dose of DMT.
And I do not know now, the reason is the use of harmala, which changed the functioning of my monoaminoxidase and made it more active in the usual state, or the higher forces turned me off from the hyperspace.
A few months ago, I was angry with this world, that there is so much suffering here that here everyone devours everyone, that there is so much evil and all evil spirits. I was angry with God that he would not destroy all this evil, that if he wanted to create a man with free will, but not inclined to sin, he would have done this, and so on...
So that gonna really, generously, they did good from the heart, both for people and for nature, really from a pure heart, so that everyone has it. But this is not in this world. And I was angry that there was so much torment. In one of the last trips, I was told that I went there too often. Then the most powerful trip and last I saw the devil and he said that I would behave well and would not do all nonsense. Then I seem to be disconnected from the hyperspace and no longer allowed there.
I have already evaporated 40 mg of DMT freebase several times, and nothing. Only a little brighter colors. And all!
The evaporation method is exactly the same as when I received powerful hyperspace travels. DMT is fresh, of excellent quality. The vaporizer is the same. But nothing! I was disconnected from hyperspace. I apparently disappointed the highest forces, and now I do not know what to do about it.
I also have an assumption that harmala can give a compensation effect, or rather the body after harmala compensate MAO inhibition. Harmala inhibits monoaminoxidase in normal condition, and while harmala leaves the body, as it were, compensates for the obtained inhibited monnaminoxidase and makes it even more active. And then I am afraid that I have changed forever and there is no way back.
I am a kind person, but I'm afraid to become a fallen angel, for I was really disappointed in this world, and no matter how I try to configure myself - in this world I am disappointed for the most part. I am disappointed in myself, in my weaknesses, in my stupid things, in lost opportunities. I understand that I myself am to blame for this, but apparently the demon forces were stronger and were able to play me like a puppet, making me disappointed in many things. No, this is not depression, and I am a happy person inside, this is something else, exactly the disappointment, understanding that could be better if not for my own stupidity and weakness. I am the product of the environment though, as any other live organism in this world and the enviromnent was created as is, and so...
Nevertheless, I think that I disappointed the highest forces and did not live up to their expectations. Now I feel like a fish, thrown by the waves ashore.
I also did not trip on mushrooms for about one year, perhaps they will help me. I've still haven't tripped yet.
I'll be happy to hear from you, maybe some shamans or more experienced people could chime in. Every input will be very appreciated.