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Cappi resin as changa additive??

Migrated topic.
Hi folks,

So extracted dmt for the first time in over ten years as been away for a long period, success though I made a mistake today but will make another thread about that. I have plenty mimosa so just a blip tbh

I found a seller who has cielo vine resin named ayahuasca extract, basically brewed vine down to a resin, so they say. I got 10 grams of 10:1 extract so I assume it is the equivalent of 300g of yellow vine. I took a third with 100ug of LSD and it was quite strong anf had a good time, definately tastes and acts like ayhuasca. I just added a third of the resin to warm water and it was insta vine, very cool and happy with it.

My question is could I use this resin to make changa? I previously made changa with vine leaves but there was no difference whatsoever and just acted like straight dmt, sure someone here said theres not enough harmalas in vine leaves and well for me it was just like dmt with no discernable differences.

Any pointers on the amount of resin to dmt would be great, or if this would work at all?? Dissolve both dmt and resin in acetone with some herb and changa, right??? Thanks
Well, I dont see a reason why it would not be possible but bear in mind that the alkaloids from the vine will be in salt form and not freebase, and regardless that I believe the whole thing will be very unpleasant to smoke.

If your resin is active ( as you tried it and it worked for you ) why don't you extract the harmalas from it using one of the teks in the wiki and infuse those into the leaf ? You will definitely achieve a much better result than just using the resin on its own.

If you insist on using the resin, I believe you can dissolve a certain amount in water, filter, and then evaporate the liquid onto leaf material.
This is similar to how a 10X caapi leaf is made, so for example i would measure amount of resin equal to 10g raw vine and evaporate it onto 1g of leaf.

Hope it helps :thumb_up:
Using the Resin really seems like overkill. But by all means if you're looking for a heavy vine influenced changa then go for it...

I've had very much success in using caapi leaves only...

These days I'm getting more acquainted with Vine and Rue in changa..
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