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Carrier Waves, Long time OBEer, Astral Traveler, seeking divine union

Migrated topic.

Steel Hawk

Rising Star
Hello fellow travelers,

I'm in my early thirties and was drawn to the idea of Out of Body Experiences around the age of 11. It wasn't till several years later that I started to have the onset of a full blown OBE. Fast forward twenty or so years later and I'm having nightly OBEs whether I want them or not.

Today I was watching the "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" documentary on Neflix (at 00:34:34), one of the volunteers said something that made me rethink my predjudice against psychoactives for spiritual pursuits.

"And then their would be a hum. And the hum would get louder, and louder, and to the point where it broke apart everything I was or knew. It was just this WRAAAAAAAAAU and it just got louder and louder until you just had to surrender to the sound. And then you were there."

These simple words profoundly changed everything for me.

It reminded me of a post I made to the Astral Pulse forums years ago:
"It started about 5 months ago, everytime I'm about to project I "hear" this strange signal. I can't really describe it accurately but it "sounds" like this: RA-wa-Ra-wa RA-wa-Ra-wa RA-wa-Ra-wa It's not really a sound but it is, I don't know how else to describe it. It's a sound as much as the vibes are a sound... I'm wondering if it's some type of homing signal (like Monroe talked about)? I suppose I could just follow it but I haven't worked up the ... gusto yet."

Then here in the Lexicon of the Wiki:
"Just after a launch, travelers often hear a ringing tone or vibration somewhat resembling a carrier wave. As the ringing sensation continues one can even feel that this vibration is 'resonating in every cell of the body'. The frequency of the tone often seems to cause (or be caused by) the dissolution of the current environment, and may be a perceptual artifact of the actual raising of one's vibratory rate to levels where access to Hyperspace is possible. Sounds like a high pitched tinntinitis tone right out of the range of consensual reality hearing (maybe what a dog hears with a dog whistle) - sometimes steady state, sometimes warbling up and down, like a siren."

Such a simple comment that changed everything for me. This is really a eureka moment for me in connecting that DMT experiences appear to be just as spiritual as what I trained to develop for years.

Another thing I'd like to point out is I think this Carrier Wave is more important than anyone realizes. For lack of a better word it seems to be a portal to where you go. From my experiences if I could "catch" the wave of vibrations that is the Carrier Wave I could hit what I would call a locale of Astral Space, or termed here as Hyperspace. If I missed it I would generally end up on the physical level but outside of my body. Robert Monroe (author) wrote about this, he called it his INSPEC (Intelligent Species) signal. In sober day to day reality I can focus and hear this signal if I concentrate.

Lastly, I hope to unite with my divine self, what's called The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel in occult circles. The ultimate magickal act, it could be thought of achieving super-consciousness, or communicating with your higher self, bridging the conscious and subconscious, etc. And I think this part of me has lead me here, given me a push in the right direction. The funny thing is on my pathetic attempts to gain communication with this being, it communicated that the nickname "Traveler" was appropriate for it.

I excitedly and humbly come before you with an open mind and attitude of being a seeker, student, teacher, and friend. I've only known of this site for a few hours (thank you Mr. Dark) and can't believe how much of an idiot I've been. There's loads of information here that I can't wait to explore.

Thanks for reading...

Side note: The majority spiritual experiences I've had were prior to using any mind altering substances (except for caffeine).
Side side note: I hope the colors in my post weren't annoying or egotistical, I know I'm not special (just ask my ex-wife), it was just an attempt at trying to separate the sections and make it easier to follow.
Hello Steel Hawk, welcome to the Nexus!

There are a few similarities between Out of Body Experiences and DMT, the carrier wave being one of them. Have a look around the threads and see what you can find. The DMT experience subforum might be of use to you.

If you have any questions or want to discuss shared interests with other members, hop onto the chat.

Much love,
Sally xx

P.S. Thank you for your efforts in making your post easier to read! However most people tend to prefer the simpler text. Blocks of colour can be distracting to the eye and make you jump ahead and miss important information!
Welcome Steel Hawk,

I can totally relate to your story, for me also it was the mentioning of the "carrier wave" that got me attracted to DMT.

I have these things happening to me for some time now and they come in different varietys from "morse code" "bells and whistles" to some sort of "pleasant electrocution"

Personally I have not yet put it to the test, but it will be soon now I finnished my 1st extraction.

Cheers, Sim.
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