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Migrated topic.


John Murdoch IV
Has anyone here infused Catnip with DMT?
I'm curious how it goes together. I've never smoked Catnip but it's supposed to be very easy on the lungs and minty and for some people the effects are quite euphoric.
This is hilarious. There are so many cat themes here at the Nexus.

Seriously, don't think catnip is active enough to be worth it - meant for the furry ones.

DMTripper said:
it's supposed to be very easy on the lungs and minty

I have only smoked from one batch of catnip (not with DMT though) and quality could possibly have been an issue. The stuff I smoked was anything but easy on the lungs or minty!
I tried growing catnip once back in the younger days because my roommate had cats. Had a few plants growing indoors and then I transplanted to outdoors. After transplanting I went inside for maybe 10 min to get a pitcher of water to water them and when I came out a damn cat was rolling all over them and destroyed them completely!! Must have been a potent stain haha
There is a great documentary on the effects of psychoactive substances on animals, and the behaviors that they cause.

Just found this thread, after searching catnip. I was just reading This Article and was amazed to see Catnip on the list. I have always wandered why my cat goes crazy for the stuff, maybe I will find out tonight. :lol:
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