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CBD Rich Oil - A Useful Changa Ingredient ?

Migrated topic.


Nothing Stops The Void
Another recent Idea I have had ... Many People enjoy combining mildly tranquilizing stuff with Psychedelics ... right ?
What about The Mild Cannabinoid, Cannabidiol which acts very differently from THC .

CBD-Cannabidiol should be easily obtainable - You have to extract the Flowers of fieldpicked Industrial Hemp (1%-5% CBD) via the Butane Route -
The Resulting Oil can be added to the Changa Mix then by dissolvin in Non Polar Solvent .

The CBD Rich Oil could perhaps also be useful for people who want to stop their Cannabis Habit-

MAPS said:
CBD is suspected to have peculiar efficacy for control of muscle spasms and for damping anxiety and "panic reactions" caused by THC

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a cannabinoid found in Cannabis. It is a major constituent of the plant, representing up to 40% in its extracts.[1]
CBD alone is not intoxicating, but displayed sedative effects in animal tests.[2] Some research, however, indicates that CBD can increase alertness.[3] It may decrease the rate of THC clearance from the body, perhaps by interfering with the metabolism of THC in the liver. CBD appears to affect both the CB1 and CB2 receptors- with higher affinity for the CB2 receptors .[4] Cannabis indica dominant strains of the plant are known to be higher in CBD than Cannabis sativa strains. [5]
Medically, it appears to relieve convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea, and to inhibit cancer cell growth.[4] Recent studies have shown cannabidiol to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia.[6]
In November 2007 it was reported that CBD reduces growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells in vitro and reduces their invasiveness. It thus represents the first non-toxic exogenous agent that can lead to down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.[7][8] It is also a neuroprotective antioxidant.[9]

CBD has anxiolytic and antipsychotic properties : http://www.scielo.br/pdf/bjmbr/v39n4/6164.pdf
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/115806131/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 said:
The plethora of positive pharmacological effects observed with CBD make this compound a highly attractive therapeutic entity.

I have the Flowers , gonna try extracting the CBD real soon .

What do you think :)
There must be lots of CBD in the regualr female fan leaves...I havent smoked for maybe 2 weeks or so..and I took a puff of some leaves I dried from my plant..and I feel wonderfully relaxed and mildy euphoric..really nice. I have been afraid to smoke because it seems to drive me to anxiety..I can rally tell the difference between leaves and buds..lots of people tell methat it's placebp. that there is nothing in the leaves..but they are wrong. Maybe if you smoke all day long you wont feel anything..but once every week or 2 and you will feel it, but it's very mild and in the backound..diff from THC..

I will try again in a week or 2, but I smoked some leaf hash last time from the same leaves i smoked and it was the same sort of feeling..not stimulating at all..

so fan leaves could be nice for a changa mix, though I dont like to smoke often anymore so wouldn't do this myself, I use DMT way more than cannabis now..the sugar leaves(sticking out of the buds) I think are different..I haven't tested the ones from this plant..but I did have a jar full last year and was smoking them when I ran out of bud for a while and was waiting to get paid and it was more of a bud like high..

Has anyone else smoked fan leaves AFTER abstaining for at least a week?
I have often smoked from the bigger leaves without visible resin leaves , I am sure they are active somehow.
I feel the Effects from the but its milder and shorter lasting ,at larger Quantities.
I also dislike the sharp taste of the Stuff.

I usually extract them with Butter and bake Brownies , works even with male ones !

I hope my Industrial Hemp Buds carry lots of CBD Rich Resin ... If i could just find the Butane Extractor...

Cannabis Alchemy : Cannabis Alchemy - Other Psychoactives - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
Leaves contain cannabinoids. If its a drug type cannabis strain its still mostly THC though. There is another cannabinoid called CBC that is probably at higher levels in cannabis leaves then CBD. CBD is present in very low concentrations in most strains of drug type cannabis. It takes higher doses of CBD to have an effect and its not psychoactive.

By the way all these cannabinoids are present as their carboxylic acids not in neutral form. They only turn into the neutral form after heating. Thats why fresh cannabis doesn't really get you high unless you heat it somehow.

Now hemp does have CBD. Its still not in that high amounts (not like 20% which some plants can contain for THC). But it is the predominant cannabinoid in most hemp thats been analyzed. Note it will also be present in its acid form and its acid form may not be active in the same way it is. Infact it most likely is not.

Cannabis can be breed to have high levels of both cannabinoids. Its been done.

You don't need butane to extract CBD. All you need is a non polar solvent. Even ethanol will work fine but ethanol will also extract out lots of other stuff. You can use hexane or heptane or naptha. All will work fine.
burnt said:
Cannabis can be breed to have high levels of both cannabinoids. Its been done.
Second that .
Maps Medical Marijuana Research said:
In contrast, the CBD levels observed were surprisingly low. Only four of the sinsemilla samples had more than 0.3% CBD, and 35 of them had only trace amounts (<0.1%). However, one sample had an astoundingly high CBD content of 28.0% (plus 11.6% THC). Another registered 5.6% CBD and 13.4% THC. Aside from these two anomalies, the CBD results were frankly disappointing, as we had hoped to discover significant variations in the content of the samples, with accompanying variations in medical activity. Because CBD is suspected to have peculiar efficacy for control of muscle spasms and for damping anxiety and "panic reactions" caused by THC, we had hypothesized that certain patients would tend to prefer high-CBD varieties. In fact, however, it appears that few patients are ever exposed to high-CBD cannabis. Unfortunately, we were unable to procure additional specimens of the high-CBD varieties for further testing.

As for CBN, the majority of samples showed only trace amounts. The highest level detected was 1.4%, and only one other sample tested above 1%. CBN is a breakdown product of THC, so high CBN levels are expected in old, degraded samples. This was confirmed by the fact that one of the samples above 1% CBN was known to be a year old. The prevalence of low CBN in the samples was evidence that most available medical cannabis tends to be fresh and well-preserved. Otherwise, these results were of limited interest, as there are few if any known medical effects of CBN.

Burnt said:
You don't need to use Butane for Extraction

I have heard about the other Solvents and Methods - but as with THC Rich Plants , the Cannabinoid Content of Honey Oil should be the highest
(with lower yield of course) , I think the Butane Method is reasonably Simple and can give amazing results .

I like the high Purity of the honey-like Butane Extractions as opposed to the Black Chlorophyll rich preparations you get with the other Solvents-
I am also aware that the Butane Wash will only dissolve the "Surface Cannabinoids" , not the "Internal ones" anyways the Industrial Hemp Flowers come in large Quantities once located. At least for Isomerization the Purity will be an Issue.

Hexane also sounds good , is it really the best of the 3 ?

EbookCannabis Alchemy-The Art of Modern Hashmaking.pdf
Do Cannabinoids fall under the same laws as THC does? Wikipedia told me they were structurally related to THC, but I don't know if that means they would fall under the analogue act.
eye did an experiment of sorts once, several years ago...
crushed up some brick weed over a mesh screen and rubbed it across the screen thoroughly, attempting to separate the trichomes from the buds, and was left with a material that seemed to contain very little THC, but plenty of other cannabanoids(or whatever they're called..CBN, CBD, ect). ..because after smoking a gram or maybe less, eye became very contently relaxed, sedated, and slighty stoned. it was verrry nice.
haven't tried it since...
deffinately a tasty and relaxing smoke

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