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Cebil Pods high in DMT or 5-MEO-DMT???

Migrated topic.


The Great Namah
OG Pioneer
From a discussion over at the ayaforum


3.6g phosphoric acid cold water infusion in 300ml water, 1 hour, shaken twice.

To be safe, she decided to forgo any MAOI, but rather underwent just a very weak, partial inhibition from the MAOI-B of a tobacco nasal infusion, whose effects she knows and would not confuse with anything. The tobacco infusion has no overt effects at such small amounts, except for relief from fatigue.

She then insufflated 1/2tsp (1/8 tsp. at a time) of the 300ml cold water pod infusion and despite the tobacco having waken her up, within a few minutes, she was hit with a wave of relaxation and sedation, becoming quite tired again and lay down on the sofa, eyes covered in a blindfold, and she lay still, meditating.

Whatever is in the pods is INCREDIBLY potent and active without caapi or rue IN TINY AMOUNTS. Whatever it is, she says, has an unmistakable tryptamine-family signature, and clearly totally distinct from the bufotenine effects of seed. But in addition, it was more "transparent" than the inception of the light or forest friends, without any transitional "alert". Instead, it was immediately and suddenly very sedating, comfy and *highly* euphoric, producing intense pleasurable body waves, and, to be quite frank, was highly stimulating to the root chakra (downright libidinous!). It made her yawn as with the light or forest friends, but because there was no "alert", it could easily have been mistaken for a regular yawn. This was followed by a deep 15-minute hypnogogic trance in an enhanced black space with some reddish tinges and with intense body feelings and emotions. The black space had a structure and was not uniform as in unaided meditation.

After the 15-minute deep trance, she got up still altered just at a threshold level but still had strong body feelings that were similar to the shamanic feel of the light, and colors were very bright and intense when she opened her eyes! She said it made her growl and moan, and it was hard to lie still, and even just standing still is somehow confining after the trance is over.

Heartrate was elevated, as she recalls from cannabis from years ago, she said, and she reported a *very* slight tightness in the neck as with the seeds, but without any of the other unmistakably distinctive feelings of the seed in the thighs, calves, and head, which sets them apart from other forms of the molecule. After the sedative phase, it lightened up into a highly euphoric, excited state full of bright energy and motivation, but she says she didn't want to be too active because of the sense of strain from the elevated heart rate. She also says that if an MAOI were to raise this heartrate even higher, she would probably start to feel uncomfortable and unsafe, but at this level with no MAOI, it was pleasantly invigorating, she says, comparable to the heartrate of the Morning Glory. The excitement at one point made her slightly nauseated, but not in a sick way.

One hour later, she says her heartrate is still slightly elevated, mood is happy, energy is high, euphoric *giggly* feeling, like being tickled from the inside out is also apparent, AND a very slight HEADACHY feeling, just on the verge. This could be a hypertensive reaction from having had guarana in the morning before the experiments began OR from the tobacco infusion, and it would be wise to AVOID CAFFEINE AND TOBACCO with the pods as well.

Quite honestly, she does not know what these pods contain, but WHATEVER IT IS, IT IS ACTIVE IN MINISCULE AMOUNTS AND IS EXTREMELY POTENT.

Her best guess is that it must be rich in something like 5meo (???) , and that IT SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH AN MAOI, at least that seems unwise so far because of the already high heartrate, and it SHOULD NOT BE INGESTED AS TEA.

CAUTION IS WARRANTED. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS, but whatever it is, it was not toxic either when smoked (little effect) or insufflated as nasal infusion, and was actually very stimulating and enjoyable. Whether it can be worked with shamanically for lesson-acceptance remains to be seen, although my girlfriend says she does not feel called to go deeper with them because of the intense effect on cardiac functioning.

In summary, my girlfriend feels that the seeds are much gentler (when taken in a comparable fashion and concentration) and the teaching and visionary power are far more pronounced with the seeds. She feels that compared to the pods, the seeds are much easier to work with at comparable levels.

Questions which have arisen from the bioassay:

----> Does anyone recognize this as 5meo from what you have read or studied?

---> The dosage for this is RIDICULOUSLY tiny! Much less than for a yopo seed nasal infusion by far!

It sounds like this just might be a good source of 5-MEO-DMT! It sounds very much like the timeline and dosage of insufflated 5-ME0-DMT and the effects sounds similar.

I may just have to pick up a few oz of these Cebil pods and start experimenting...A simple A/B extraction and bioassay will give us a pretty good idea of what’s in there.

Anyone else interested?
SWIM has wanted to do the same thing. SWIM's lab is still under construction and wont be done for many more days:(
Another interesting post from the same place.

From tests occurring in dreamland at the moment, it appears the foliage of A.colubrina is high in 5meodmt.

So potent that the foliage that drops off the plant towards the end of growing season can be collected and smoked to provide a full 5meo breakthrough experience.

And in terms of identifying the two species, i believe the bark is different, one being rough and the other smooth... But i cant for the life of me remember which is which.

Interesting, while I'm not too big on 5-meo-dmt I think that IF THIS WAS IN FACT TRUE this would be an excellent source of natural 5-meo-dmt.
argh! take that back acolon!
5-meo-dmt is fantastic!
I especially like it in a joint (with bud), lol so good

I was aware that A.colubrina contains 5-meo-dmt, but I seriously doubt it's to the breakthrough levels from unenhanced leaf.

Eitherway, I'm extremely interested :)
Some of the most beautiful blissful experiences SWIM has had recently were from 5-MeO-DMT taken sublingually. About 10 mg under the tongue is VERY NICE, euphoric, lucid.

SWIM didn't used to like 5-MeO-DMT at all until he started trying it sublingually. Taken sublingually, it's very much like LSD (without the visuals). Its BEAUTIFUL! Visually it's uninteresting but the pure bliss and strong mental psychedelic effects can be really nice when the mood is right.

While SWIM doesn’t get much visuals from it, he does get dream-like visions from it if he closes his eyes and relaxes. The visuals are a little similar to harmine for SWIM. The mental effects are fantastic, as long as you don’t over do it.

SWIM is going to get some pods. But I though Cebil pods only contained DMT and nothing else?
Coschi said:
argh! take that back acolon!
5-meo-dmt is fantastic!
I especially like it in a joint (with bud), lol so good

I was aware that A.colubrina contains 5-meo-dmt, but I seriously doubt it's to the breakthrough levels from unenhanced leaf.

Eitherway, I'm extremely interested :)

Sorry man, just can't do that. Smoked 5-meo-dmt is the opposite of DMT. No visuals, not friendly, almost to the point of being aggressive, and not fun.

Small insufflated doses are euphoric and can be fun. Definitely get the libido going!

I've not tried the sublingual method for 5-meo but may have to give that a shot.
acolon_5 said:
Smoked 5-meo-dmt is the opposite of DMT. No visuals, not friendly, almost to the point of being aggressive, and not fun.

I have to agree. Smoked 5-MeO-DMT is unpleasant. It's like getting hit in the head with a psychedelic nuclear bomb. Plus the sudden increase in pulse rate is a little unnerving.

acolon_5 said:
Small insufflated doses are euphoric and can be fun. Definitely get the libido going!

I've not tried the sublingual method for 5-meo but may have to give that a shot.

5-MeO-DMT taken sublingually is pretty much the same as snuffing it. The onset, duration, potency, and effects are the same. But it burns even more (as freebase). SWIM doesn’t like having anything in his nose, so he takes it sublingually instead.

Will 5-MeO-DMT absorb well as a salt when snuffed? SWIM only tried it as freebase.
acolon_5 said:
Another interesting post from the same place.

From tests occurring in dreamland at the moment, it appears the foliage of A.colubrina is high in 5meodmt.

So potent that the foliage that drops off the plant towards the end of growing season can be collected and smoked to provide a full 5meo breakthrough experience.

And in terms of identifying the two species, i believe the bark is different, one being rough and the other smooth... But i cant for the life of me remember which is which.

Interesting, while I'm not too big on 5-meo-dmt I think that IF THIS WAS IN FACT TRUE this would be an excellent source of natural 5-meo-dmt.

I've read that the pods contain only DMT, and that leaves, bark, and seeds contain DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and related compounds. I haven't seen reliable percentages anywhere though. SWIM's own tests found the seeds contain bufotenine and bufotenine n-oxide and little else.

I’m skeptical about this high alkaloid content in anything other than the seeds. If it were true, why aren’t more people interested in the pods and leaves? Has anyone on this forum tried them yet?

Info on Erowid states the following (from various sources) from Anadenanthera colubrina:

Seeds: 2.1%-12.4% bufotenine; unknown amount of bufotenine-N-oxide
Pods: 0.05% DMT; 0.05% bufotenine
Bark: 0.1% 5-MeO-DMT; traces of bufotenine and DMT;

Same info form Anadenanthera peregrina:

Seeds: 0.00025%-7.5%% bufotenine; 0.001%- 0.16% DMT; 0.024%-0.04% 5-MeO-DMT
Pods: 0.012% 5-MeO-DMT; 0.00013%-0.001% DMT;
Leaves: 0.006%-0.094% 5-MeO-DMT; 0.0064%-0.013% DMT
Twigs: 0.0357% 5-MeO-DMT; 0.0019% DMT; 0.0004% Bufotenine
Bark: 0.025%-0.39% 5-MeO-DMT; 0.0004%-0.02% DMT
Roots: 0.014% DMT; 0.678% 5-MeO-DMT; 0.007% Bufotenine

Note that Anadenanthera colubrina is often mis-identified as Anadenanthera peregrina and visa versa and this has probably messed up all of the tests somewhat.

Pods of Anadenanthera peregrina contain up to 0.001% DMT and 0.012% 5-MeO-DMT.
Pods of Anadenanthera colubrina contain up to 0.05% DMT, and 0.05% bufotenine, with no 5-MeO-DMT detected.

Looking at the numbers from Erowid, it seem unlikely to get much effects from the pods. But the leaves of Anadenanthera peregrina are reported to contain up to 0.094% 5-MeO-DMT. That’s quite a lot, nearly 0.1%, or 1 mg per gram. With 5-MeO-DMT all you need is about 5-10 mg for good effects when smoked. So you’d have to smoke 5-10 grams of leaves in one or two hits to get effects! You'd have to extract it.
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