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Chacruna leaves boiled resin for rape?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have a psychotria carthagenensis and I used it in conjunction with syrian rue with moderate results... I would like to experiment another form of administration.

I want to boil the leaves to make a strong tea and then boil it some more carefully to leave maybe some workable residue that I would mix with baking soda. Similarly to yopo preparation.

Has someone made this before perhaps with viridis? Would this be feasible?
hey, i once did it with chacrua and chaliponga. i did it in a diferent way as you are planing, more similar to a traditional rapé.
the way i found best was to reduce the brew to a very small amount (allready in goo state) and mix it with traditional indigenous ashes. then i let it dry, crushed it, and mixed it with a bit of tobacco.

Done this way, it was slightly active, not enough for full effect like yopo. it would remind me of the ayahuasca afterglow, and since i was in a long diet, i had some comunication with those plant spirits, but it was something very subtle.

it is an interesting experiment, but if your aim is just to have a DMT experience in a diferent ROA, i dont think its worth it.

anyway, i dont know if the traditional ashes are a stronger or weaker base then carbonates, and the tobacco might have prevented a bit the stronger DMT effect, so go for it, try with a small quantity first, and share your impressions, i will be interested to hear your results.

all best
Thanks for your input! Maybe because the goo was mixed with tobacco it got a little diluted and so lost concentration on DMT, or maybe the base was not strong enough... Even so it's nice to read that you still felt the other plant spirits.

Anyway, I will try to do it like that once I make the harvest at the end of the summer. I will report back if I do feel something.

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