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Challenging doses

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So after about a six month abstinence from DMT My girlfriend and I decided it was time for a dose.

Our previous trip was a 200 mg DMT and 250 mg harmala capsule camping on top of a mountain bathed in full moon and starlight during a planetary alignment listening to Amethystium ( best music I've heard to date, especially for that set and setting)

that was the best night of my life so far and very hard to beat so thats why we left it alone for so long. We even took our two little dogs and cockatoo along for the night.

But with nothing to do on a sunday morning we unplugged the phone and locked the doors, I just couldn't deny the urge to voyage back to the DMT world.

Since our last trip was all good with no challenging aspect to it at all I decided it was time to go deep and packed each capsule with 350 mg harmalas and 280 mg dmt fumerate while remembering what terrence said about the right dose being the dose where you thought you've done too much.

I've had one very intense trip on pharma before and it gave me a healthy respect for how powerful it can be however that was over a year ago and I obviously needed to re learn that respect.

12 noon - took the dose on an empty stomach, last time we ate was dinner time the night before.

1 PM - feeling physical effects start to kick in, begins to get hard to walk around, time to lay in bed.

1:15 PM - closed eye visuals are getting so vivid they begin to get frightening, I see a glowing green geometric colage of indescribable sharpness and intensity.

I open my eyes hoping to be able to escape this visual but with eyes open everything is heavily distorted and equally intense.

I'm beginning to lose sense of myself. My ego is dissolving and I'm finally right where I needed to be, dominated by a very powerful dose. much more powerful that what I had expected being that my last dose was 200 and it was nothing but pleasant.

1:30 - I had managed to find my way to the living room and my girlfriend was sitting on the couch looking quite happy.. she was telling me how it wasn't that strong and shes doing fine, I just kept repeating " Oh no we did too much... this is way too much "

I see her happiness turn to fear and then terror as tears are running down her face and she tells me "I don't know who you are or where I am anymore"

Chilling words when your that High on DMT looking for some kind of reassurance.

Around 2 o clock I had to go to the bathroom but couldn't really walk, when I got there I couldn't tell where my toilet was, everything was covered in shimmering myan style inscriptions and serpents.

I sat down on what I thought was my toilet But It looked like the bathtub. At that point I really didn't know where I was and I thought I had pissed all over the floor ( I later saw that I didn't but I really have no idea how that piss ended up in the toilet being as far gone as I was.

I came back out into the living room even more psychotic as when I left. My girlfriend told me that this was way too much, like the last time she smoked salvia 30X extract.

I just kept saying 'We can get through this"

I really wish I could describe what I was seeing better at the time But basically my whole house and everything in it was lit up like a christmas tree, like I was on some kind of spaceship or something.

I started to get a grip after the peak about 2 and half or 3 hours in and the trip became awesome from there, basically laying in bed astrally projecting my spirit into a swirling mist of spiritual energy in my ceiling wondering why a being like me even needs a body at all and then I had an apiffany .... Experience. thats what this is all about and thats what we are here for.

All the pain and suffering on this planet, all the joy and happiness, everything, Its all an experience and its all equally valid. good trips and bad, its all relevant.

So get out there and live it up.

peace to all and to all a good night.

( I forgot to add that the effects didn't wear off for 14 hours! even after that I was still feeling like I had dmt in my system and I could see these flashing white lights out of the corners of my eyes )
Nice write up. Just goes to show you how variable these things are...

"I don't know who you are or where I am anymore"

That is truly chilling. I can imagine how frightening that must have been that far gone. I always trip alone, but have wondered what it would be like to trip with someone I loved, or at least had a strong connection with, but clearly it can be a double-edged sword.

Thanks for the clear write up.

Believe it or not, but reading how you described your bathroom and house. I have had very similar OEVs on yopo.
I've been trying to figure out why during these oral doses I'm still in my body and not totally gone drooling on the floor.

I mean I was still able to move around somewhat but how is that possible?... you would think total ego loss and feeling like your on a spaceship would mean you should be out of body

like the first time I smoked dmt and dematerialized into pure energy, this stuff has so many dimensions its incredible.
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