Hello there Nexians! My friend was going to put their first changa blend together soon, and will have at their disposal:
300mg 1:1 enhanced peppermint
300mg yellow FB
500mg orange oily spice infused cannabis (n-oxide? Defo active)
100g red caapi vine
100g yellow caapi leaf
100g chacruna leaf
He wanted his first blend to be fairly 'traditional' and was interested in red caapi's healing properties as well. What would your mix be with these ingredients? He was thinking that he would add 300mg yellow leaf, 100 red, 100 chacruna, and redisolve the peppermint to even out the concentration, making approx 1 gram 2:1 mixed caapi changa. He thinks he will keep the infused cannabis to add to taste though.
He was also wondering what the combination of caapi tea + a few lungfulls of this mix might be like?
Exciting times for my friend, I'm sure you'll agree! Please add any thoughts / opinions on the proposed blend, it will be smoked through a small perc bong if that makes any difference lol.
Viva la Changa! Much peace and love,
P x
300mg 1:1 enhanced peppermint
300mg yellow FB
500mg orange oily spice infused cannabis (n-oxide? Defo active)
100g red caapi vine
100g yellow caapi leaf
100g chacruna leaf
He wanted his first blend to be fairly 'traditional' and was interested in red caapi's healing properties as well. What would your mix be with these ingredients? He was thinking that he would add 300mg yellow leaf, 100 red, 100 chacruna, and redisolve the peppermint to even out the concentration, making approx 1 gram 2:1 mixed caapi changa. He thinks he will keep the infused cannabis to add to taste though.
He was also wondering what the combination of caapi tea + a few lungfulls of this mix might be like?
Exciting times for my friend, I'm sure you'll agree! Please add any thoughts / opinions on the proposed blend, it will be smoked through a small perc bong if that makes any difference lol.
Viva la Changa! Much peace and love,
P x