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Changa: clarity on terminology

Migrated topic.


Chen Cho Dorge
OG Pioneer
It has come to my attention that there is some confusion when people talk about changa in regards to caapi leaf or enhanced leaf... or paudarco (technically bark but you know) or what have you...
So SWIm wants to try to inspire an attempt at creating clarity of communication so that folks are on the same page and people know what people mean when they are talking.
One of the things that made changa what it is. that made it dicernable from anything else is the addition of smokable caapi leaf mixed with spice. Enhanced leaf has been around since the 60s... its nothing new and i doubt that a new clever name was really needed to describe this... IMHO opinion the term changa emerged from something new... some thing noticeable and in need of a new name. For the sake of clarity it would be nice if people could work with that notion too.
Some people on the ayahausca forum suggested changaya... to describe caapi enhanced leaf... but SWIM thinks that this may be a bit silly. Though who knows maybe due to the lack of clarity on the terminology it might be easeir to call it that then to try to correct people who call enhanced leaf changa...
ultimately it would be nice to get every one on the same page and to spread the word on respective sites... what ever the consensus is...
my vote is that changa is enhanced caapi leaf with other admixtures...
I always thought of changa as caapi leaf with DMT, with or without any other herbs or substances. Is that wrong? I am using bufochanga and meochanga for caapi leaf with bufotenine or 5-MeO-DMT as well.
My Electric Sheep is enhanced leaf, that's clear as there is no Caapi in it at all, but what would you call for example Pau d'Arco enhanced with DMT and Caapi Vine Extract? My mate and I have named it Golden Temporal and classified it as Changahuasca (although he is using Caapi leaf instead of Caapi vine extract). I quite like Changaya.

I'm just interested, where would you place a blend like this that is enhanced with Caapi vine extract and DMT?

What about those who use a Vine saturated IPA or Acetone to then make enhanced leaf or bark?
ive always considered changa to be

any smokeable plant material, enhanced with dmt and any/all of the following: harmine, tetrahydroharmine, and harmaline.
What would it be called if only the vine was used (powdered or shredded)?

Does anyone from the uk know of a good vendor that sells the leaf? Seems to be quite a tricky one to get hold of.
I personally like the names like Electric sheep/ Aya android/ The Mekong. What is Pau and cappi vine called I think that needs a name.
No, only caapi leaves with DMT is changa. If you had caapi laves, passionflower leaves and DMT, it would be changa. That is my understanding of the term, at least.
Evening Glory said:
No, only caapi leaves with DMT is changa. If you had caapi laves, passionflower leaves and DMT, it would be changa. That is my understanding of the term, at least.

hmm okay. in that case i think tha dmt-enhanced-leaf needs a cooler name. not sure what it would be but it be nice to heve an easier and more discrete phrase to say
I personally consider something Changa if it has Caapi, in whatever form, as a strong and integral part of it's make-up/purpose.

Whether it be straight caapi leaf, caapi leaf/vine extract infused into caapi leaf and/or vine, caapi 20x from a vendor, freebased alkaloids from a caapi extract, and maybe even Caapi Copy.

The point is, Changa = Very present, Caapi guiding force....i.e., Caapi (whatever form it may take) in high, or at least significantly present, amounts.
Tell me if im wrong, but...

I thought changa was a herbal blend containing MAOI's from caapi or other, and freebase dmt.
I thought the herbal blend could be anything you want, no just caapi leaf.

I thought enhanced leaf was this without MAOI's.

xtechre said:
Tell me if im wrong, but...

I thought changa was a herbal blend containing MAOI's from caapi or other, and freebase dmt.
I thought the herbal blend could be anything you want, no just caapi leaf.

I thought enhanced leaf was this without MAOI's.


IMHO, caapi is more than just harmalas. It is an actual plant spirit that manifests in ways you could never imagine :twisted:
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