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Changa DMT experience. DMT Dieta.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This experience dates back to about 2018. It was the last time I had a DMT breakthrough experience.
I got in my possession 7 grams of changa, a smokable ayahuasca bland of dmt, maoi and mapacho.
I smoked it everyday, once a day for about 21 days, culminating in a breakthrough.
I used a small peace pipe with a large cone piece. It took two big breaths to finish it. The smoke was quite harsh because the length of pipe was short.
I got used to the harshness. The first draw would be the primer, the next hit is blast off.
Anyway so I had 7 grams of changa to build a relationship with.
I started off small and slowly increased the dose and went deeper, as I felt more comfortable with it.
Like I said I would smoke only once a day. Usually around 2 pm in the afternoon as it was a nice time of day. I would go to a special place on the property in the mountains I was living at the time. Nothing to special about it except it was private and I wouldn't be seen from the road or disturbed.
One rompa cone piece of this stuff is a blast off dose. (Rompa means fully packed and rounded on the top).

To be continued in the thread.
Nothing much to say about the lower level experiences and you're probably already familure with them. All the regular physiological effect and symptomology of entering the DMT space.

I slowly began to go deeper, increasing the dose. One day at a time.
It got to a point where I was smoking rompa cones of the changa, in two hits, one breath the primer, the next hit blast off. I was going deep in the DMT space. The toroidal shape and vivid colours, the visions and geometry, the sounds, the jester spirit entity which lived there.

People often talk about the female spirit of ayahuasca, for me it was like a husband and wife duo. The women would mostly be wrathful and the male would be placating her saying come on dont be so mean type of thing. Maybe it was the mapacho combined with the dmt?
I dont remember ever seeing the male though, perhaps once, only the female entity which could appear in many forms.

I was going deep, as deep as I can go, so I thought.
It was hectic how deep I was going but still not breakthrough level.
If you dont know, you will know when you breakthrough.

The thing is it was not my first rodeo with dmt.
I've smoked 7 grames of changa before mostly outside at night time.
I've seen the throne of God, which was like the taj mahal, and been transported to the year 3000.
I knew night time is definitely more serious and potenciates the effects.
That is why I only smoked it during the day when the sun was out, because I was scared and knew during the day it is a walk in the park, and it was.

To be continued in the thread.
There is many levels of the DMT experience. I wouldn't say distinct levels but more of a sliding scale.
For example, you get to a point where your vision becomes one, there is no distinction between opened and closed eyes visuals, it all becomes one, there is no escape and you cannot look away. Your no longer viewing with your visual cortext but with your minds eye. It can be terrifying.
The minds eye vision is just bellow the breakthrough.

Anyway I had 7 grams of a feash made batch of changa to journey with. It was potent owing to it being relatively fresh.

I was going deep, smoking once a day, everyday, for about three weeks. It was what I call a DMT dieta. I purposely did it during the day, in the safety of the sun so that it is a picnic in the park. It got to a point were I thought I had reached the maximum of the experience, but alas to go deep you must do it during the night time in the darkness.

So on the last day (not that I planned a timetable or anything, it just happened this way). I did it at the usual 2:00 pm. I was already tired afterwards from the trip but this day I decided to do it again at the night time. In the evening I had a shower and did all my chores and duties ect, I had the rest of the night free.

I packed a rompa cone and sat with it a while. This time I sat outside close to my dwelling on a chair. It was dark, no lights and the moon was out. It was clear skies and a cool night, a light breeze rustled through the trees. I usually would pack and sit with it a while before smoking, about 15 - 30 minutes, to lower my heart rate and center my thoughts ect.

I only ever smoked alone.

Like I said I was tired from earlier during the day. It must of been around 6:30 - 7:00 pm. I packed a cone and sat outside for a while gathering my thoughts. I actually fell asleep for about 30 minutes sitting on the chair. I was having vivid dreams when I awoke. Still sitting outside with a rompa cone of dmt changa packed. I immediately picked it up and began to light it and inhale the smoke.

The fist breath full is the primer, okay half way there. The next breath is breakthrough.
I inhaled the second breath of changa. Big breaths, full lung capacity. It was ths second time I smoked changa that day.

I breathed out and actually lost consciouness for a bit, maybe a few seconds. When I regained consciouness things were very very different. Something was wrong I thought. What the hell is going on. Time was flowing differently, it's hard to describe. I was phase shifting into another dimension. I struggled to recollect what was happening. I forgot that I had even smoked the dmt.

It was overwhelming. I thought that I had died. A voice said to me "thats it man, it's game over, you smoked to much DMT." I said no way.
For every moment that passed the more the breakthrough zone rendered into view, as the chemicals flood my brain. I struggled to come to grips with the experience. I looked left and right, for a way out, there was none.
My face fell into my hands and I said "oh no", thinking to my self what have I done.
Who is going to look after my cat.
I was in a virtual world. Like I'm in an elevator and the doors open to a whole new reality. It was checker plate ground, alternating black and purple in colour. It was a sparse landscape with gentle rolling hills like a prairie grassland. There was a paved road borded by signs which looked like road stop signs except they had an upside down triangle with red boarder and an exclamation mark symbol in middle.
The was a portal were souls would enter. An usher which stood to the side directing people along the path saying "come on then, off you go, alright then up that way. The poor souls look as dumb found as myself. Further up the path in the distance there was a blazing star, like a hyperdimensional orb continuesly folding in on itself, very detailed colours and geometry. We're being ushered towards it. It must have been the light at end of the tunell.

I struggled to accept my fate. Overwhelmed by the experience I let out a huge primal roar unlike anything I've ever heard. Aaarrrhhhhhh!

After a while I resigned to the fact I had died and no possibility of return. Coming to terms with it I said okay then fine, I'm dead now what. There was a blazzing star in the distance, it was the only real feature of the landscape, the usher was saying go towards it.

As I willed my intention to go towards it there was a white-out and my life was reset and the journey was over. As I look in the direction of the orb I see a sparkle. Hang on I thought, whats that? It was the glistering of the moon light in the top of the trees. Realising what it was I knew that I was alive.

I was overjoyed to be back to life. I literaly sat there for about another 15 minutes with drool coming out of my mouth and without a single thought passing through my mind.
That is it. End of story. Needless to say I got the breakthrough I was seeking. I haven't had DMT since then. Well I haven't felt the need. Ofcourse until another time.

I was left with PTSD infact. although my life changed for the better. I improved and excelled more in life. I was more and more sober. What can I say, it was a sobering experience. A hard days work and a good nights sleep was mind altering enough for me, and still is.
Holy shit man! what about PTSD, are you still suffering for it? what kind of symptoms we are speaking about, never heard about PTSD with DMT...
ildruido said:
Holy shit man! what about PTSD, are you still suffering for it? what kind of symptoms we are speaking about, never heard about PTSD with DMT...

Not suffering from ptsd now. It lasted probably 2-3 years but slowly got over it. I dont recall exactly what the symptoms were but I knew I had it. Had to stay sober. Regular flash backs, just general fragility. I would even be tripping in my dreams. All good now. Part and parcell of the breaktbrough experience and DMT dieta.

I had to stay calm, stressful situations could trigger shutdown mode. Vision goes dark and blurry and ringing in the ears, like at the precipice about to blast off.
Explorer2023 said:
That is it. End of story. Needless to say I got the breakthrough I was seeking. I havn't had DMT since then. Well I havn't felt the need. Ofcourse untill another time.

I was left with PTSD infact. although my life changed for the better. I improved and excelled more in life. I was more and more sober. What can I say, it was a sobering experience. A hard days work and a good nights sleep was mind altering enough for me, and still is.

That sounds very familiar.

Not suffering from ptsd now. It lasted probably 2-3 years but slowly got over it. I dont recall exactly what the symptoms were but I knew I had it. Had to stay sober. Regular flash backs, just general fragility. I would even be tripping in my dreams. All good now. Part and parcell of the breaktbrough experience and DMT dieta.

I had to stay calm, stressful situations could trigger shutdown mode. Vision goes dark and blurry and ringing in the ears, like at the precipice about to blast off.

Oh yes very familiar, the PTSD and flashbacks part.

I think I have learned to control anxiety and fear better during these years, to look into the source of it and meditate.

I also think it was around 2017-2018 for me for the last time I danced with the molecule.

You are not alone in your experience, there seems to be quite a few of us going through the same motions :)
Similarly for me the last time I tried DMT was in 2018 and still to this day I get some kind of flashbacks. Whenever I smoke anything I get the preflight jitters as if I am about to blast off, and then the other day while high on cannabis my friend was calling and started talking about changa and I started slipping into a trip, I had to actively fight it back to stop it. A bit concerning I think but nothing put of control yet.
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