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Changa in Vaporizer

Migrated topic.
Its funny no one has answered this question.

I'm also curious as to whether or not a vaporizer would do the job. If so, which ones are good to get. Changa is the only way to smoke and if it works well in a vaporizer then that would be a great added bonus.
I imagine it would work great.
A good friend elsewhere swears by using his Volcano. He says it is like cheating as you just lay back and hit the bag and he breaks through everytime.
He was using the spice on top of some spent herb but I don't see why changa wouldn't work as well. You will still get the added flavors of the changa blend and unless the vaporiser temps aren't high enough to release the actives in Caapi or harmaloid extracts then one should get the added boost as well w/o any harshness of the smoke/vapor.
I have been using a wooden, hand carved pipe w/ my spice and mullein but will break out my Vapir and give it a whirl as the Vapir is kind of hit and miss w/ MJ but is plenty hotenough to vaporise DMT.
Spira said:
Has anyone tried smoking Changa out of a vaporizer? (not vapor genie, a vap like the volcano)
There's really no difference at all between a volcano or an arizer or a vapir and a vapor genie aside from the fact that the ones you are intent on discussing are automated and use electricity rather than flame to warm their heating elements. As far as the mechanisms of action for how they function, they are essentially identical and should work just fine for changa or freebase. Personally I would never put changa or fb spice in my Arizer as I don't want it to perpetually reek of spice as that would ruin the flavor of my buds and render it ineffective as a potpourri disperser.
Changa from an i-olite/i-inhale vape doesnt work well - it doesnt get hot enough... awesome for thc but not for changa goodies... I would say any other vape you can control heat - magic-flight/volcano would be good ... even the GVG is controllable-- you can heat longer..
I tried once or twice in a VaporStar - this was not a reliable way to smoke as you dont know how much you're getting, and seems that the DMT vaps faster than the plant material/harmalas, so not getting a balanced hit like Changa in a bong... i'd like to try a GVG soon!
I find it's hard to get all the goodies out of the changa with my VG. I can vape it really good then smoke it after only to discover it is still active.
Since there's a thread on this topic...

...if one was to vape changa, what temperature would this be best accomplished at? My vape has an adjustable temperature and this is a question I've been curious about for awhile. I know its possible as others have said, but what would be a premium temperature?

KwisatzHaderach said:
Since there's a thread on this topic...

...if one was to vape changa, what temperature would this be best accomplished at? My vape has an adjustable temperature and this is a question I've been curious about for awhile. I know its possible as others have said, but what would be a premium temperature?

It's going to depend on the type of vaporizer you have as each vaporizer's temperature settings/measurements/readings vary based on a number of factors. What kind of vape do you have?

magic-flight discussing the Arizer Extreme Q vaporizer said:
As a general note: for most, if not all digital vaporizers, the temperature listed on the display is very unlikely to be the actual temperature at, on, or within the loaded herbs. In regards to vaporization, the critical metric is the temperature at the surface of the herb. Since the specific heat of air is extremely low, measuring the temperature even a few cm away can easily result in differences as much as 50 deg C. To really know how hot the herb is getting in the microscopic spaces on and in between the ground particles generally requires either a very small thermocouple or infrared optical techniques and very careful procedure.

In regards to the Extreme, we actually purchased one of these units recently and explicitly tested to see how accurate the readout was in our Lab. The working parts of an Extreme consists of a heating unit base which has a ground glass coupling to a glass herb chamber. We know from physical inspection that whatever is used as a temperature measurement device *must* be in the base itself -- not in the herb chamber -- because there is no wire or optical path from the herb chamber back to the base. We therefore tested in two stages: 1) measuring the actual temperature immediately where the hot air stream exits the heating unit base and comparing that with value on the digital display, and 2) measuring the temperature immediately at the loaded herbs.

In regards to our methodology, we would assemble and place a K type thermocouples into the various measurement positions, turn the unit on, set it to the desired temperature and air flow rate, and then wait 15 minutes for the unit to fully and completely equalize thermally. Each time we experimented with a different temperature or fan setting, we would again wait an additional 15 minutes for equalization. It is therefore very certain that the results obtained are accurate and reflecting the real "best possible case" operating conditions in the Extreme system.

It is our observation, as a direct result of these experiments, that real temperature emitted by the Extreme heating unit is generally about 30 deg C cooler than the indicated Extreme readout, and that the temperature at the herb itself (another few cm farther away along the air path) is another 30 deg C or so cooler than that. Further, given that the ground glass parts have a relatively high thermal mass and that most users are only likely to wait 2 to 5 minutes before using, the actual temperature at the loaded herbs is very likely to be even lower than would be expected from looking at the Extreme digital readout -- at least 50 deg C and likely as much as 100 deg C cooler. Furthermore, while the digital display and the internal heat within the unit itself are fairly responsive to requested changes in the temp setting, coming into stability within 15 or seconds, the actual rate of temperature change at the loaded herb takes MUCH longer -- at least 2 minutes later.

However, it is important to note that these systematic differences in temperature are not due to any particular failing of the Extreme system -- it is an inherently difficult problem, having to do with the bare physics of devices of this type. For example, even if the hot air path to the herb were completely insulated, the temperature loss would still be very significant -- at least 60 deg C. (We tried this also). Altering the system further so as to measure the real temperature at the herb definitely helps, yet even that is not a real solution since now the real thermal mass effects are fully evident and the overall system performance is glacially slow -- taking dozens of minutes to respond to adjustments. This pattern is evident, for example, with the Purple Days device where it is expected that it will take a *long* time for operating temperature to be reached, and once there, for the device to be left operating more or less indefinitely so as to be ready whenever it is needed.

As such, if you are expecting a realistic answer of how the operating temperature of LB compares to that of the Extreme, you need to be aware that the "indicated temp" display is of very little relevance in regards to the actual operating vaporization conditions of the device. In terms of real temperatures, the Extreme *does* implement real vaporization -- it just does so at a generally overall lower temperature than is indicated on the display -- usually at least 50 deg C cooler, and perhaps sometimes as much as 100 deg C cooler, depending on timing, ambient conditions and settings.
Really, the discriminating vaporizer purchaser needs to understand that the presence of a "digital display" is much more significant from a marketing and sales point of view than it is from a user/functional one. It is the connotation of "digital displays are more accurate/precise" that makes units sell, not the actual real functional performance or correctness -- something much harder to measure and understand. For vaporizers, as with most home appliances, "good enough" really is enough for most people -- everything else is a sales tactic.
It's going to depend on the type of vaporizer you have as each vaporizer's temperature settings/measurements/readings vary based on a number of factors. What kind of vape do you have?

I have an electronic vape with a temp range from 90-120F. It looks like this:


And wow I just read that long quote you have. So basically there is no real good answer as all the answers are wrong! haha, I guess should just play with it?

Does anybody successfully vaporize changa with the "Arizer Extreme Q" and the balloon system ?

Trying to vaporize changa with a GVG requires heavy inhalation. I'd like a vaporizer do all the job, it will me more comfortable to breath the vapor smoothly through a bag.

Some people talk a little bit of this topic here, but it's not clear if it efficient or not.
Changa is destined to be blazed in a foot long glass bong,

Liberate your changa, set it free, IT MUST FULL FILL ITS DESTINY

What LucidJ and others said is true. Changa really doesn't work properly in a vape. I wanted it to work really bad in my GVG and other vaporizer. You get some, but smoking the leftover after plenty of vaping reveals it was not even close to all of it.

Felt like I got a bit of the DMT but very little harmalas or plant oils....

Burn it.
Vaping changa defeats the purpose of changa because the dmt vapes at a lower temp than the harmalas therefore its much closer to straight dmt freebase in effects

Roast it like a bowl.
olympus mon said:
Vaping changa defeats the purpose of changa because the dmt vapes at a lower temp than the harmalas therefore its much closer to straight dmt freebase in effects

Roast it like a bowl.

Ive been wondering about this for a long time!..all the while thinking that i can just vape my... pasion flower plus cappie extract and dmt blend ??:cry:

After vaping it turns from light green to a brownish color without being combusted//

Latley..Ive been vaping this changa thinking im getting the full benifit but it apears i need to combust the whole thing to get a stronger trip?

If i dont combust it its only like vaping freebase DMT?

I thought that if weed can be vaped why cant herbs pluss dmt at same time...

Any opinions apreciated..
Yeah, definitely need a higher temperature to vaporize the harmalas. At least 230C+ was needed for me and it barely worked. At that temperature DMT will start to become really harsh/nasty.

The best way I think would be to smoke the harmalas separately, right before the DMT. You can just load a bowl of 50mg freebase harmine and smoke it (need something like weed for the powder to sit on), the harmalas are quite robust. Immediately afterward, put regular enhanced leaf in the vape at about 190C. You'll get about the same effects this way as normal changa in the bonga.
arcologist said:
Yeah, definitely need a higher temperature to vaporize the harmalas. At least 230C+ was needed for me and it barely worked. At that temperature DMT will start to become really harsh/nasty.

The best way I think would be to smoke the harmalas separately, right before the DMT. You can just load a bowl of 50mg freebase harmine and smoke it (need something like weed for the powder to sit on), the harmalas are quite robust. Immediately afterward, put regular enhanced leaf in the vape at about 190C. You'll get about the same effects this way as normal changa in the bonga.

Thanks for reply this sounds right...

But If i didnt want to inhale combusetd material... couldnt I make some cappi tea and drink it before vaping spice...?
starway6 said:
arcologist said:
Yeah, definitely need a higher temperature to vaporize the harmalas. At least 230C+ was needed for me and it barely worked. At that temperature DMT will start to become really harsh/nasty.

The best way I think would be to smoke the harmalas separately, right before the DMT. You can just load a bowl of 50mg freebase harmine and smoke it (need something like weed for the powder to sit on), the harmalas are quite robust. Immediately afterward, put regular enhanced leaf in the vape at about 190C. You'll get about the same effects this way as normal changa in the bonga.

Thanks for reply this sounds right...

But If i didnt want to inhale combusetd material... couldnt I make some cappi tea and drink it before vaping spice...?

Absolutely! I've tried this with syrian rue, not caapi, but the effects should be similar.
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