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Changa intentions.

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
Of late I have discovered the art of intention.
Stating my intention before smoking.

When I first started this practice I asked for understanding, knowledge or physical bliss and I was surprised at the quality of the sessions with stated intentions.

Not so long ago as I was toking on a joint (Vine Alks/ DMT / Vine) I was thinking, "I have no intentions , I don't know what I want"
During this session with eyes closed / blindfold donned , a hideous dragon appeared , kind of like a traditional Japanese tattoo dragon but more 3D made of amazing colours and ultimate graphics.
It was stabbing its head and neck towards me saying, Is this what you want"! repeatedly.

At the time I was fully aware and thinking, "why would she do this to me"? I wasn't scared, just a little disturbed.

It was only the next day whilst reflecting that I realized I had gone into the session thinking, "I don't know what I want"

Recently I came up with the idea to ask for physical healing in my back/spine because of some issues their .
Low and behold I am finding relief in this practice.

I just had a session, going into it asking for healing on my back.
After the session I was a little disappointed with the lack of CEV's but then realised that I didn't ask for visuals but for healing on my back.

Any of you guys/girls received what you've asked for?

DeltaSpice said:
Of late I have discovered the art of intention.
Stating my intention before smoking.

When I first started this practice I asked for understanding, knowledge or physical bliss and I was surprised at the quality of the sessions with stated intentions.


Any of you guys/girls received what you've asked for?

Absolutely! Now really before any entheogen I like to state my intention aloud. Even if something out there isn't recieving the message I feel it prepares my mind and gives more significance. Otherwise it feels like I am doing drugs instead of healing work. I will share this with you for you to try sometime. A Meditation Kriya That Changa Taught Me - Spirituality & Mysticism - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Protection mantras and the like are also good, setting the space and the mood. I did Changa with another person for the first time (5 years of solo flight) 3 days ago. We practice Hatha Yoga together and our mutual interest was revealed from a conversation about some passionflower i brought as a gift for teaching the class. After a practice we walked to his home and settled in. We started with some sort of protection cologne that a shaman had given him for aya ceremonies, lit some Palo Santo to clear the air of any negativity and we did our respective mantras and prayer before sharing the pipe. He played this ritual music that really took things to a level i never expected as I usually like silence.
was singularly the most beautiful DMT experience i have had to date. I had prepared the changa and for him it was the deepest journey he said he ever had, even topping the trip to South America. Very joyful. I now ask to find joy within the difficult work of it.
skoobysnax said:
DeltaSpice said:
Of late I have discovered the art of intention.
Stating my intention before smoking.

When I first started this practice I asked for understanding, knowledge or physical bliss and I was surprised at the quality of the sessions with stated intentions.


Any of you guys/girls received what you've asked for?

Absolutely! Now really before any entheogen I like to state my intention aloud. Even if something out there isn't recieving the message I feel it prepares my mind and gives more significance. Otherwise it feels like I am doing drugs instead of healing work. I will share this with you for you to try sometime. A Meditation Kriya That Changa Taught Me - Spirituality & Mysticism - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Protection mantras and the like are also good, setting the space and the mood. I did Changa with another person for the first time (5 years of solo flight) 3 days ago. We practice Hatha Yoga together and our mutual interest was revealed from a conversation about some passionflower i brought as a gift for teaching the class. After a practice we walked to his home and settled in. We started with some sort of protection cologne that a shaman had given him for aya ceremonies, lit some Palo Santo to clear the air of any negativity and we did our respective mantras and prayer before sharing the pipe. He played this ritual music that really took things to a level i never expected as I usually like silence.
was singularly the most beautiful DMT experience i have had to date. I had prepared the changa and for him it was the deepest journey he said he ever had, even topping the trip to South America. Very joyful. I now ask to find joy within the difficult work of it.
Thanks, interesting .
I usually smoke after work , Shower , cup of coffee and I'm off, the problem occurs when im in a rush because I have things to do and I give myself a tight schedule . That is how I sometimes forget about intentions .
Sundays I get to take my time, heat some San Paulo and do some breathing exercises .
I also have to choose which type of Changa I will smoke, red, yellow, black, Caupuri, Ourinhos, white, extra dmt strength changa , the list goes on. :)
Mornings I couldn't do it because of my girlfriend and or work , however I do smoke a vine alks joint everyday at some point.
I used to ask for many things and had very scattered intent, couldn't figure out what this deal was about. I also used to plan poorly and partake without preparation or without consideration of those around me. Things change, we learn and grow.

Now I ask for the same two things every time. "Truth and Healing"

This can be a mixed blessing. The "Truth" as perceived by the DMT spirits is often hard to deal with as I (we) live in a constant state of illusion. Sometimes it leads to glorious visions of infinity and other times it leads to very complicated and harsh revelations about myself. Both of these things can be healing though.

But my intentions don't correlate whether it's going to be a good or a bad trip. There's no such thing as a "bad" trip for me, just varying degrees of difficulty. Often the most difficult journeys teach and heal the most. There is nothing like being made humble to truly be grateful for everything one has. Though I'm not adverse to bathing in the light of DMT euphoria either. :)
anon_003 said:
Intention is EVERYTHING! And not only with DMT.

I was once presented a similar, if only milder, experience to yours. A post mortem David Bowie (Ziggy-style) was morphing between himself and my aunt and asking me repeatedly, "What do you want?" "What do you want most of all?"

I was at the point in my life where I had no direction. I was a prividledged white male who had every opportunity in the world to do anything I wanted. And when you can do anything you want, it can sometimes be hard to distinguish what is most truly pertinient to your own goals. I was a drug-addict college kid, majoring in something I hated. At the time I had smoked this dose of spice, I was in the midst of yet another ambiguously meandering acid trip.

It was the same-old same-old experience of *waiting* for meaning and direction to somehow magically appear in my lap, without a cause.

You gotta make your own goals, people. Any goal someone else designs for you is BS of the highest caliber and will eventually extinguish all that defines you as a thing.

I have come to realize that wandering around life without goals is THEE single worst decision anybody can make.

It doesnt matter if you accomplish something you don't care for much. You can learn from the experience and move gradually towards accomplishing what really matters to you. Just pick a godforsaken goal, for pete's sake. Do it for Pete!

Otherwise you are just wasting your time. And no matter who you are, time is your most valuable commodity.

Do everything with purpose, and purpose will have everything to do with you.
Very True.
Purpose is everything.
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