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Changa purge?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone!

Last night SWIM had another wonderful journey with changa, it's definitely the way to go for him. Every time he smokes changa, which he simple makes as a 1:1 standard mix with caapi, afterwards he has to spit up phlegm. This isn't just your standard green/yellowish gunk, its usually pretty dark and black looking. SWIM and I were just wondering if this is the purging action of the ayahuasca, or if something is getting into his lungs that shouldn't be.

This happens every time SWIM smokes changa. He even quit smoking cigarettes, and hasn't smoked any in almost a month, but is a habitual cannabis user, so it could also be from that. SWIM always took the black for a message to quit smoking, but last night it still happened.

I'm just hoping it's scrubbing out his lungs :p. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Try vaporising the changa instead-and also strongly consider making caapi x11 leaf and then infuse this with spice.You will improve your mileage this way and its somewhat kinder on the lungs than smoking changa in a bong.The mucky stuff that youre coughing up is your lungs protesting against the smokes effect(both changa and cannabis) on the cilia , bronchial mucosa and goblet cells.Vaporisation is more forgiving than the bong.
I thought this thread was going to be about an actual purge from changa. I vaporized a bunch of a crude harmala extract over the course of an hour. I would add some enhanced leaf every so often to keep the colors happening.

Eventually I was deep in. I had a pretty spooky experience and towards the end, I purged.... luckily I had a few early rumblings that caused me to get a bucket handy.

Hasn't happened since, but it was def. mamma aya's work.

Multicolored rubic's cube snake morphed into an expanding oil-slick and crept up my bed over my face.
Thanks for the replies guys!

Corpus-I've got some caapi x11 in the works and I've used it in the past with great results. SWIM usually starts out vaporizing in a bong but once he loses all ability to work my lighter he winds up just torching the bowl a little. Gonna stretch for a GVG one day :p.

Madcap-Sounds like mama indeed! SWIM actually did kind of feel a weird stomach sensation, and thought a real purge was possible. Which is wierd coming from a few caapi leaves.

Either way it ONLY happens after changa is smoked. All the cannabis and cigarettes in the world never made black gunk come up, which is why I thought it may have been the vine's work :p.
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