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Changa safety question

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Due to changa being much easier to smoke than freebase dmt, and due to its more managable nature, it seems to have increased the commercial interest in dmt. I know a few people who have started selling changa recently and i expect there will be many people selling it at festivals this summer.

I was wondering how safe this is. People buying changa are unlikely to know anything about MAOIs, may be on SSRI medication, and are likely to smoke changa whilst under the influence of stimulants/depressants.
Are the harmalas present in many changa blends likely to result in health problems? I imagine the shorter duration of smoked MAOIs, and the relatively low quantitys should reduce the risk, but if theres money to be made, stupid people are likely to jump on the bandwagon and fuck things up. How much harmalas could be considered safe while under the influence of other drugs?
Increased interest in dmt is drawing some attention, but it would only take one or two deaths to draw massive press attention and enforced laws regarding certain dmt and maoi containing plants.
It'd be more likely that they would would be selling enhanced leaf, but if they were to sell changa it'd be rather dangerous I'd imagine.
Well firstly anyone selling the sacred salad should receive a swift kick to the bollox and then a smoke of mine ;) . Anyone in the position to be making Changa should also have good knowledge on how it works, so should educate those he or she choses to share it with.
It sure would be dangerous to smoke changa while on other meds/drugs.

Im not sure of amounts of harmalas that will still be on the safe side, id rather not go down that route.

The main problem I see, is that anyone who is trying to profit from the sacred molecule, doesnt really care about other peoples health.
I agree that hopefully most blends do not contain harmalas, and certainly dont contain them in high levels. I imagine though that its only a matter of time before the less inteligent people realise that there is money to be made, and then things could go quite wrong.
Since i first smoked dmt a year ago, iv been noticing the smell at partys and festivals, it seems to be becoming much more common, and iv noticed people smoking in some places that i would consider completely inapropriate.
Most people who buy changa do not aim to breakthrough, and alot of them do not consider it to be much different from other drugs.

gammagore said:
The main problem I see, is that anyone who is trying to profit from the sacred molecule, doesnt really care about other peoples health.
As i said before i know of a few people who are involved in making and selling changa, they are all decent people fortunately and certainly do care about peoples health and the quality of what they sell. I know most people here will disaprove of this practise, but its bound to happen.
There are alot of people about though in the drugs scene who do not give a shit, just look at the number of shit pills and cut drugs. Iv been offered money for dmt before, and i have to admit it is very tempting at the time, it wont be long until stupid/ignorant/bad people are making and selling changa.
expanding said:
I agree that hopefully most blends do not contain harmalas, and certainly dont contain them in high levels. I imagine though that its only a matter of time before the less inteligent people realise that there is money to be made, and then things could go quite wrong.
Since i first smoked dmt a year ago, iv been noticing the smell at partys and festivals, it seems to be becoming much more common, and iv noticed people smoking in some places that i would consider completely inapropriate.
Most people who buy changa do not aim to breakthrough, and alot of them do not consider it to be much different from other drugs.

gammagore said:
The main problem I see, is that anyone who is trying to profit from the sacred molecule, doesnt really care about other peoples health.
As i said before i know of a few people who are involved in making and selling changa, they are all decent people fortunately and certainly do care about peoples health and the quality of what they sell. I know most people here will disaprove of this practise, but its bound to happen.
There are alot of people about though in the drugs scene who do not give a shit, just look at the number of shit pills and cut drugs. Iv been offered money for dmt before, and i have to admit it is very tempting at the time, it wont be long until stupid/ignorant/bad people are making and selling changa.

i think that even the people doing it in festivals and parties are raising the consciousness of those events. SWIM would not do that in a public setting like that... but traditional peoples that work with tryptamines work with them in revelries and communal celebrations, and i think thats ok honestly. better then the alternatives honestly. and i do not think it profanes anything but instead brings a bit of the sacred where its truly needed.

as far as people selling it... well... until we have a changa coop that is non-profit making it possible to get it out to those that need it, and lack the ability to make it responsibly themselves... then I guess that will have to be a part of the deal...

I do hope though that people will wise up and take precautions assumeing that enhanced leaf is actually changa even if it is not and error on the side of caution.
I thought harmalas were RIMA's not true MAOI's. That's why we don't need to follow the special diet. We can smoke changa and eat cheese if we want (I do like cheese and changa... mmmmm..).

Is it not so forgiving to medications?

no deit... but mixing with certain chemicals might not be a good idea... but we really dont know yet... so its better to error on the side of caution.
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