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Changa smoking technique


Rising Star
Now i heard that you should smoke it really slowly from the main changa thread but i dont really understand how you dont burn it? Do you just put the flame to it and toke slow or what? Pretty confused in whats meant by smoking slowly.

To put it better, Whats the difference in smoking changa and weed/salvia etc out of a bong? Like what do you do differently? Seems like a bit of a silly question but would appreciate an answer none the less :) thanks
"Do you just put the flame to it and toke slow or what?"

Yeah but dont actually let the flame hit it..just sort of right above it so that it vaportizes..anything that you dont get that way you can just put the flame to quickly at the end anyway..
Here's what I do, I load up my dose in the bowl, take a few deep breaths, then I put the flame to the bowl and light up. But I only hold the flame there long enough to get the cherry glowing, then I take it away, I only need to hold it there for maybe a second or two, max.

When I "smoke slowly", I take one loooong slow hit, no toking, just a deep pull, into the bottom of the stomach, this comes close to clearing the bowl, il have maybe a small amount left to smoke on my secon drag. Dont hit it like you hit MJ, you must do it slower, so your getting more smoke into the bong and then when your lungs are nearly full, release the clutch(the little hole) and fill up your lungs with the changa smoke.

I never have to take more than two drags of the bong this way.

Also when I smoke weed through a bong, I just pile up the weed and toke, with changa I measure out the amount I want to smoke and then slow long hit.
It does'nt take much much flame to get your 100mg or so of changa glowing, thats when you take the flame away and pull slowly, making sure you leave enoung breath to clear the bong of all the smoke.

Two or three goes at it and youl have it sorted.

Let us know how it goes.
There are no drags. You have to practice breathing techniques I guess, I'd usually calm my self by taking deep breaths before anyway so by the time I hit it my heart rate is down and therefor my breathing is slower meaning I can take my time before I need more oxygen in my lungs. Smoking slowly just means sucking in the smoke from the chamber at a slow steady pace so the cherry burns thoroughly, I even sometimes hold the lighter on the cone while I'm pulling if its a big cone and needs help burning well. What gammagore mentioned is also important.
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