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Changa Time!


Rising Star
Made a mix of changa using .3 grams of caapi leaf and .3 grams of DMT.

I dissolved the DMT in 91% isopropyl, then added the leaves. It evaporates SO fast with a fan!

I was hearing people letting it evaporate for 3-4 days, but with a fan it's only been about 4 hours and it's almost dry.

I'll post my first trip after it happens.

I tried a little DMT with caapi earlier today, not dissolved or anything, and it was amazing. So different from freebase, though I feel freebase is much stronger than that in comparison. Even out of a bowl I feel the crystals alone were good. Maybe I didn't have a big enough dose.

I'm loading up .1-.12 grams of changa and smoking it when I can.

Do I have to still be careful with the flame as I do with smoking DMT? (Usually sandwich, and let the flame sit over the bowl but the flame never touches the herb)
I just made a batch several days back.

I loaded it into my chillum, lit the end and took REALL SLOWW drags. Only took me acouple good lungfulls and I was there.

Therefore imho I prefer it over freebase now. Was much easier to smoke and it was just as strong as smoking a good sized dose of fb. Especially wth the caapi leaves and some extra dissolved THH :)
I switched from freebase to changa a few months ago and haven't looked back. The experience for me has been much smoother though just as intense.

You can be a little more liberal with the flame, just don't go overboard. Get it burning and then pull, no need to keep torching it.
Great news Angel_Above:)

When smoking the changa, you can just get the cherry glowing and then take the flame away, no need to kill it with a flame, then just long slow rips.
Taking a little longer than usual. I think I may have lost some with overnight fanning, but it's still a little moist. This morning I rubbed my finger over the leaf to see how moist it was, and some of it broke off as the fan was going so some blew away. Lol I probably shouldn't touch it when I'm awake and delerious, eh?

There's still some green stuff caked on the bowl I evapped out of. Little residue in the bowl along with the changa.

I also put 10 grams of caapi in a jar with isopropyl 91% (used the rest of it because it took a lot of liquid to cover the leaf).

I plan to let this sit for 7-10 days (more if you guys suggest so) and then pouring the alcohol over 1 gram of caapi and letting it evaporate to have 10x caapi.

I'll still smoke some changa later today. Woot.
Angel_Above said:
Taking a little longer than usual. I think I may have lost some with overnight fanning, but it's still a little moist. This morning I rubbed my finger over the leaf to see how moist it was, and some of it broke off as the fan was going so some blew away. Lol I probably shouldn't touch it when I'm awake and delerious, eh?

Make sure its dry before you smoke it, and there must be no smell of solvent.

Angel_Above said:
I also put 10 grams of caapi in a jar with isopropyl 91% (used the rest of it because it took a lot of liquid to cover the leaf).

I plan to let this sit for 7-10 days (more if you guys suggest so) and then pouring the alcohol over 1 gram of caapi and letting it evaporate to have 10x caapi.

Leave it for atleast 2 weeks, 3 would be better.
When swims changa is at that last drying stage where its a little damp he stirrs it around for a few minutes and then waits a while then stirrs it again. This "fluffing" seems to speed up the drying. Also he scrapes any residue off the sides of the glass to mix in with the drying changa.
Changa was beyond belief.. I guess I partly underestimated it.

I put 130-140 mg of changa in a bowl (so around 60/60 or 70/70 with caapi plain leaf and DmT). I figured I wanted to go deep, so I put on an Icaro by Juan Flores. I added a little DMT on top because my buddy suddenly wanted to share the dose with me, and I still wanted roughly 70 to myself because I tried about 30 the night before (30/30 so 60 mg) and it was lovely.

I have a thought in my head "wow, I added DMT, I'm smoking the most intense hallucinogen I've ever tried, with an MAOI in the form of caapi leaf, and I added some. AND I PUT ON AN ICARO which is meant to guide people's trips for ayahuasca journeys, which I am more or less smoking ayahuasca (I know its not really like that, but I started feeling the effects). This will be intense..."

Soon as I had the thought "intense" I swear he hit a certain note, and my whole trip was captured by that note. I became that note. I got very frightened. I kept having this thought loop and I thougth the experience was at least 2 months. I did not expect a response that said "10 minutes"

I have taken a break from the substance.

I feel I have to.

One thing I have a question about is caapi leaf extract. I put some Isopropyl 91% in a jar with 10 grams of caapi leaf, and I plan to pour the solvent out, and squeeze the last little bit out of the leaf and evaporate that on top of a gram of caapi leaf to make "10x extract."

I wonder how much of this stuff do I need to take to feel effects?

I would smoke it of course. not ready for ayahuasca yet I don't think.

I want to smoke it with weed. I've had plain caapi leaf and it was amazing with weed. Definitely changed the experience. Same with DMT, so I can only imagine how potent the 10x extract would be. How long must I keep this jar around? Do I have to stir it at all? It's been about 10 days since I put it away. Maybe 11.

Well, If you make a gram of 10x extract (by the way, your methodology would actually make 11x caapi extract if the gram of caapi leaf you add the solvent to before disolving is fresh caapi and not caapi that had been soaking in the ipa) that one gram would be the same as 10 grams of caapi put into tea (or 11 grams if you make the extract as 11x)

How much caapi did you put in your tea in the past?

That should give you an idea of how much you will need to take (granted, the dosage for smoked would be lower than oral.... so keep that in mind)
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