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Changa using rolling tobacco

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've never had success making changa, I could not get my harmala freebase to dissolve in isopropyl. I am considering giving it another go, trying with some harmala salts instead, as Eaglepath pointed out that 10x caapi leaf is a concentration of a salt form.

I smoke cigarettes and have been rolling my own for years. I buy 6 oz bags of menthol, the texture is a little bigger and more chunky than what you would find in a tailor made filter cigarette. I am considering using this as the base of my changa. Anyone ever do this? What do you think?

PS have any of you had success in dissolving harmala freebase from rue for changa? What did you use?
Harmala freebase won't fully dissolve in any of your typical polar solvents, and that's okay, you really just need to distribute it around moar or less evenly. I'd recommend acetone or ethanol over IPA, personally I use ethanol.

I'd imagine if you are a regular tobacco smoker using tobacco should probably be fine for you.Mind that the harmalas may potentiate the effects of the tobacco, I'd probably make a tester dose and try it out before doing a whole batch and finding out it's not a god base for you.

Salt forms usually need much higher temperatures to melt and the vapor/smoke can be fairly caustic on the lungs, sticking with freebase is the better bet.
Dissolve 100mg DMT on 100mg mullein in a bit of Everclear. Dry.

Make a joint with a bit of tobacco and sprinkle through it 30mg freebase harmalas and all the DMT mullein.

Enjoy, you'll probably be half way through it when you breakthrough.
I sorta did this. I enhanced tobacco without the harm alas. Not a good choice in my opinion. Try just smoking a cig and holding your drags for 20-30 seconds. It’s yucky. I find bud the best but if you don’t smoke weed, a neutral herb over tobacco imo.

Also, if all else is failing for you, I’ve boiled 10 grams of rue seed down into a gram of leaf material to make a 10X rue blend. It works. Tastes a little funny, but I also over simmered and burnt a little of the rue extract. Just follow a 10x cappi procedure.

And Fran- are you suggesting that Vermont is not a state? A state of mind maybe...We may have like 1/100th the amount of people in the whole state as NYC, but our weed is great! 😁🍁
I have yet to make any changa using tobacco or anything at all. Just haven't gotten to it. Yesterday we were at the grocery store and I saw this tea in bulk section... It is chamomile, lemongrass, and lavender. I thought it looked a likely candidate for some changa material. I also grabbed a Stash peppermint teabag, maybe to add a little mint flavor. What do you guys think?


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Hook, line, and sinker!

I'm glad the little joke from my previous signarure, the one of "FranLover is licensed to smoalking in all states and Vermont" found a home in you Morpheus, indeed I am claiming Vermont is not a state...but I'm glad its at least a state of mind. Lol!!

Tony those crushed chamomile are good for smoke, but lemongrass and lavender I only like to smell (lemongrass is Wow! What aroma. How pure and sweet.) CBDWEED.CBDWEED.CBDWEED.CBDWEED. I hate to advertise this booming industry which is manipulative enough as is...but if smoalking blends is what you are looking for, CBD cannabis is it.
FranLover said:
CBDWEED.CBDWEED.CBDWEED.CBDWEED. I hate to advertise this booming industry which is manipulative enough as is...but if smoalking blends is what you are looking for, CBD cannabis is it.

Worth a shot! but hemp flowers are variable as far as harshness goes and not sure how the cbd might interact?

Any experiences you can share Fran:love: ?
Hi SynisterKid =) Are you talking about using CBD cannabis as a changa blend, or about smoking it by itself? I have experience with both, but given that one of my best, most visually concrete DMT trips was with a blend containing CBD cannabis...I would have to write that report to explain the level of amazingness.
My GVG had a huge pile of crystal residue collected at the bend, I hadn't cleaned it since I got it and I smoalk out of it all the time. Tonight I cleaned it with isopropyl and poured that on a pinch of tobacco. Tomorrow I will put it in a bowl and top with a little harmala freebase and I will smoalk it. If I like it I will make moar.
FranLover said:
Hi SynisterKid =) Are you talking about using CBD cannabis as a changa blend, or about smoking it by itself? I have experience with both, but given that one of my best, most visually concrete DMT trips was with a blend containing CBD cannabis...I would have to write that report to explain the level of amazingness.

By "CBD Cannabis", are you referencing Hemp strains with little to no THC? Or are you referencing a high-CBD traditional Cannabis strain like Harlequin?
Tony, I think that its probably better if you make enhanced leaf on mullein or a good absorbable leaf, and then roll your joint with normal unadalturated tobacco in it. The dmt and harmalas on the tobacco which was dropped in a solvent will make the tobacco disgusting which defeats the purpose.

I've never tried Harlequin! Is it good? And yes, I'm talking bout hemp strains, less or close to less than 0.3 thc.

On that blessed day of that most splendid breakthrough I'm pretty sure I used the strain Lifter at 14% CBD from TKO. They sell that brand at smoke shops here which is where I got it from.

During these first experiences which took place last year I couldn't really feel the CBD as I do now.

Now I am using the strain Lifter too, but I get them online and from another farm/brand. They taste and smell amazing. No harshness whatsoever. I've read that harshness could be due to too much added terpenes. I like smoking this weed more than my black market high THC cannabis thats for sure. These flowers are delicious!!

I've quit smoking cigs and weed, and these flowers have been helpful at times. When it works well its like smoking normal cannabis only that you are not high--its the wellbeing and body relaxation and ease of spirit, but without the mental high or psychedelic side to it.

I've had good results with these Lifter flowers I'm smoking now. This is its profile;


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Jupitor said:
FranLover said:
Hi SynisterKid =) Are you talking about using CBD cannabis as a changa blend, or about smoking it by itself? I have experience with both, but given that one of my best, most visually concrete DMT trips was with a blend containing CBD cannabis...I would have to write that report to explain the level of amazingness.

By "CBD Cannabis", are you referencing Hemp strains with little to no THC? Or are you referencing a high-CBD traditional Cannabis strain like Harlequin?

I was asking about experience with hemp flower as Fran posted here, and how the high cbd content compares to other neutral materials for changa.
SinysterKyd said:
Jupitor said:
FranLover said:
Hi SynisterKid =) Are you talking about using CBD cannabis as a changa blend, or about smoking it by itself? I have experience with both, but given that one of my best, most visually concrete DMT trips was with a blend containing CBD cannabis...I would have to write that report to explain the level of amazingness.

By "CBD Cannabis", are you referencing Hemp strains with little to no THC? Or are you referencing a high-CBD traditional Cannabis strain like Harlequin?

I was asking about experience with hemp flower as Fran posted here, and how the high cbd content compares to other neutral materials for changa.

And I was asking for clarification on the definition of the term "CBD Cannabis".
Tony6Strings said:
My GVG had a huge pile of crystal residue collected at the bend, I hadn't cleaned it since I got it and I smoalk out of it all the time. Tonight I cleaned it with isopropyl and poured that on a pinch of tobacco. Tomorrow I will put it in a bowl and top with a little harmala freebase and I will smoalk it. If I like it I will make moar.

Smoalked as planned. Twas great, I really enjoyed it. Will definitely make moar.
Jupitor said:
SinysterKyd said:
Jupitor said:
FranLover said:
Hi SynisterKid =) Are you talking about using CBD cannabis as a changa blend, or about smoking it by itself? I have experience with both, but given that one of my best, most visually concrete DMT trips was with a blend containing CBD cannabis...I would have to write that report to explain the level of amazingness.

By "CBD Cannabis", are you referencing Hemp strains with little to no THC? Or are you referencing a high-CBD traditional Cannabis strain like Harlequin?

I was asking about experience with hemp flower as Fran posted here, and how the high cbd content compares to other neutral materials for changa.

And I was asking for clarification on the definition of the term "CBD Cannabis".
That was Fran’s term and she clarified that in her later post. It’s flower from hemp that’s now legal in US, as long as THC is below a certain level.
I like to use hops/mullien combo as a base. If you warm the IPA in a hot water bath (no open flame btw) the harmalas will dissolve. Ethanol is better if you can get everclear.
That was Fran’s term and she clarified that in her later post

Just to clarify, Fran is also a boys name =)

Cool Tony, travel on through hperspace--its never ever gonna quit *_*
Made up some changa today. Started with half gram of tobacco. 250 mg harmalas were mixed into the dry tobacco in a small glass jar with lid (phat panda 1/8th jar). Then poured 250 mg dmt over the tobacco. Put lid on jar and placed in hot water bath on stove. When spice was melted I mixed with my tweezers. Then hot water bath again, then mixed again. Let it sit for a few minutes. Everything is coated on the leaf. Smoalked a small bowl, worked very nicely. Much longer duration than smoalking just dmt. Also more mellow. I am very happy with it.

@Fran, that's awesome you quit cigarettes and weed! I quit weed too! Do you miss it?
I just smoked weed, its good!!! As long as I smoke on my weekend like this its ok. I just dont want to use it as a narcotic every day all day.

How many days have you been off weed and how have you felt and all that?

But the cigs...I'm 1 month off but I'm never going back. Truly inspiring how I beat that through sheer effort and endless tries but did it. This quit from day 1 I knew was gonna be forever and for good
FranLover said:
I just smoked weed, its good!!! As long as I smoke on my weekend like this its ok. I just dont want to use it as a narcotic every day all day.

How many days have you been off weed and how have you felt and all that?

But the cigs...I'm 1 month off but I'm never going back. Truly inspiring how I beat that through sheer effort and endless tries but did it. This quit from day 1 I knew was gonna be forever and for good
Congrats with the off-tobacco habit, keep on going strong!!!! :thumb_up:

And I concur with doing thc once a week, also bc when I smoke I overdo :oops: and then daily is really putting a load on my system, I end up so far away from baseline it's no bueno and also not healthy any more.

...Make a joint with a bit of tobacco and sprinkle through it 30mg freebase harmalas and all the DMT mullein...
Never tried it that way, cool idea to work with enhanced leaf this way. But this kind of joint is without weed/hash I recon.
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