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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
A foaf had recently been donated some Changa from a very kind soul.
The following is his account of what happened......

I had been told that the best way to smoke the stuff is to load up a pipe or a bong and hit till you cant hit it no more. I decided to use my home made bong that I had previously somked the D out before, which consisted of a small plastic bottle and a biro.
I loaded up the changa into the neck of the bottle on top of a gauze, held the lighter above it, and with my thumb over the inlet hole, began to inhale slowly.
The bottle filled up quickly with thick white creamy smoke, the harshness of the smoke became imediatley apparent. I didnt cough, i was able to keep it in, but i knew i wouldnt be able to take another hit striaght after.
I held in the fisrt inhalation, and within seconds i felt the trademark tightening of the whole body and the accompanying ringing in a raising pitch filled my head. And then just like the few other times i had smoked D, everything in my room became alive! Conciousness animated everythin in my room, the woodgrain on my drawers became very pronounced and it was the woodgrain that were the eyes of the drawers watchin me. They danced back and fourth along with my wardrobe. My wooden door was also producing pictures of faces and earthy patterns. (There is definitley something magical about lookin at wood on psychedelics. I had the most realistic hallucinations looking at my wardrobe door on acid.) Eveything is alive and its like they want to show you something, tryna grab your attention but theres not enough time to see it all.
I spent a good while in total bewilderment at how beautiful my towel looked. Its a plain white towel for fuck sake, but it had the most intricate beautiful patterns on it and i was stroking it haha. Red fluid was dripping from my curtains!!
I turned around to look at my plain white wall and an etherial like enitiy which was making a beautiful kaelidascopic pattern was beckoning me towards it. I obliged and got off my bed to walk towards the thing, semi-expectant that i would be able to walk through the wall. I obviously couldnt, and i wasnt really sure what it was tryin to show me...as with all the other things that were alive in my room. At this point i had started to come back down.
When i was back down, i was nearly in tears at how beautifully complex the universe is and how much love i felt for everything.

I dunno if its the same for anyone else, but whenever i smoke DMT (and I have not had a breakthrough yet)its like it reminds me of this profound truth that we have forgotten, and its always a really big "Aha" moment. Its really hard to put it into words, but the best I can do is, eveything is in everything else and the DMT experience is just around the corner. We really do live in a hologram.
Sorry if that doesnt make sense, but im sure you appreciate how difficult it is to explain these experiences

Love and light

PS. It was my understanding that Changa is like a smokable aya, in the sense that it also contains a MAOI, but i wouldnt really say that the experience was any longer than any other experience I had with the D!!

I've been hearing more about changa from experience to experience. There's a bit of controversy around it, and from what I understand it's from the acacia resin and an MAOI additive (Passiflora, caapi leaves, etc.). Depending on what kind of herb infusion, there could have been reason to why the trip subsided in so little time. Still a little stunned because I was concerned a few acacia species were a little over toxic!

well having spoken with him again he was informed that it was actually just spice mixed in with plant material, which would explain why it wasnt a prolonged experience!!!
Am not really sure about toxicity of acacia though
awesome experience!

very remeniscent of my last breakthrough

in respect of the your bewilderment and astonishment of your surroundings being alive, this is a mesmerising place to be! when the room you are in and all its contents take on some sort of biology and dare we say it consciousness im sure you will agree at 1st can scare the shit out one lol

this is exactly what I Perceived 5 seconds after inhaling on my 1st breakthrough, haha and the rest is history and well documented in the xperience section somewhere.

and lol your " a ha " moment makes more sense than you think my friend.

good stuff thanks for kindly sharing soulman :)
Great post soulman, SWIM has been meaning to mix up a changa blend. But I know the exact AHA! moment you are talking about, this happens every time that SWIM smokes salvia and it has happened on most sub-breakthroughs with the spice. This is usually a very emotionally laden experience , kinda of a like a remembrance of the cosmic game we are all involved in and remembering our roots down to the very core. I also know just what you mean of the holographic reality, the world seems so solid to us in normal awareness but when entranced with psychedelics, one can see things not ordinarily available, the fluid, subjective, mentally defined nature of our personal reality, they tend to 'cleanse the doors of perception' to quote William Blake.
ambi-lysergance said:
when the room you are in and all its contents take on some sort of biology and dare we say it consciousness im sure you will agree at 1st can scare the shit out one lol

My first experience was also similar. I was a little scared before it even inhaled anything....just the fear of the unknown i guess. And during the peak of the experience, id say i was more uncomfortable than scared. But uncomfortable because of the utter bizarreness.

But now i semi-know to expect, it aint so bad. Although, my next attempt with the spice will be a breakthrough attempt (i now have a vaporgenie), which i do have a little more trepidation about as you just dont know where your gonna end up haha
11:11 said:
. But I know the exact AHA! moment you are talking about, this happens every time that SWIM smokes salvia and it has happened on most sub-breakthroughs with the spice. This is usually a very emotionally laden experience , kinda of a like a remembrance of the cosmic game we are all involved in and remembering our roots down to the very core.

YES im glad it makes sense to someone else too.
But yeah, your spot on there, its like a rememberance of the cosmic game. In fact as soon as i started to feel it, i can remember sayin out loud "i remember now, i remember now, i remember now"
Something which is easy to grasp in that state, but when you back down, its hard to put into something tangible.
Interesting you get it with Salvia too. I have yet to try it!
i have been doing extractions on chaliponga, and then evapping back onto some crushed chai leaf. Chaliponga contains 5meo, N,N, bufo and beta-carbolines which seem to color and prolong the experience a bit..

I am also doing the same thing with phalaris, which also contains 5meo, N,N, bufo, maoi's along with others...
I find a 1part d 2parts of the kind both cleaned and run thru small screen, I use a small stainless steel tea ball. screen the kind and spice seperately, or 2parts kind 1 part d. I never tried the solvent method just havent gotten around to it. But you cant go wrong you will take off if you load a good amount. As long as you dont spill it or flame wont work its a no brainer. You cant go wrong. You can waste alot of base learning the proper tech if you dont mix.

As far as toxic goes if you are in North East USA you can use mullen leaf. It stays green and velvetly all winter long as low ground coner withe long oval hairy leaves. It is benifical to lungs and throat due to high muclege(sp) content. Good to mix with spice or if you just have sore throat and cough. Add slippery elm bark even better.
Re Soulman -
"We really do live in a hologram.
Sorry if that doesnt make sense, but im sure you appreciate how difficult it is to explain these experiences "

have you checked out the Physicist David Bohm? [he was one of the top guys last century].
He has a nice intro book called 'Wholeness and the Implicate order' which discusses the universe as a hologram, [with everything enfolded on everything else].
it's really interesting, [espc for this discussion his stuff on 'cosmic consciousnesses']

here's a one page on it

check the book out online

Yeah thanks Rawmo,

In fact The Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot is by far one of my most favorite reads. It explains so many things that we normally label as phenomenon.
I am aware that many scientist have theorised about this, but to read it and to experience it are two seperate things.
soulman said:
Yeah thanks Rawmo,

I am aware that many scientist have theorised about this, but to read it and to experience it are two seperate things.

that in many ways has become one of the many differences that occurred between Western and Eastern 'science'

the early greeks described things in nature in terms of a concept phusis [which had a definite experiential component to it, i.e.experiencing/observing form as a total 'movement' from beginning to end].
[phusis (which became physics/science for us) in greek comes from the same stem as poetry (poiesis)

That started to change around the time of Aristotle, when the more 'empirical/reductionist/experimental' perspective started to hold sway (and did pretty well, after all we invented the VCR and TV dinner!)
however, we did lose the importantance in many ways of the experiential aspect of life.

As a comparison that i always remember is when you train in vipassana meditation, [which is very experiential based], they give the example of the scientist who was mathematically describing sub-atomic particles mathematically and how they change/come into and out of existence continuously. Buddha described familiar phenomena [he termed kallapa's] thru direct experience of observing the sensations on his skin.
The scientist was miserable, unhappy, striving, the buddhist perspective was just to accept it as it is. same thing, different perspectives giving different a different day to day life outlook...

Vipassana also interestingly is another 'out of world' experience, once you get to the 'dissolution' point, no dimensions, no visuals, just 'somewhere else' really peaceful, beautiful (but of course indescribable) Observing yourself coming into being and passing away at a virtually infinite speed.
Anyone else investigated that side of things in relation to the DMT experience?

Big universe out there,
glad it's firendly too :d
It might be not true however, I can't seem how physis (or nature) and poetry can have common root.

I might be wrong though. Nevertheless it's a nice concept.
Re Physics and poetry,

The philosopher Heidegger did an etymology of it in the 50's from memory [he was hanging out with lots of physicists].
He has a breakdown of it in his essay 'the question concerning technology' and some of his other essays around then.
Naddaf (2005) in his book, 'the greek concept of nature' has done similar work, [which is following along a general line of how [espc in the middle ages - renaissance] there were fundamental misinterpretations in e.g. the works of Aristotle and the concept of nature which lead to the more reductionist/empirical path we are on currently (although that seems to be changing).

Interestingly enough as well [well i think],
here's something more on it i tracked down
"The term ‘Physics’ in the sense utilised by Aristotle means ‘things that grow or develop’ and refers to nature in general, (so including biology). It is related to the the Greek word ‘phusis’, which is often translated as nature (from the Latin natura). Phusis stems from the ancient Greek verb ‘poiesis’, (as in the biological term ‘hematopoiesis’ and is also the root of our word ‘poetry’). In this Pre-Socratic, and Aristotelian sense the verb is in the sense of ‘an action that transforms and continues the world’, or as a ‘bringing-forth’, in the sense of moving from one state to another, (such as a caterpillar transforming and coming out of a cocoon as a butterfly, or a the blooming of a blossom). That is, it is inherently dynamic and fundamentally involved in the continual process and ‘coming-to-be’ of nature"

Goethe sort of re-developed this in the early 19th century with the concept of bildungstrieb, [and then archetypes, which are starting to come back into science it seems].
The philosopher Ron Brady did alot of work on this, here's an introduction on how Goethe's method of how to see organisms as 'flowing motion' (i.e. it's atemporal aspects).

As an extra little part of this rant [sorry if it's a bit long, look @ me being the quote collecting guy 😉 ]
"The word ‘science’ from an etymological analysis is derived through old French from the Latin ‘scientia’ (roughly: knowledge), which comes from the Greek skhizein “to split, rend, cleave, separate”. Arguably from this perspective etymologists have inferred that it carries a reductionist perspective implicit within it. Commentators such as Fehr, (2004), Goodwin, in ‘Nature’s Due: healing our fragmented culture (2007) , and Kauffman, in ‘Reinventing the sacred: a new view of science, reason and religion’ (2008) have have pointed out the links between the term science and an inherent reductionist perspective".

Pretty different concept on how they used to look @ the world and how we do now aye!!

The same greek verb is also the basis for schizophrenia [interesting huh?]
SWIM is getting some caapi leaves to infuse with jungle spice freebase in the hopes to make some good Changa. The plan is to use ethanol to dissolve the freebase in and then to infuse it into the caapi leaves. Sounds like fun! Anyone have any suggestions of proportions of Caapi leaves to spice? I'm thinking of a ration that will make about 20mg spice per bowlful but I'm wondering if that wouldn't be enough maoi to make a big difference.
Physis means nature, yes and poesis (or poetry in english) in greek also means creation, the act of making something. The words "create" and "make" do have their roots in poesis

But not on physis#( or physics). Physis and poesis can be related in meaning (sometimes even being synonyms), but they do not even have the common root.

That is, they can just have similar meaning to some ancient writers, nothing more. No evidence for same rooting so far.

thanks for the info re poiesis root,
I'll have to re-check the Heidegger stuff, might have read it wrong.

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