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OG Pioneer
SWIM finally tested it. She impregnated a smoking mix supposedly containing some Calea Zakatechichi and a bit of Salvia Divinorum (it was bought from a head shop).

Although Salvia presence was observable its amount was insignificant.

Herb/spice ratio was 1.5/1.0.

First experience was with a small dose equivalent of 20 mg of spice. It was nice, colorful, slightly euphoric but not unlike pure spice.

Next day SWIM tried a higher dose of 78 mg of changa (~31 mg of spice). The experience was deep and difficult, but SWIM did not notice any difference between changa and pure spice.

Well, it may have been easier to inhale, but it could be credited to using a bong and/or dilution of spice with the herbs smoke.

So far SWIM has been disappointed. Is she the only one?
Yes, I think she is the only one. It seems to be common that when people try Changa, they don't look back. Calea is nice, but try a 1:1 spice leaf mix with Calea and Lotus (50/50)

Heavens, dear mother of the mother of tobacco you won't be disappointed!

Tonight I will be testing my 1g Pau d'Arco/1g spice/300mg Caapi extract changa. I can't wait to see what awaits me.


Paging Gammagore, resident Changologist Extraordinaire.
Hells bells, thats a first.

You seem to have doupt of these herbs you got. Maybe thats part of your dissapointment? Calea is a good herb to use, im surprised you didnt notice any difference. Each herb gives its own feeling to the journey, you just need to enhance a few different blends and you will see for yourself. You dont need to be making grams of this stuff, enhancing 200-300mg at a time is ok, just till you find what works for you.

You should have made it 1:1, alot of people who make it weak seem a little dissapointed, no use in smoking so much herb to get there. Yes part of the beauty of enhanced leaf, is its easy administration.

You should get your herbs from a trusted vendor and make it 1:1. For it to be changa it should have MAOI, so maybe find some passionflower and enhance that. Passionflower is easy to find, the first time I used it, I was blown away by it.

As you probably have more of the leaf you enhanced try this, load a small cone, smoke that, then a few minutes later, when you feel ready, load up a bigger cone and rip that one. That should blow you away.

Hope you get to see what all the fuss is about.
YES.....changa needs an MAOI to be "official" changa. caapi is the best. i have found that making some "ayasopropal alcohol" is the best way to get the most spirit from the vine into your changa. works better than ground up vine or leaf. just soak about 20gr. caapi vine (chop/pulverize first) in just enough 99% isopropal alcohol to cover it. let it sit for a few days to get every bit of magic.....then use this "APA" to dissolve your spice and infuse your leaf.

as far as leaf goes.....calea is great for dreamy visions. peppermint, mullein and lavender are great for their soothing/healing effects on the lungs. you wana have an INTENSE experience? try infusing a super potent sativa. if you want to feel the full power of tryptamine wisdom, infuse chaliponga leaf and prepare to be destroyed and reconstructed from the atomic level.

interestingly, i've never made a changa with salvia.....though i have used a salvia tincture and then smoked dmt....i'm quite sure that in the right ratios that would be one profound voyage as well....

don't write off changa just yet, trickster my sister. this honestly is the best way to work with the spice....

personally, right now my favorite changa is a simple, plain mullein leaf infused with spice via ayasopropal alcohol. spice/MAOI/and lung soothing herb. simple. powerful. wonderful. ;)

I'll start by saying that I'll always reserve the right to load up a machine with some fluffy white crystal joy and blast myself into blissful awareness, but right now, for me, its all about the beautiful immersive journeys that only CHANGA can offer. :)

I doubt I'll ever be leaving the incredible spirit of Caapi out of the equasion again after these recent travels.

Also.. The moon had rainbows last night, before the DMT!
Smoking a bowl of plain, unspiced caapi leaf before you smoke changa is a quick easy way to load up on MAOIs; I find it extends the journey measurably, particularly on the tail end, after being in the realm of the Spice when I get maybe two or three times as long within a clearly defined 'plant space'.... I find a beautiful additional aspect that changa brings.
I love the fact that you will undoubtedly smoke more changa, and it gets you more and more inhibited as the night go's on.

My first blast is so subtle I have to almost relax to let the visions creep in, 10 or 15 mins later I'm back laughing away at myself because it totally got me (again! lol) and I didn't remember it starting to work on me. Its like a seamless flow from one reality to another. I notice a PING! from the Caapi and it feels so uplifting.
Keep somoking more changa and It keeps gettin longer and much much more bizarre, but the best possible kind of bizzarre there is :)

I really do love this stuff... and much fun is to be had making your own special batches of sacred salad.
gammagore said:
Hells bells, thats a first.

You seem to have doupt of these herbs you got. Maybe thats part of your dissapointment?
Could be. SWIM bought them from an untested source.

gammagore said:
You dont need to be making grams of this stuff, enhancing 200-300mg at a time is ok, just till you find what works for you.

SWIM didn't. She mixed 300 mg of spice and 450 mg of herbs.

gammagore said:
You should have made it 1:1, alot of people who make it weak seem a little dissapointed, no use in smoking so much herb to get there. Yes part of the beauty of enhanced leaf, is its easy administration.

SWIM said it was not a problem to smoke 78 mg of enhanced leaf in one toke. Considering her weight the dose was 0.45 mg/kilo. She thinks if the ratio was 1:1 then the herbs presence would have been even less pronounced.

gammagore said:
You should get your herbs from a trusted vendor and make it 1:1.

She is already looking for a good supplier.

gammagore said:
For it to be changa it should have MAOI, so maybe find some passionflower and enhance that. Passionflower is easy to find, the first time I used it, I was blown away by it.

Thanks. I will pass it on. She is waiting for some Caapi & THH tinctures to arrive and plans to add some to the next preparation.

gammagore said:
As you probably have more of the leaf you enhanced try this, load a small cone, smoke that, then a few minutes later, when you feel ready, load up a bigger cone and rip that one. That should blow you away.

On her first day she did that. Although mostly she kept adding relatively small amounts of leaf. It was nice, not as frightening as sub-threshold spice could be, but the content of visions was still the same as the spice by itself.
camakazi said:
I doubt I'll ever be leaving the incredible spirit of Caapi out of the equasion again after these recent travels.
Ohhhh! The spirit of Caapi! SWIM once had an incredibly beautiful experience with Caapi alone. She (the caapi) was like a stern but kind teacher to SWIM. Strangely enough, she never come back to her although she brew 10 more drinks after that one.
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