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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Anybody given this a shot? (caapi + changa)
The reason i ask is that i have alot of changa, but no freebase spice, and really much prefer changa anyway.
Errr nothing wrong with a bit of extra caapi! Drinking caapi and then smoking some good changa sounds like a really, really fantastic idea to me, possibly the best idea I've heard all day. I say good luck and godspeed to you! Definitely on my 'to do' list... 8)
Il always have a pipe of changa ready for vaping when fully MAOI'd.

I find the effect to come on a little slower and more gentle, like a warm blanket of jimjam covers my whole body. Good stuff:)
Caapi brews goes very well with either vaped freebase of changa. It is what we call "Vapohuasca" here. Oral or sublingual harmalas prior vaping.
Enjoy the method !!
rOm said:
Caapi brews goes very well with either vaped freebase of changa. It is what we call "Vapohuasca" here. Oral or sublingual harmalas prior vaping.
Enjoy the method !!

In the past people called it fumahuasca. I wonder how far we can go with these linguistic innovations. So I guess oral/sublingual/ harmalas and rectal dmt must be called rectalhuasca? And if dmt is transdermal? dermahuasca?

And if it is intraocular?? Ocuhuasca?

Nasal? snortahuasca?
I can already see the titles:

"Changahuasca, the drug that cripples the nation"

"Teenagers arrested for smoking changahusca in the school's toilets"

"Man dies after injecting changahusca"

The name changahusca is so ridiculous that makes me nauseous. Even "changa" is bad enough already. Both stands up there with all the other -huasca type linguistic euphemisms.
So you'd rather choose the former n,n-dmt preparation after a cup of banisteripsis caapi tea.
I like this one too. No way to confuse anybody.
Yeah these terms are getting ridiculous, changa typically contains an maoi anyway so the 'huasca' is completely unnecessary.
Infundibulum said:
Even "changa" is bad enough already.

You can say that again.

In some parts of Mexico, crystal meth is called "chuky". If you think "changa" sounds bad, you should imagine it in Spanish.

"Deemsters" would not be even close. It even sounds classy in comparison.

I bet that is partially the reason why the Ayahuasca aficionados got angry at Dorge when he claimed that "Changa" was the EVOLUTION of Ayahuasca.
It really sounds like some cheap druggie slang, even in English.

but hey, to each his own.
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