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Migrated topic.


Chen Cho Dorge
OG Pioneer
So in the interest of keeping thinks as simple as possible... SWIM has been wondering if there are methods available to make Changa even easier to make...

what if one just took a bunch of chalipoonga and caapi leaf and soaked it in ethanol and did a 10x extract of chalipoonga and caapi leaf, you know dehydrating it down from 100gms onto 10gms leaf. now why would this not work again?
the alks need to be converted to a smokable form... or no?
Last night, a shaved orangutan cut up 10g of caapi leaf and 10g chaliponga leaf, and stuck them in a mason jar covered in IPA. In about a month's time, his pet maqaque will evap this into more of the same leaf for what he hopes will be something like 10xPonga.

I will ask him to report back to you directly.
that maqaque is my kind of maqaque....
swim might not be able to last that long lol...

Swim asks because swimis seriously curious if there are simpler more green and tastey ways of doing things...
It probably doesn't need a month, but this monkey is going to be away and sadly he can't bring the mix with him
now see thats what swim is wondering... could ya just add some lime stone paste to the ethanol and call it quits?
Oi, I think this will work once based but be yucky because of the fats/oils being pulled with ethanol.

Something to base your alks is necessary, maybe that's what the lime stone paste is for? Sodium carbonate would really be a better choice imo, b/c I don't know if smoking CaOH is safe and I remember reading that smoking SC is probably fine.

I tried something similar with a bufo changa using sodium carbonate and it was a hassle to smoke. It looked like a cheap salvia extract, sticky with tar-like junk. There might be more oils in seeds than leaf (chali), but quick'n'dirty is really not desirable.

Better to base and pull, then salt and re-base. Or if you're really crunching time, stb with naptha and freeze precip. Yields won't be much to remember fondly.

Best to never rush.
SWIM thinks the goal is not to rush but to find something that is acceptable but not optimal working with the bare green essentials.
Ah, naptha and lye are out then :p

How about the Poor Mans Tek by Spiceman? It looks like it'd separate some of the oils from the product. I never tried it, and don't know if it'd pull the spectrum of alks out of chali, but it'd probably get something.
ok so that works........adding chalipoonga to your 10xcaapi extraction process is well... effective.
with spice... though swims spider monkey made a batch w/out spice and will see how that goes... swim would think that one would have to smoke a lot without the spice... but who knows bio-assays are waiting.more bio-assays need to be done with spice in order to give good qualitative differences.
swim must say subliminally this is pretty freaking strong and swim is only just licking a tiny bit off his fingers.
The DMT is not in it's freebase form in the plant. Different acid's in the bark\plants, mainly Tannic acid, bind with DMT form a very hash-smoking salt.

You could do an alcohol extraction + filter it really well then evaporate it to leave you a paste.

You could take the paste and mix it with sodium carbonate powder + a tiny bit of water to form a paste.

The dried + powderized extract\carbonate paste could be mixed into 99% Isopropyl Alcohol.

The alcohol could be filtered then evaporated to yield your freebase plant extract.

Might be worth a shot? It seems like it would take a lot of alcohol to do a full extraction.
that is what SWIM has been thinking. as it is its still fairly active. SWIM doesnt know why.
it doesnt take that much alcohol.
pretty simple in its basic idea... take ethanol dilluted with limestone paste... soak your challipoonga for a few weeks...strain... evap mark with evaped caapi leaf. then end. add spice if needed swim supposes.
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