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Changing my brian

Migrated topic.


So I've been hitting dmt hard for a couple of weeks not good I know but something changed u know how you look out one eye u see from one angle close that eye look out the other the angle different I was able to do that without have to close one eye I could feel the front of my Brain clicking back and forth to both views. I'm going on a break from dmt for a while cause my Brian is reacting different to normal functions. But isn't that a trip. I could feel my 🧠 clicking back and forth. I believe there is more to dmt than what is known. I've had ancestors call to me. I've meet both dark and light beings but it starts to change your Brian's natural functions. I'll try to post more. Don't worry I will be safe
Cool experience, though I find it within the boundary of possibility with DMT. It sounds like you're able to change your focus in a way that allows such experience.

Timmyt said:
So I've been hitting dmt hard for a couple of weeks not good I know but

I'm not trying to debate or anything, I'm really just curious, but why do you feel this is "not good?"

One love
There's a technical term for the visual alternation phenomenon - binocular rivalry - so it's nothing new. I myself noticed it happening for the first time while on mushrooms nearly 3 decades ago. I'd say the fact that you've noticed it is an effect of the general amplification of awareness that psychedelics can produce. Hence, you've simply become aware of something that was previously a background process which you were hitherto, well, not even taking for granted.

An integration break will be a great time for carrying these insights further, bringing non-drug techniques to the table, and generally taking good care of yourself through diet, exercise, self-education, creative endeavor, and contact with outdoor nature.

This could be the tip of the iceberg - consider how you can optimise the experience of the world for not only yourself but others around you. In a sense, the visual alternation phenomenon could be seen as a metaphor for how one might choose one's perspective in any given situation.

PS - remember, the brain is an exquisitely adaptive organ regardless of what your ego structures might have to say about this! What makes you so sure it was operating in a "natural" way in the first place?
Interesting topic and by the way you have a couple typos that spell brain as Brian.

I do believe heavy and frequent DMT use can change the brain but I suspect a few weeks of it is not enough.

I also believe it can open up parts of our minds that were closed down to us and let us access unique ways of perceiving the world.

Good that you are taking a break but I want to thank you for documenting your experience.
Voidmatrix said:
Cool experience, though I find it within the boundary of possibility with DMT. It sounds like you're able to change your focus in a way that allows such experience.

Timmyt said:
So I've been hitting dmt hard for a couple of weeks not good I know but

I'm not trying to debate or anything, I'm really just curious, but why do you feel this is "not good?"

One love
Well I don't want addiction to set in. It's something someone should always be cautious of.
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