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Chat with Ralph Metzner of DMT the Spirit Molecule film

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
from Silo:
Hi guys, i'll be starting a chat room for anyone who is interested in Ayahuasca and DMT. This could be a place for us to chat real-time about our experiences, or simply just to hang out. The room will be hosted through mIRC (www.mirc.com) it's a very simple and straightforward program to use, and it's a very powerful way to communicate with the world... it has been around for ages. In addition, this is a great way to exchange files too if anyone has any great icaros that they would like to share..... our sister room on the server is #spiritplants and on the
5th of Jan. There will be a guest speaker called Ralph Metzner from the upcoming DMT: the spirit molecule film... so come join us !!!

the server we will be hosted on is yage.net
and the channel name is: Ayahuasca

to log on to the server manually: do this: /server irc.yage.net
then once you're on the server type /j #ayahuasca (or you can simply go to the commands tab on top and choose join channel, then enter the name of the room)

SPREAD THE WORD! let's get together!
I already checked out the channels, very nice. I hope to be there at the 5th. [b:5f92254d20]If anyone has questions for Ralph Metzner please post them here so I can ask these questions at the chat session on the 5th.[/b:5f92254d20] Kind regards, The Traveler
[quote:67a4c9d07d="asabola"]Can you ask if any more research or studies in the works?[/quote:67a4c9d07d] OK, I will ask that. Any thoughts about a specific direction of research?
I have a topic of research. It may be too controversial. However I think it has some intriguing possibilities. Communication Between Trippers --------------------------------------- Basically two subjects are given a mild to medium sized dose of DMT. Each of these subjects is given a word beforehand, that only they know. Before dosing, the subjects must meditate, concentrate, and focus on the word. Then they are simultaneously given the dosage, and lay down so that their minds are close together. The trippers then both attempt to communicate that word on to the other during the trip. When they "wake up", see if either word was passed successfully. If so, then that is proof the DMT space is "real". cheers, pattern
is the video out yet i would want to watch that before i ask any questions...
Anyone else can come in and ask as well. I think the format will be the questions will be pmed to the ops and then will be asked to Metzner, in a modded room. I am positive the logs will be kept and posted.
sorry had just scanned the replies and didnt see your idea, pattern. perhaps we can explore this experiment right here. i seem to have lab monkeys gathering and might be able to try this. another intresting thing might be to try this across vast distances coodinating via irc.
This is the MIRC text about the question of "Communication between trippers": [code:1:6613401d69]<+DMT_Nexus> Dr Metzner, we are interested in your opinion on a study of "Communications between entheogenic users"&#58; Basically two subjects are given a mild to medium sized dose of DMT. Each of these subjects is given a word beforehand, that only they know. <~kemp> many thanks Ralph, I imagine you might be tired of typing soon <+DMT_Nexus> Before dosing, the subjects must meditate, concentrate, and focus on the word. Then they are simultaneously given the dosage, and lay down so that their minds are close together. <+DMT_Nexus> The entheogenic users then both attempt to communicate that word on to the other during the trip. When they "wake up", see if either word was passed successfully. <+DMT_Nexus> &#40;sorry for the fast post&#41; <~kemp> we can take a break sometime, whenever is good for you, Ralph <~kemp> no problem DMT_Nexus <@Ralph> I'm okay, though the switch from one question to another is a bit startling - from God to sex to telepathy. oh well. <~kemp> haha <~kemp> sorry... we have all types here &#58;&#41; <~kemp> all good tho <@Ralph> I'm not familiar with the particular DMT experiment you refer to, but sure one can do it. <@Ralph> You could also do the same or similar thought transfer experiment without DMT. <@Ralph> Most traditional parapsychology experiments fail after a while because they <@Ralph> use words or symbols that don't mean anything personally. Telepathy occurs in psychedelic states among people who are bonded with one another and involved and excited about a shared experience. <@Ralph> similarly to musicians improvising with one another - often report being <@Ralph> completely attuned with what they are each getting. end[/code:1:6613401d69] What's most interesting to me is his comments on the word, it has not enough symbolic strength, maybe better to strengthen the word with something very special or use something else, just a thought or so (pun intended).
[quote:fe879f2008="lucious"]sorry had just scanned the replies and didnt see your idea, pattern. perhaps we can explore this experiment right here. i seem to have lab monkeys gathering and might be able to try this. another intresting thing might be to try this across vast distances coodinating via irc.[/quote:fe879f2008] Cool! Thanks for taking my idea seriously. I know it is far out there. Please let us know if anything comes of it, positive or negative. The experiment can be altered to use symbols of course (the receiver thus drawing it afterwards), or whatever seems prudent. The point is communication across the DMT-verse, thus proving it is "real". I dont consider this telepathy. Telepathy seems more like something one would do in a sober state. I hope by monkeys you meant people. If you meant real monkeys, then I got another experiment for you: http://www.digg.com/general_sciences/Humans_Primates_Psychedelics ;)
Hey pattern, I don't think that idea is far out there at all...I once took a trip with a friend and at one point, while we were sitting on a porch together our minds simply melded. I was her, she was me. When I looked at her, it was like looking in a mirror; our thoughts, motions, everything was the same. I would say thats along the lines of telepathy, if not an advanced version... 😉
Is it OK to post the interview here for everyone's reading pleasure? I happen to have a copy of yesterday's conversation cleaned up a bit for better readability.
[quote:3c22e67375="Dimitri"]Is it OK to post the interview here for everyone's reading pleasure? I happen to have a copy of yesterday's conversation cleaned up a bit for better readability.[/quote:3c22e67375] I don't see any reason not to so here it is. http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dmxpg4b_15gtsth6dk If the moderators here have something against it then they just erase this post.
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