What role does Christianity play in your relationship to DMT?
Before ayahuasca, I was 100% atheist for many years. The drink gave me a different perspective on life.
And after DMT, I could never look at the figure of Jesus with the same eyes again. He seemed more and more like a civilizing alien, bringing universal knowledge about Life and the Cosmos. How to overcome human suffering, put an end to historical hatreds (repay evil with good) and be happy.
I know that many people have had bad experiences with the different flavors of Christianity (I was an atheist for that reason), but beyond human institutions, the true message of Jesus is exactly the opposite of these institutions that "claim to represent him".
I speak of Jesus because I am in a Western country, and whether we like it or not, he is part of the cultural melting pot where I was born. But the little I have learned about other avatars, Buddha, Krishna, etc... converge in general terms on spirituality. I see that the problem lies more with the "followers". Jesus, Buddha, Krishna Yeah! Christians, Buddhists and Hare Krishnas Ughh!
I believe that life is much stranger and more complex than fiction.
Nowadays I consider myself post-religious. But the words of Jesus still echo strongly in my soul.